If the French pretty much conquered Jerusalem on their own, founded badass orders such as the Knight's templars, France was called the "Elder daughter of the church" and had super pious kings such as Saint Louis, and saved western europe at Tours, how come they're so cucked and unreligious today ?
If the French pretty much conquered Jerusalem on their own, founded badass orders such as the Knight's templars...
Looked like this could be interesting for a little bit, and then you just had to spoil it all?
>Saved Western Europe at Tours
ok buddy
Obviously because you're cherrypicking the "good parts" so to speak.
You're ignoring the fact that the aristocracy in France also bled the peasant class dry, and did so with the blessings of the Church for hundreds of years.
>how come they're so cucked and unreligious today ?
More than Sweden, Germany, Great-Britain, and other Northern countries though, and being that you're French yourself, you'd know that there's more than one segment of the population that hasn't desisted in the slightest from Catholicism (usually Bourgeois class or the elderly).
>saved western europe at Tours,
Toulouse*, significant battle > meaningless raid.
Si tu veux une vraie réponse, what has alienated France from the Church was that Republicans were suspicious that it might dare infringe on the French system, and revoke republicanism, hence why women were banned from voting for such a long time (republicans scared that the Church would influence women), or that the 1905 laws ousted all forms of religion from government. And it's therefore been ingrained by Republicans in France that the Church was a threat to our liberal ideals, and progressively, we've taken our distance from them. Throw in a conspiracy "mais mais les francs-maçons" if you want to complete that, and there.
Also, all more "advanced" civilizations usually edge away from religion for we believe it to be a relic of the past somehow.
>less than Sweden, Germany and Great-Britain*
Well memed.
France is the only country where there was a huge protest movement to resist gay marriage, which was forced through despite being opposed by most of the population.
the french revolution fucked up a lot of things.
They didnt experience a revival after that.
>ignoring alliance with the ottomans
>ignoring the cathartic crusades
>implying France was a unified entity before absolutism
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8:8
>ignoring how Phillip the Fair destroyed the Templars for bullshit reasons
Masonic revolt of 1789
Secularism is a European idea, Asian civilizations are very religious. Both the rich and the poor.
Because it is in their blood, duh. Have you ever met a frenchman? You can realise how weak they are just by looking at them.
France is actually one of the most hardcore Catholics in Europe, you don't hear from them much, because they don't live in the cities. Secularist Enlightenment indoctrination started in France but it barely influenced their psyche.
If you want to find out why the French rejected politically candidates like Le Pen, you have to look at economic reasons, not cultural.
Now I know this is bait
'''''''French'''''' (((revolution)))
Godfrey was Flemish you stupid fuck
Or I mean to say from the Low Countries
You have no clue what you're talking about. If you actually read a history book you'd know that certain parts of the country remained catholic after the revolution while others didn't. Your talk about "psyche" is total nonsense.
>Ally with the Turks
>Ally with the protestants
>Catholic genocide
>Le new gods XD
France has always been diabolic and perfidious. The personification of the antichrist
freemasons are cancer and should die
>inb4 someone tells me they are just a club of old people doing nothing
Not really, they just go along with religious ceremony because it is still ingrained in their culture. There's a very interesting thing where Japan is alternately recorded as being 90% atheist and 90% religious.
The romans didn't see faith as a primordial part of their religious lives. Yet they still carried on the ceremonies and did sacrifices for good luck, so even if they don't really give a shit, they still have some degree of faith.
The merchant class was allowed too much power, and thus was able to influence the lower classes to do their bidding. It's still happening.
>Traditionalist, religious, monarchist group
>Worked against all those things
Okay buddy.
I have lived around Chinese and they are incredibly superstitious. Your call if that makes them 'religious' by a traditional standard, but they take things like ghosts and the afterlife extremely seriously. I helped a family move house once and they left about five different kinds of expensive chocolate bar out on the mantle overnight as an offering to stray spirits.
The Revolution literally ruined France
French Catholics aren't hardcore at all and they are a dying race(like the rest of us) contrary to the Sedevacantists who have a very high fertility and take their religion very seriously
Conservatism do not equal religiousness
After the achieved so much?
Because they just gave it all up...