>wtf is this faggot's problem?
essentially hasn't done shit since the NEO announcement and it's been nearly a fucking month. At least fucking take a hard dip like eth so we can accumulate more. POS.
>wtf is this faggot's problem?
essentially hasn't done shit since the NEO announcement and it's been nearly a fucking month. At least fucking take a hard dip like eth so we can accumulate more. POS.
>he hasn't been riding the daily waves for easy gains
are you like a dumb?
>most stable coin in the crash
>price contiously rose slightly while bitcoin hit 2900
do you realize what this means?
That it's primarily traded against CNY?
Are you like a bitch thats going to get left behind on a first sharp rise? Yes, you are!
that id tho
It's its own paradigm
Rebrand is on Monday, be patient
it's probably my autistic brother in the other room
wow. nice samefag. go fuck yourself, loser
>rename the coin
nice plan
it's not just a rename. but i can see why dumbasses who do no research might think that
you may not have noticed but there was a market wide crash recently. despite that, ans held its value very well.
nobody respects the solid performance ANS has had during this super shit bear market.
>in before "it's the fucking devs propping the market up with coins they bought at their own ICO" conspiracy
rebranding to NEO is the first step for it to be picked up by some big company in China. I wish it went to somewhere around 230k though, I really want back in
all it takes is 1
Day traded and got 400 free ants, lost 130 badly buying when it went to 280. The gains outweigh the costs senpai
Ye I want back in as well. Hopefully it crashes temporarily.
>what are limit orders
also every sharp rise comes with a sharp fall. you only need to look at the average of the swings to know what a safe buy/sell point will be. you might see a few shitty cycles, you might miss opportunity on a few cycles, but the money is there to be made.
>and it's been nearly a fucking month
WOW a whole month! Sell then fag.
>implying i would buy a chinese knockoff coin
>implying NEO, which has fixed many of the glaring problems of ETH, is a knockoff.
it was mooning 3 mins ago there was 4 threads in the last 15 mins to prove this fact so this thread is wrong?