if you aren't in ANS by sunday you will be poor forever.
Be smart trust me. I'm autistic.
if you aren't in ANS by sunday you will be poor forever.
Be smart trust me. I'm autistic.
Like /pol/ autistic or rain man autistic?
rain man autistic
Question for ANS holders. Right now I hold about 40% of my portfolio in ANS since mid June. I'm wondering what percentages you guys here maintain in your portfolio? Even if you love ANS there are obviously many other great cryptos out there to hold (for example I'm holding a lot of ICN and some cheaper/ higher risk higher reward token on lesser known cryptos like TRST and DGD).
The 1st of every month is when I get my crypto budget for the month so I'm trying to figure out how much to fork over into ANS. Also I'm a simple holder so I never trade and only ever increase my holdings from my paycheck.
when this coin makes us ANS / NEO holders super rich, our vengeance will be swift and merciless. this forum shall be thread after thread of rubbing it in for days. mark my words.
why do you expect ANS to moon ? just a feeling or any actual logic behind this assumption ?
You will see it on monday
When it fails to moon after the rebrand we'll make you spammers eat shit every day until you stay contained to one thead.
a name change doesnt mean it moons user, sry to destroy your delusion
we've been over this
when news/change happens the price drops
You know the drill goy.
it's not just a name change.
you would know this if you did just the tiniest amount of research.
It is literally just a rebranding.
I hope its not just a rebranding.
Fuck mooning. This past week has been amazing, with king btc on the rise and ans keeping up instead of crashing like everything else.
>t. guy who did no research
You people are so fucking lazy, why do we keep spoonfeeding you?
>Jun 22, 2017 9:22 PM EST
it was the last conference
Not only that but
>NEO’s recent new startup partners include Bancor, Agrello, Coindash, Nest Fund, and Binance, with more partner announcements to come.
The fact that Agrello is on that list makes me trust it zero fucking percent.
>hurr durr, ANS / NEO is a scam
give me a break, faggots.
Why would you do a news conference when you are in the middle of rebranding so when your next conference you can show you are a GOD
Holy fuck you people are helpless
Thats all good and nice but this coin doesnt even have a fucking tech roadmap. Only the worst tier of trash will put their money in this.
again, do your own research. you faggots want everything spoonfed to you. how about you give me some BTC and I'll find it all for you? deal?
LOL there is a tech roadmap on the neo website nigga you poor forever
There is nothing to research, NEO will drop to 210 k after rebranding and accamulate
This thing will fall hard after the rebrand I'd imagine. Set your stop losses, sell at the tip, etc.
>TFW you emptied your ANS heavy bags when BTC spiked to $3k last night.
I'm heavily into ANS and I believe in the coin as a long term investment but holy fuck the constant shilling is starting to really piss me off.
The "rebranding" isn't just a simple name change. Most people assume it's just name change only but they are wrong.
When they announce Neo's new features, NeoContract/NeoFS/NeoQ/NeoX/NeoMessage, roadmaps and the Nest Fund (Neo Smart Contract DAO) later on, the price is gonna go up big time as everyone rushes to get in.
Neo Features: i.imgur.com
Nest Fund: i.imgur.com
They also have access to 15 million worth of Antshares later this year, and they will be able to use that for further development/marketing/wallets/bounties/rewards/salary etc.
This year will be huge for Neo and it's only going to get better.
Oh my God.
If you don't get ANS after reading this, you deserve to be poor.
90% not even kidding i have 10k xvg about 1500 fun and 55 of some shitcoin some user send me corval or some shit
Own about 100 ans
if its not fake, it will hit 20$ by the end of the year
so when do they officially announce all this ? this monday ? you have convinced me that there is more behind this than I thought user. I might get a small amount of ANS just need to know how much time I have to wait for the weekend dip...
Also, if any other exchanges or businesses were to going to announce any sort of partnerships with NEO then they're going to wait until the rebrand is completed. Dahongfei also already has some serious connections in China through prior work with Onchain. Going to be an interesting few months for NEO after monday.
yes, $20 is the target. I think it'll happen even sooner than December.
maybe its just fake news
Lmao, in what kind of universe is this shit not factored in current price? You're really dumb
Whose target? Nobody gives a shit about your wet dreams, phag
>it's just a new name. lame.
>well uh, all that amazing stuff is just factored in already!
go suck a dick dude.
publicly available info to chinese clearly not factored in the price. Show a shred of intelligence here and stop acting like a clown.
>has no agument
DGB 2.0
yeah, ok dude. keep moving the goal posts after we proved you wrong.
Spiritual partner will always be DGB
I have 10,000 ans. About 40% of my stack as well. Being patient. It will pay.
plenty of Veeky Forums retards are telling you not to buy ANS. so there you go.
I have 1500 ANS. Will I make it to lamboland?
you have plenty. 10,000 is just crazy. super lambo land there.
I'll admit it, you're a shill that works hard. I remember you from the last thread you made with the sunglasses ANS image. These retards deserve to lose their money anyway. Only way they'll learn ~
of course, patience is key. 10k ANS is a fine number
hell yeah man you and me both
Yeah 1500 is pretty huge. Given how crypto work, in 2 to 3 months you could see some very sick gains.
Not falling for your chink scam coins ever again
No joke, 90% of my portfolio is now ans/neo. Im not really even worried at this stage. market cap to coin limit ratio gives it potential that is off the charts
only a matter of time
I'm 80 percent in neo and I still think this is how it should be
>sold STRAT for ANS
I can never do things right
thats a surprisingly good choice IMO
What are the particularities of Ans , ant and neo that make you guys boner for them?
Lotta chinks will zerg rush this coin
Ant? Why?
Why would anyone trust the chinks?
Because I was on pol when the shemitah happened. Everything crashed because the chinks shanghai index crashed. These fuckers just day trade on their phones not knowing what they were doing, but their market shot up so everyone was making money until... it crashed. They will get worked up into a frenzy over antshares once it catches on and it will start going up exponentially once they see all their friends making money.
Then when it's over $200 a share I will cash out my 560 ANS and let them hold the bag. I don't care about coins, I just want to make money.
Send me a coin and I'll join you in this Shangai ride.
A coin is $7.50 fag buy your own
Read the white paper.
Digital asset registration is massive in china. ANS plans to put this on the blockchain to trade assets.
It does what ethereum does but you can use actual real coding languages instead of using shitty solidity
Google dBFT.
It generates ANC. - the gas of the platform.
Its fast, as it is already a better version of POS it processes blocks every 15 seconds and this will become faster.
Anything else you want to know ask me.
Will it hit $1000?
Yes. I looked at the meme triangles.
So how muc do you reccomend putting in ants and when?
As much as you can afford to lose if everything bottoms out. Think of a number that you will kill yourself if you lose. Do 1 dollar less than that.
ETH you're going down.
Enjoy being a millionaire user.
Everything right now, goyim.
Heres an idea: we need a AntChan
>go to 8fag
>make chink coin sub reddit
>stay the hell off Veeky Forums
>circle jerk each other off about beating dogs to death
There you go
If you do not have skin in ANS especially after it was just on sale during the crash then you should not even be in crypto. Probably one of the most obvious plays this month
So Antshares change to NEO.
Do you have to be download new wallet, or is same old Antshares wallet good?
ANS barely even flinched during the """crash"""
herro user foreigner, buy coin great coin best price
has CCP seal of approvar, mainland safe, investment great
I went back and checked and damn, you're right. This coin went sideways all the way through it.