Is there any era in the past you find so fascinating that you would unironically be ok living in it?
Is there any era in the past you find so fascinating that you would unironically be ok living in it?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, the past was generally a shit.
No. The past is a nice place to visit via books and museums, but I kinda like the idea of penicillin, clean water and dental surgery with anaesthetic too much.
Post wwII america up until the 80s. My grandpa bought two houses just from plating meals in a restaurant. He had an eight grade education. Fuck that faggot I swear.
I can think of one...
Why do faggots shit up every favorite era thread with
>muh disease
>muh child death
Fuck off and let the thread happen without your fence sitting retardation.
>wanting to live in a time of homophobia, racism, sexism, transmisogyny, fatism, etc
back to
This is the only acceptable answer.
Fucking homophobic dinosaurs
>hey guys I've always loved X, i think it'd be really cool to go back then
>hurr durr faggot no iPhones muh disease no Veeky Forums
God tier music
As long as I don't have to go to Vietnam, it's a paradise.
I'd like to be a wealthy lord in medieval times, but not a commoner. I'd be fine with living in pre-history Western Europe.
Roman empire under Trajan.
>he doesn't want to go to Vietnam to kill Vietnam fucking shits in between fucking viet whores and smoking Thai marijuana and shooting Thai dope
Shiggy diggity
>going back to help ruin the country
Off yourself, Kent State best day of my life
It is objectively better right now, on this side of the fence. I'm happy here. Sorry you hate yourself and your life.
>being a statist in the USA
Depends. Do I get to live in what would be considered comfortable for the time? Because the late 1800s would probably be it for me. That or mid-18th century Berlin.
>please don't shatter my rose-tinted fantasy of what the past was like
Wanting to experience the past doesn't mean you hate your life, it just means someone has a great interest in history. That's the fucking point of this board faggot.
How come this isn't possible anymore?
Is it because of immigration bringing down the price of labour? Is something to do with fiat currency?
t. 16 year old
There's plenty of other reasons and this may be veering into /pol/ territory, but remember that women also didn't work nearly as much as they do now. This has expanded the labor pool by a lot.
>being a subversive
>literally ruining utopia
It shouldn't have been possible in the first place, t b h.
>a dark, dangerous jungle filled with gigantic reptilian carnivores who would snack on you, and giant reptilian herbivores which were probably so ornery that they made hippopotamus seem pleasant.
Sounds like a lovely place to live.
I can't even imagine how good the average middle class guy had it 100 years ago
>women didn't work
>didn't vote
>dressed modestly
>literally taught by the church to obey men
>knew their place as wives/baby machines
>dependent on their man
We should've just shot the suffragettes tbqh
Yeah we get it Chaim, we should all work 18 hr days for $1/day
Yeah but you would have been some dingy coal miner who makes less money than what the commissary charges you for meal tickets at the company store, putting you hopelessly in debt and making it so that none of those cutey little waifus want anything more to do with you than they do with you as some sweaty, obese tech-dweeb in 2017, and you probably still would have married within your league.
romanticizing the past is retarded. Get over yourself and lift more if you are that desperate for a qt3.14 waifu
Ottoman Empire at any time
I make a lot of money now relative to the common person, so if we got our current social status I'd be pretty well off. Probably a higher clerk or something.
>trans misogyny
Shouldn't it just be misogyny, chauvinism, or sexism? WTF with all this special snowflake crap?
~t. BiGuy
>if you want to live in a more socially conservative time you are le neckbeard fatty xDD
Why is it this is literally the only retort liberals have?
Genderoles aside,
> tfw gril so anytime period
before modern medicine that made child birth safe and less painful, is basically shit.
Not even the 1920s (which fascinates me a lot).
Teehee I'm a girl btw
post feet
>implying utopia can exist in a society that values liberty over safety
Because if you right-wingers had an ounce of willpower and work ethic, you wouldn't be bitching about wanting to live in socially conservative areas. You'd go live in them.
If you *really* wanted a sweet, innocent cutie of a waifu, you wouldn't be sitting around shitting up message boards, you'd be in a gym, giving them what they want: someone who matches their commitment to physical effort.
But we all know the truth: you just want your birth-privilege back, and unfortunately for you the direction of history is towards meritocracy, and away from being ruled by the guy who crawled out of the right vagina
Your "perfect conservative waifu" had to put a shit ton of effort in order to be that way and not "fall victim to degeneracy". She is entitled to high standards because she is an extremely limited resource with high demand. You want access? You will have to pay your own way by making six figures and being physically strong and attractive.
Do you know what eternal recurrence means? It means that no matter how many lives you might have lived, they all would have been the same life lived over and over again.
Are you some middle-manager at a Office Max somewhere in Indiana? Or maybe the IT guy at a paper factory in Michigan? The 100 year ago equivalent to that would have seemed as equally appealing to those waifus you're fantasizing about. Being from the countryside, those sweet little farmers daughters probably would have idealized men who are outdoorsmen, men in uniforms, that kind of life, and could not have cared less about your fancy city-slicker desk-jockey job, which in practice was probably crap paying because income inequality was very high in those days.
They would have been married at 15 - 16 to another boy in her farming community, around 17 - 18. So maybe if you were a gentlemen farmer you would have gotten your waifu, but only as her rough equal in terms of age. Marrying older men would have been an even more rare exception back then than it is today, because these small communities were very, very insular, and those kind of age discrepancies only happened among the very wealthy
Your only bet for a qt3.14 would have been to go full Edgar Allen Poe: marry one of your cousins. But have fun peeing in your own gene pool.
Your post is so full of fallacies and stupid shit, it made my brain hurt.
Solid retort my man, you sure showed her!
end of the 19th century / beginning of the 20th century
I know sweetie, I know. Critical thinking doesn't come natural to right-wingers, they like penis measuring contests and living by the seat of their intuition.
One day, if you study history long enough, you'll come to the conclusion that most people do: that the past was the bad old days, romanticizing it just demonstrates a profound inability to empathize with other humans, because your vision of the past is based on what you feel it was like, without having done any research into how things actually were for most people.
Keep plugging away, and take an ibuprofen if your brain still hurts from all that thinking I'm trying to make you do.
Before the big bang.
t. r/history
> you wouldn't be sitting around shitting up message boards
so why are you shitting up Veeky Forums instead of creating a commie utopia or whatever
>muh current year
I'm not that guy, you are replying to my first post in this thread. I have no particular opinion regarding the subject at hand. I just wanted to note that your post was shit.
America 1960s-1970s
It's where you should go. It's where you should stay
cool answer, bro
Of course it was. I'd much rather be discussing the facts in a logical, impersonal manner. But I play tit for tat, and I'm not about to let all these pigeons shit all over the chess board.
t. /R/history
Your argument is simple Whig history and leftypol macros. There is nothing inherently better about modern society just because it's chronologically later
You know, repeating it doesn't make you seem any more intelligent, it just makes you seem like you've run out of ideas.
And I see that rather than have any actual rebuttal, you post memes. Good job.
Life in the past was the bad old days. There was once even a reality show which tried to make people live like they did 100 years ago, and they had to cancel it because each of the contestants found living conditions intolerable and had to stop.
>inherently better
this is where you blew it.
I never said inherently better.
I said relatively better.
Your perception of what life should be is a reflection of the life you already lived. If you tried to undo so many of the minor conveniences that you have taken for granted your whole life, you would find life intolerable once the novelty of living in another time period wore off.
Because people who actually want the simple life, rather than delude themselves into thinking they want it, have a way of finding it. There are plenty of places in the world where you could live as a subsistence farmer, or even a hunter-gatherer, if there was truly something about that life which calls you. But don't disparage the fact that people want other choices which you might personally not have made for yourself.
I'm not fantasizing about waifus. I just have an interest in history and society in the past. Stop projecting your fetishes you fucking creep.
>meaningless assumptions and anecdotes,personal opinion and #I'mwithHer smugness
W/e comrade, you showed those Nazis on Veeky Forums. Better luck in 2020.
>Is there any era in the past you find so fascinating that you would unironically be ok living in it?
The 1980's
I'd invest in Microsoft, Apple, Starbucks, Google, Paypal, Intel, Walmart, Disney, and any other company which turned into a colossal megacorp by 2017 and would have made me disgustingly wealthy relative to the population. No need to work, unless I wanted to, just sit on my tail waiting for the dividend check to arrive.
Going any further back than that would be retarded.
Jokes on you faggot. I am a rightwinger with a waifu. (I go to the gym though.)
Fuck Hillary. Wall-street sell-out who cheated to win the primaries and promised "more of the same." I'm fucking glad Donald Trump taught the Democrats a lesson in humility in 2016.
and I am only reflecting the smugness shown to me, and showing all you right-wingers how it feels when your opponent would rather shit on the chess board than make the next move.
Whoa, I totally believe you, bruh
All those people who vote conservative must consist out of 100% single men right? Thats probably how drumpf got elected too!
>I was pretending to be retarded
See you next time keyboard warrior
France 1799. If I can avoid being beheaded then I can enjoy the glory of the revolution and napoleons reign. Make a shit ton of money with my future knowledge, then move to Russia in the 1950s to kick it with their aristocracy. Tell all my kids to move to the US in about 1895. Die of TB. Kids probably dont listen and get killed by commies. Worth it.
>All those people
Only a sith deals in absolutes. But right-wingers do have a way of embellishing their own accomplishments, especially anonymously over the internet, which is probably why they voted for someone who is like, the king of self-embellishment.
I never once pretended to be doing anything but flinging the shit back at morons who flung it at me, first.
>See you next time keyboard warrior
don't let the door hit you on the way out, bruh. Thanks for playing, you'll do better next time, I'm sure.
>right-wingers do have a way of embellishing their own accomplishments, especially anonymously over the internet, which is probably why they voted for someone who is like, the king of self-embellishment.
Source for this claim? Its seems to me you have nothing but your own prejudice to support your belief that right wingers do this more than left wingers.
La Belle Epoque, or as you might call it in English, the Gilded era. From 1870 to 1914.
I've ranted about it before, but to reiterate my points:
>Paris, Berlin, Warsaw and Saint Petersbourg at their most beautiful, London being the only one better maybe these days
>booming economies across Europe, with about everything to invest in: finance in France thanks to Napoleon's III reforms, a thriving coal and iron market in Germany, easy loans from the Russian government who sought to industrialize by any means
>dopest fashion in Europe ever
>possibility to make a name for yourself thrpugh an easy military career of being sent to an outpost of your country's colonies, where you can take a rest from busy European lifestyle
>fascinating times if you want to enter politics (what will you do for your country in the Balkans, what will be your stance towards Banana republics, etc...)
And then you die in WWI laughing your ass off because you know it happens again thirty years later.
Classical Greece Athens or any other polis desu
>No homo
>Source for this claim?
It's in a time-posted nude picture of your waifu, mr. perfect conservative.
I'd much rather post something like these
>Before that, most of the world not only took poverty for granted, but also assumed that little could be done about it. Even the most optimistic early writers could not imagine that more than a few percent of the population would ever be well off
enjoy your shitty old days
What the fuck is your obsession with "waifus"? I don't think you have made a post without using that term.
It's just a bit of sport, making fun of right-wingers who think that life was better when women were subjugated, not realizing that so were the men, and their chances of scoring that perfect wife were even less likely than they were today.
Fuck off
It's time for you to leave this thread, one man one wife was a cornerstone of civilization and all but the severely disfigured and mentally ill were guaranteed a wife. I get you're a chick or whatever and consider the idea of being a baby making machine stuck in the kitchen abhorrent or whatever but don't go spouting falsehoods.
Don't make autistic sweeping generalizations about right-wingers and then act like you're above the rest of the retards in this thread.
doesn't mean your wife would be pretty or good in any way, but basically everyone got married young. Today the majority of people still get married but it's much later and there's less chance of having kids.
Most men and women are perfectly average. The majority of arranged marriages throughout history weren't some guy being stuck with an absolute uggo.
>muh disease
What kind of fucked up objection is this lol
The middle ages are not all of history. Almost every slave holding society could provide more comfort than modern first world countries.
>It's time for you to leave this thread,
Says the fox to the hound. Let me guess: like you've done so much winning that you're sick of winning so much, right?
>all but the severely disfigured and mentally ill were guaranteed a wife
That door swung both ways: enjoy your mentally unstable wife who henpecks you, and you really wish you could get a divorce and move on with your life but society says that would be a "sin", so you waste your time and your paycheck in some sleazy, run down peep show as a coping mechanism.
> I get you're a chick
Nigga, if I was a chick, would I really be trying to score nudes of some random asshole's (supposedly hot) wife?
I know, it sucks when people do that to do, doesn't it? Keep that in mind in the next thread you decide to post in
How dare you use Dylan you pathetic liberal scum
1920s-late 30s, late 40s - early 50s
Thanks for not responding like a dick. No sarcasm.
>Almost every slave holding society could provide more comfort than modern first world countries.
If you crawled out of the right vagina? Possibly.
I mean, just to be honest, it would be pretty awesome to be some Roman patrician living it up in his palace of eternal pleasures, being fed grapes and cooled down by slaves waving palm fronds, allowed to rape or kill without consequence. But then again ancient Roman conformity culture was insanely, lethally stifling, it would be an existence like Damocles' sword: you're one hurt feeling and subsequent conspiracy away from being compelled to commit suicide, so you just wallow in luxury until your inevitable doom, hoping that you can pass your DNA along with enough time without having your entire family massacred because you accidentally brought shame to the city
And lets consider the human side of living in a place like ancient Rome
-It's hot as shit most of the year and you have to wear a giant wool toga every where you go.
-You live in an uninsulated brick building. If you're wealthy you have a summer retreat in the countryside where you can escape the god awful heat and stench of the city
--Literal pots for people to piss in on the side of the road, left sitting there to ferment so that the ammonia separates, and this is what people use to clean their clothes
-uncoded buildings and complete lack of centralized defense means the possibility of a fire coming along and devastating everything you know and care about
-equally devastating plagues periodically sweeping through the city
-Extremely limited cuisine (by our standards). Many Romans were totally dependent on state-provided bread just to avoid starving. You might get some olive oil, occasionally, you're always drinking tepid water or extremely weak (by modern standards) wine. Meat would have been an occasional treat, and even for the wealthy, most "exotic" meat would just taste like unseasoned chicken
Only if I could renounce all memory of life in the modern world. Anything earlier than the late 19th century would be awful by today's standards. All the hygiene/medical necessities we take for granted would be sorely missed, and you would very likely be too poor to afford basic necessities for long periods of time. You had to conform to a rigid cultural and religious norm or risk anything from being shunned to killed. Since the middle ages in the Western world (and most of the world at large), limitations on expression, sexuality, and behavioral individuality would mean no fun allowed.
Life after the agricultural revolution means you're 99% likely to be a dirt-poor farmer scrounging a living under threadbare conditions. Life after the industrial revolution but before the modern era means an even more wretched existence, where unsafe work conditions will maim or kill you while you toil as a wretch.
I think living in the early bronze age Aegean would be awesome though. Protected from invasion for over 1000 years by its mighty fleet, and with access to goods and cultures of the Mediterranean through a sprawling trade network. It must have been a beautiful, lush life, full of metaphysical wonder about the world around them.
sorry for the essay
Music doesn't "belong" to anyone, swine
Imagine being such a pretentious pseud that you unironically talked like this all the time
good post.
>I think living in the early bronze age Aegean would be awesome though
I recall reading somewhere that low class Spaniards often abandoned their posts at their colonies to go live as one of the indigenous in new world villages, adopted their language, and their customs and way of life, and totally renouncing western life.
There may be something worth saying about a simple existence which is totally isolated from the rest of the world, where there is enough food in abundance that you're not constantly on the verge of survival, and you don't have the tax man or the bank breathing down your neck. I'm fairly confidence that's why most Caribbean islands never really developed: when you live in paradise, how ambitious could you realistically be to go live another lifestyle?
these posts are all trash and don't add anything to the discussion. Please don't get tricked into replying to the hare-brained interlopers who come here to shitpost and memedrop so they can have a gigglefit and piddle in their tights with glee when someone starts arguing with them.
Imagine being too dumb to respond in a logical and consistent manner so you just hurl insults like a simpleton?
>these posts are all trash and don't add anything to the discussion
That's what I've been telling them all along. I'm glad I at least got through to some body.
>tfw you will never conquer territory after melee combat, advancing in ranks as your army wins more and more
>tfw you will never be an aquilifer
Colonial/Georgian new england
Comfy Aesthetics
I agree man, I'm pretty confident the agricultural revolution kept happening in different places out of necessity, when the hunter-gatherer lifestyle wasn't being productive enough. The same can be said for the copper revolution, where there's evidence of stone tools being produced out of lower-quality stone leading up to the emergence of copper in axes etc. This pic really made me think
Good point.
I think the agricultural revolution was an extremely gradual process: when you're a hunter gatherer you depend on every possible resource you can get your hands on, and what might have once been harvested wild grains might have over time been cultivated into modern grains like wheat.
But life on the Eurasian continent was one of ever larger populations spurring ever larger movements of people, and someone living an idyllic lifestyle in an area with lots of food should better hope that the horsemen didn't come, or else they might take his lifestyle for themselves. The post bronze age Aegean had the advantage of being extremely rocky, and therefore not the kind of place that horsemen go very often.
>The same can be said for the copper revolution,
The same thing happened during the collapse of the bronze age: when they could finally build smelters hot enough to work the stuff, they couldn't quite make it as good as bronze, but good enough to field levy armies, each with his own iron weapon, as opposed to being totally dependent on a small warrior-elite class which went into battle riding chariots and were the only members of society wealthy enough to afford a bronze panoply.
In both cases, necessity spurred them on to work with an inferior product in the name of efficiency.
The trade off of this long, painful slog through history, though, has been the past 100 years: the great "undying" where a large fraction of people were no longer impoverished and dead of infection by their 5th birthday.
got any links for interesting lectures/documentaries on this topic? I've been watching a lot of Penn Museum and CARTA videos on youtube about stone age through bronze age the past few months after discovering I was interested in the topic and I'd love to keep learning about the human experience in this time period
1870s-1900s or Rome as a patrician. I would really like to live in a society where I can basically do anything I want and have slaves to tend to my whims. London in the time period specified seems comfy as shit and it's one of my favorite time periods to read about. I also like the fashion a lot.
desu I probably would have gone to the same sources that you do, but if you like that period of history one work of fiction that I highly recommend is Eric Shanower's graphic novel series, Age of Bronze.
The art style is admittedly humble, but it was made with an eye for historical accuracy: costumes are period accurate and characters are maturely written and nuanced.
I think one of the main theories about what drove people to shift from living in small subsistence farming communities to cities is the need for safety from invaders (often believed to be horsemen from the steppe, which might explain the emergence of the huge settlements between the balkans and the Dnepr in the copper age, the largest in the world at that time). Those were apparently only inhabited for a couple of generations (like 100 years or less) before being abandoned and the population resettled elsewhere, which suggests that these large-scale urban experiments were less about developing sustainable food sources, and more about cooperating in the interest of security.
right on, I'll check it out, thanks mate
True, but what else is interesting is the emergence of Ziggurat culture all over the world, even in far flung places out of contact with one another.
Local strongmen would announce their grandeur to their neighbors by building as big of a building as they could. The Egyptians had a unique take on Ziggurat culture in that they built gigantic Ziggurat-like tombs, and were among some of the largest public works projects ever built in the pre-modern world.
We not only see it in those areas you suggested, we see it in Mesopotamia, the new world, anywhere we got large urban centers we got symbols of centralized power.
But perhaps it was because they were less about developing sustainable food sources that they all eventually fell, sometimes quite spectacularly, to the point where there was an almost measurable rhythm to history.
cheers, m8. I'm grateful at least somebody felt like being civilized in this thread