Why has humanity all throughout history never succeeded in domesticating deer?
Why has humanity all throughout history never succeeded in domesticating deer?
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whats the point
Deer where previously undomesticated, through the process of domestication, they would then become domesticated.
They don't taste very good.
They don't really fill any useful niche not filled by other animals, are rather fragile, and are hard to fence in (they can jump really well).
Then there would be nothing left in the wild to hunt. Duh.
They basically are, there are specialized farms where they're raised for meat and other stuff. Also hunting grounds maintained by humans are another example.
maybe they need a uniform diet?
Speak for yourself, venison is delicious
Uhh, reindeer don't count?
They don't have the correct base qualities.
They're herd animals but not social animals like horses and dogs, their main survival method is also to run the fuck away and never be curious which makes them very difficult to approach again unlike horses and dogs and cows who tend to stand their ground making them theoretically approachable.
But domestication is a broad term and many deer are to an extent domesticated but i assume OPm means why don't we have deer cavalry.
>why don't we have deer cavalry
Because we're not elves?
Because evolution takes the path of least resistance
Someone post the /k/ screencap.
I'm from /k/, why did OP post my wife?
Domestication takes patience, first you have to find a deer that wont run away from you like a retard, then make it breed and inbreed many times to make that submissive trait become dominant in them, then continue breeding the inbred thing with other pure breeds but keep watch if the offspring become retards that run from you again.
Humans in the cold north had no time for that shit at all.
Now I'm curious. What /k/ screencap? I used to browse /pol/ and there was a German deerposter who had maybe thousands of pictures of deer saved on his computer, is it related?
>deer cavalry.
Stop it, boner.
>Because we're not elves?
Speak for yourself, dh'oine
>what are reindeer herders
But user, we have
Read a book called "guns, germs and steel" by Jared Diamond. It's not well known around here but Diamond is highly respected and will give you the answers you're looking for.
Those are still not artificially selected. With proper selective breeding, in less than half century they can be domesticated.
>but Diamond is highly respected
(Not true, by the way).
Venison tastes great you are a faggot
If I recall correctly (and I may very well be wrong about this, if anyone cares to correct) but my understanding is that Cows started off as fairly similar to deer, and if they were ever to be 'undomesticated', they'd probably start to resemble over-sized deer as natural selective pressures take hold again.
Actually, its really easy to teach a deer to not run away when approached. Its called take a baby in and feed it. Did prehistoric people know how to hand feed baby deer? No. Probably because every time you try and tame one some clubhead walks over and stabs it because hes hungry
No. Cows come from Aurochs: more like smaller woollier Buffaloes with relatively bigger horns.
>Not living in Iceland
We domesticated their better cousins instead.
Recently too.
Why are doe such feminine animals ? They're literally the only one where my dick starts getting hard before realising it's too fucked up to be attracted to beasts. I'm not even a furry or something.
What the fuck is wrong with you
I want to rub her cute tummy :3
I stand corrected, but Bovines and Cervines are fairly close, genetically speaking, aren't they?