Could someone who is educated on the holocaust take the time and effort to debunk pic related for me? It's often posted on /pol/ and it's pretty frustrating seeing how many people get their "facts" from image macros, and I have yet to see the points in this one specifically addressed
Could someone who is educated on the holocaust take the time and effort to debunk pic related for me...
Soccer team was British POWs who confirmed every single claim about the holocaust. Non of the other stuff even comes close to debunking a genocide in any way what so ever.
Stop being a stormfag and stop shitposting retarded revisionist history
You didn't read my post at all did you buddy
One, the amenities were for the camp staff and Kapos, not the laborers. Two, the majority of people transferred to Auschwitz were declared unfit for work and gassed immediately, so the existence of amenities for living prisoners, even if it were true, hardly counts as an argument against Auschwitz being a death camp. Three, the SS demolished all the gas chambers and crematoriums when the camp was about to be liberated by the soviets in January 1945, so any photos taken then would have been of already destroyed buildings. Perhaps the Soviets saw evidence of a chimney and tried to reconstruct it.
Read this
Why would a death camp during a resource intense war have horse stables and a theater?
Auschwitz was also a concentration/labor camp.
All modern prisons having parking lots. Does that mean that the prisoners are allowed to drive around in cars all day?
Why would a military during a resource intense war have 188 tonne tanks and jet bombers?
See, this is the problem. You don't know how Auschwitz worked. You don't know about sub-camps located near Auschwitz. You don't know that there were two (or three) big camps - Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II (Birkenau) and a former sub-camp Auschwitz III Monovitz.
Auschwitz II was the place where most people died. It was the place with most gas chambers and crematoria.
For example:
>A sub-camp in the depopulated village of Babice (German: Babitz), opened in the first half of May 1943. About 180 women were placed in the former school building, and an equal number of men in a nearby wooden barracks.
>The women prisoners were employed caring for and milking cows, clamping potatoes, spreading manure, and weeding and earthing up cabbages and beets. The male prisoners groomed the horses, plowed, mowed hay, and harvested.
It's possible that all these things were real, but that doesn't mean they weren't gassing Jews in Auschwitz because the camp itself was in fact a huge complex used for slave labor.
I don't even blame you. Pop history and holocaust deniers brainwashed people so most don't know about this.
Why would a non-death camp have them either? It doesn't make sense to me, therefore they must have not existed.
Why do stormfags think they need to deduce shit with retarded rationalizations when there's plenty of evidence?
You do know Irving literally calls himself a revisionist takes less then a second to debunk
The book mentioned is worth reading.
The nicer facilities were for the guards and inmate trustees.
My understanding is that towards the end of the Reich slave labor became pretty damn important, especially as all the actual German men were getting killed. Everyone was familiar with the use of prisoners as free workers, the camps were all over. The places exclusively for killing people were intentionally put out of the way (of Germans; other nationalities were ignored) so as to not force Germans to ask awkward questions. It was pretty much the Soviet system except they "innovated" by sprinkling death camps on top.
On a side note trains for death camps were given total priority over everything else. That is, if both a tank unit and a group of starving Jews were at a train station, the tanks generally were the ones that waited. Hitler operated under the "the Allies can't UN-kill the Jews" logic.
>Auschwitz II was the place where most people died. It was the place with most gas chambers and crematoria.
Source on the gas and all that stuff. Where is the evidence of it? Are you talking about the "gas chambers" with the wooden doors and normal windows? Those "gas chambers"
>trains for death camps given priority
>would rather cripple their own military infrastructure than allow those jews to keep living a few more days
I just cant get over what an idiotic wartime strategy this was.
It was politically motivated. Imagine if someone attacked Saudi Arabia, and they focused on defending Mecca, and just abandoned/destroyed the oil fields
>No way they'll see through my clever ruse, ha! I am a master of deception, no one can match my skills!
>he actually thinks stormcunt infographics are telling the truth
Damn, this really threw 70 years of historic facts out the window, thank you /pol/fag our eyes have been opened.
Don't forget the welfare office opens at 7 tomorrow.