>come to Veeky Forums because I want to prove my theories about the holohoax, ZOG, European superiority
>instead of being an autist like the other /pol/tards on here I actually try to learn something
>mfw hitler was bad, holocaust actually happened, jews were universally hated because it was easy to pin financial problems on them due to them being disproportionately bankers, "whiteness" was never a thing until very recently, the only Europeans who really ever achieved anything of note (excluding colonization) were Greeks/Romans, and many other civilizations of all races had high points and low points such as Persians, Indians etc
When did you grow out of "le redpill" meme?
Come to Veeky Forums because I want to prove my theories about the holohoax, ZOG, European superiority
Other urls found in this thread:
I didn't. My town is growing more and more somali by the year and white people are up shit's creek as a demographic, mythologized history and jews has being jews has little to do with this.
Don't get me wrong, as a paleocon I agree with you. I still think that massive immigration is a horrible, horrible idea and that you need a majority group to be at least 80-90% for functioning society (regardless of color) I just stopped believing in da joooos.
And yeah I stopped going to /pol/ because that's all you ever get there.
Well, I probably wouldn't have billions of whitey's dollars stashed away and I wouldn't belong to some secret cult hell-bent on the destruction of civilization and the white race.
Falling for this shithole's narrative is not really that much better than falling for /pol/.
I haven't, but then I never really entirely bought into it either as I never really bought the whole jewish conspiracy thing. Oh and Hitler was bad because he started a war that killed millions of whites, the white ethnicity being more recent then individual european ethnicities is neither here nor there in contrast to the barbarism of the third world. India is literally a hole in the ground with shit in it, Persia was just fine before the muslims got their hooks into them, and all sorts of europeans did noteworthy things.
The vikings Veeky Forums likes to laugh at were scary enough motherfuckers that monks prayed for divine protection from them, and skilled enough combatants that they became the body guards for eastern roman emperors. They were also skilled shipwrights and explorers who beat Columbus to North America by some 500 years or so.
Who cares.
>the only Europeans who really ever achieved anything of note (excluding colonization) were Greeks/Romans
If you're retarded and exclude the enlightenment and everything that came from it.
Same, OP. The true redpill is hard to swallow,
>studying history
>being redpilled
pick one
ZOG is real. I don't understand how you can argue it isn't.
Taoism is the only real red pill
>When did you grow out of "le redpill" meme?
Never bought into it.
Don't get me wrong, I understand races are different yada yada, but other than Africans who are questionable, but not hopeless(depends on a few variables), literally all races and peoples have had high and low points.
I can understand not wanting unlimited Aghan, Persian, Kurd immigration - but those (iranian) peoples were great once. The same is true for India, which has great potential.
Onus of proof lies on you bud
>Falling for this shithole's narrative
What narrative?
rabid anti-german sentiment
The cultural death of Europe and the West was caused by Capitalism and liberalism, not by a cabal of Jews.
That's a joke of a sentiment, not a narrative. Veeky Forums isn't flooding other boards with questionable infographics about the perfidious Teuton and claiming all dissenting views are the work of a shadowy German cabal.
>That's a joke of a sentiment, not a narrative.
>You can wave a communist flag, you can burn an american flag, you can wave an ISIS flag, but if you wave a nazi flag you will be fired, publicly denounced by all and possibly arrested for hate crime.
>You can be anti-christian,anti-america, anti-white, but there are laws against being anti semitic.
fake quote
At what point does this become about a Veeky Forums narrative, nevermind a specifically anti-German Veeky Forums narrative?
your a dorable
>mfw hitler was bad, holocaust actually happened, jews were universally hated because it was easy to pin financial problems on them due to them being disproportionately bankers, "whiteness" was never a thing until very recently, the only Europeans who really ever achieved anything of note (excluding colonization) were Greeks/Romans, and many other civilizations of all races had high points and low points such as Persians, Indians etc
So you read Spengler, huh?
>the only Europeans who really ever achieved anything of note (excluding colonization) were Greeks/Romans
Holy shit neck yourself that's disregarding centuries of works in technology, literature, politics, business, and many more bases of human society.
>it's another /leftypol/ tries to come and pretend he was redpilled episode
Guys, it's getting tiring
The English did the industrial revolution, the French invented the modern Republic, the Germans invented communism, etc, etc
>French invented the modern Republic
That's like saying the Jews invented pulled pork.
I had a "redpill" phase in early 2016. I snapped out of it once I realised how irrational, muddled and conspiratorial the whole thing is. It was also making me much angrier and negative irl, because it was clouding my thought process. The double standards needed to believe all the "redpill" stuff are ludicrous, but it sweeps you up in a tide of catchy memes, slick media and easily digestible messages in a postmodern package.
I will admit I am pretty concerned about the rising tide of this stuff, especially in America and Europe. It's not good for anyone except the intentionally misleading ringleaders, like Richard Spencer.
Richard Spencer did nothing wrong. White nationalism is the Zionism of our day.
The latest in a long line of settler, genocidal ideologies based on colonisation and a mystical invented past, led by the middle class with poor foot soldiers to carry out their will? Sounds about right.
Well, I'm a leftist but I also acknowledge the failures of multiculturalism. Europe has done a poor job of integrating immigrants (as opposed to the New World, where most immigrant groups integrate fairly quickly) that has led to a decline in trust and emboldening of extremists (both Islamist and far-right demagogues).
How do you get on with the Somalis?
Burning USA flags is the honorable way to dispose of them. It's what boyscouts are taught.
You can't wave an ISIS flag around, you'd be detained and interrogated.
Most businesses and people don't want to be associated with Nazism which, from it's inception, was always pretty hateful. I'd fire you too, because you'd be scaring my customers and other employees.
I just went to a pro-palestine conference where they spoke out against Zionism. They were celebrating a new palestinian embassy in my country.
but what about my MAINSTREAM MEDIAR?
White, Christian Americans have never been persecuted. They are not in any danger of suffering, despite their innumerable misdoings in the past. Jews on the other hand have suffered genocide.
"White Genocide" is just a narrative of victim-hood to equate the current status of whites with genocide, slavery and other atrocities. Do whites suffer? Of course, and those problems should be remedied. But the people who cry about things being anti-white propose to remedy the situation by committing atrocities, rather than seeking a more mutually beneficial society.
You cannot truly integrate genetics. Ultimately, an individual's genes are their genes no matter how diluted with other genes they become, only evolution can change that.
I can't understand people even thinking the holocoast was fake, my grandma lost all her friends cept one due to auschwitz. Those people weren't child actors. Anyway I gotta congratulate you OP. You're better than the other /pol/ losers
kill yourself, leftypol
>wahh why don't people believe my lies!
kill yourself, SJW
Go back to /pol/ and live in your fantasy world, please
>Go back to /pol/
no your anti white safepsace , SJW
>White people did nothing, White people don't exist
>It isn't Jewish bankers behind migration and liberalism
Wrong. There's always a berg or a stein behind everything relating to migration and liberalism. And White people? We exist, and we built the world. Just look at a chart of scientific accomplishments organised by national origin.
>White people don't exist
Correct. Whiteness is a delusional disease.
Why do the mods leave anti white trash like this up?
>this is what leftypol actually believes
>implying Veeky Forums has mods
whatever dude, good luck fighting the illuminati
How can one be that easily brainwashed?
nice try schlomo
fuck off back to leftypol
Then neither does blackness or asianess, therefore there is no need for BLM, antiracism laws, or affirmative action.
I should have narrowed it down to the European race. Semites are a race unto themselves.
I've only been on /pol/ once, it's a more autistic version the already autistic /b/, rather not waste my time there.
>the leftypol redditor is triggered by /pol/
no surprise
>come to Veeky Forums because I want to discuss Napoleon and the Roman Empire
>see that chart
>"at least i truly see"
Jewish Bolshevism is absolutely real. None can disprove it, I dare anyone to even try.
I thought leftypol was a general thread on /pol/, my bad. I've never been on reddit but I'm sure it's not so bad of a place considering you seem to dislike it, just like the manchildren over at /b/ do.
The problem with reddit is simple, when they go to other site, they act like they still on reddit. Most of them don't take time to learn a board culture.
ZOG isn't a theory, it's fucking provable and obvious. Just look at every war America has fought in for the last 3 decades, who is America's "greatest ally" and "worst (current) enemy". Look at who are the biggest donors to both parties. You have literal Jewish "American" billionaires lobbying solely for Israel.
Get fucked you piece of shit Israeli.
There's not much to disprove considering the majority of bolsheviks were not jewish and the ones that were were atheists that didn't care about judaism.
And it seems to me that someone is samefagging/spamming in the last few posts and in others threads.
>the majority of bolsheviks were not jewish
Wasn't this suppose to be a fact based discussion?
can you provide facts to the contrary of his post?
The burden of proof lies with the accuser.
I don't know, you didn't present any fact. But you can easily google the % of jews among the central committee or in the bolshevik party as a whole.
Percentage means nothing, who held the power is of importance
This is a fallacious image.
How about this- someone shows that Jews were among the Freicorp or White Russians- against the Bolsheviks. Shouldn't be too hard.
I can only find on Semitic journal, saying with no bases that only 2.1% was Jewish, if this is a proof than earth is plane.
>How about this- someone shows that Jews were among the Freicorp or White Russians- against the Bolsheviks. Shouldn't be too hard.
Why would they be? They were vicious antisemites and the Bolsheviks stood for equality and the abolition of discrimination against and limitations on Jews in Russia.
>Percentage means nothing, who held the power is of importance
Who held the power if not the people in the positions of power? Your conspiracy is retarded.
Any source has jews as an overrepresented but still very minor part of the overall bolsheviks.
>Bolsheviks stood for equality and the abolition of discrimination against and limitations on Jews in Russia
They stood for extermination all religion from the world, and the only one they didn't attacked was Jewish.
>Any source
Give me one, all they point for the same book.
Why do Jews love to WE WUZ about everything except for their involvement in communist movements of the early 20th century? Then all of sudden they go full blown WE WUZN'T.
By 1934, 28 percent of the Orthodox churches, 42 percent of the mosques, and 52 percent of the synagogues in the Soviet Union had been closed down.
They even had organisations designed to counter Zionism, Hebrew and Judaism. Strip that away and there's nothing remotely Jewish left.
On the eve of the February Revolution in 1917, of about 23,000 members of the Bolshevik party 364 (about 1.6%) were known to be ethnic Jews. According to the 1922 Bolshevik party census, there were 19,564 Jewish Bolsheviks, comprising 5.21% of the total, and in the 1920s of the 417 members of the Central Executive Committee, the party Central Committee, the Presidium of the Executive of the Soviets of the USSR and the Russian Republic, the People's Commissars, 6% were ethnic Jews. However, every one was an atheist and people like Zinoviev were excommunicated by right wing rabbis.
If you are the one claiming the opposite and you are the one that arbitrarily discredits a source, you should provide an alternative one. Surely, if you believe the source is wrong it is because your research proves otherwise.
Who denies their involvement? They just weren't the majority of bolsheviks as stormfags like to pretend, and they weren't in a conspiracy.
>and the only one they didn't attacked was Jewish.
I'm saying that source are few and most can't be trusted.
On what basis?
So the Jews were heavily invested in the Bolshevik causes against Russian and German nationalism. Thank you.
>implying the Politburo wasn't mostly adminstrative
>pretending some minor member was an equal to Trotsky, Kamanev, or Zinoviev
Now why would someone be so willfully ignorant of the centralized Soviet power structure while claiming to understand it :^)
>and the only one they didn't attacked was Jewish
This is circular reference.
If you search the references pages, you'll see that all of them point to this book:
Triumph of Survival: The Jews in the Modern Era 1600-1990. Brooklyn: Mesorah.
And this one:
Webb, James (1976). Occult Establishment: The Dawn of the New Age and the Occult Establishment. Open Court Publishing.
>So the Jews were heavily invested in the Bolshevik causes against Russian and German nationalism. Thank you.
Well yeah, because those societies historically discriminated against Jews, especially in Russia with the Pale of Settlement and the Black Hundreds.
I'm not implying shit, there were both more and less important jews and non jews in the central committee, and overall the non jews were a majority, also among the most important ones. Not that any of them gave a fuck about judaism. On the other hand, I've always wanted an explanation as to why the jewish conspiracy of kamenev and zinoviev allied themselves with stalin to oust trotsky. How silly of them.
So a Jewish government bent on destroying Russian culture and religion would be completely plausible.
Why would a bunch of Jewish psychopaths, once having destroyed their Russian opposition and consolidated power, have turned on each other?
The world will never know.
Perhaps, but the government wasn't Jewish, Soviet culture flourished in the 1920s and religion is not intrinsically valuable, so it doesn't matter.
And? I don't see your point. However, at least one source comes directly from a bolshevik census, as pointed by an user in .
2 shekels have been added to your account
Reminder his is routinely raided by Reddit and lit
fuckign latvian bolshies
nevr 4get nver 4give
Soviet census aren't historical valid evidence, soviet union is famous for fake statistic.
All these link point to these same two books.
Word it however you want, the jews in the party had no problem allying themselves or giving power to non jews and/or expelling jews because they didn't actually give a fuck about muh ethnic group.
What are you talking about? Veeky Forums is always discussing, and rarely agree generally on something
Finally someone with a decent evidence.
There wasn't any significant Jewish opposition to German nationalism until after Hitler & the Nazis appeared. The number of German Jews who volunteered to fight in WW1 was actually disproportionately high compared to the rest of the German population. 18,000 Jews received the Iron Cross while fighting in the German army.
I'm getting tired of your shit, user. The bolsheviks had no reason to lie about the composition of the party. But if you claim they did, provide a better source of fuck off.
kek, i love how balts act as if they're big tough anti-bolsheviks
>The bolsheviks had no reason to lie
Soviet union was based on official lies.
>soviet union is famous for fake statistic
What a brilliant way to weasel out of everything.
Different from your made up soviet data, soviets fake data is a fact: www2.warwick.ac.uk
>The bolsheviks had no reason to lie
You seem to have "accidentally" missed the rest of the sentence. Why are stormfags so deceitful when discussing? Reply when you have an alternative source supporting your claims.