how can i profit off of suicide?
How can i profit off of suicide?
Camwhore it, start accepting donations
There was an old lady that used to sell exit bags.
Sell Linkin Park burned CDs
this, just say the donations are to help your family pay for the funeral but fake your own death and run with the money
Make Tumblr blog about why people should suicide.
Tumblr is full of depressed teens either because they really have depression issues (Chester was molested as a kid and was still hurt by Chris Cornell's death cus they were close friends) or just because "look at me, i have depression, look at how much attention i need!!!". Just make a blog and post those black and white pictures of girls with emo hair and quotes like "~le society is oppressive so there's no reason to live and stuff".
Then place a-ads there in case you don't get accepted on adsense and profit $$$.
Idk, but I remember my grandad telling me how he made 250k in one day by shorting the fuck out of aeronautics companies during 9/11.
Nice, just bought 100k nooses
Anyone still buys CDs ?
>Adwords for Stool
>Create a website funnel for that sells stool
>"Act now and get free rope"
custom T-Shirts.
Life insurance....
If you kys you won't have to pay to anyone for anything anymore. Profit!
I have a load of Linkin Park t-shirts. They're a bit tight around the neck but they hang well.
short their record company, although i doubt this would change the stock price that much
So fucked up... Many of us grew up with his voice. Don't be an asshole.
>They're a bit tight around the neck but they hang well.
I have his and Shinodas autograph, Im selling.
No, buy. Artists get 1000x recognition, praise, and adoration after they die. Now that he killed himself it'll be cool to like linkin park and wear linkin park merch as "tribute". Imagine if Kurt Cobain was still alive, he'd be a fat, old amazing atheist looking motherfucker churning out albums that sound the same.
I read a book one time where they had a reality TV show where contestants committed suicide in elaborate ways before a live audience. A chunk of the proceeds went to their families or institutions of the victim's choosing.
I forget the name of the book.
>Veeky Forums killed the poor dude by sucking out his meme energy with their shitposts
Which site is the best?
was it Game of Death?
I own a business that sells rock and metal merchandises, go figure ;)
Run a funeral home. Business is always good.