Is the CIA the American equivalent to the Praetorian Guard?
Is the CIA the American equivalent to the Praetorian Guard?
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If the Praetorian Guard was answerable to the Roman Senate, yeah.
No the CIA is closer to /pol/'s idea of the jews.
t. Howard Zinn
The CIA is egg headed accounting major types. They're not that spoopy. They are not even comprised of the old guard WASP elite anymore. Shaniqa at the DMV? Bitch just got a promotion at the CIA working as a clerk. SHIIIET
No that would be the secret service. Although they have absolutely no power compared with the Praetorian Guard who sometimes chose to assassinate the emperor if they didn't like him.
Also the CIA's SAD is seen as a fuckup/end your career posting amongst the american SOF community
More like steady employment after your stint in the special forces proper is up...
This. Cladenstine operations are much more boring than they seem.
Sounds like the CIA to me.
Except it's not. We've been seeing (and are seeing) that the more military/foreign policy related side of the Deep State (Department of Defense, three letter agencies, hanger ons like oil companies) pretty much control the agenda of whatever President is in office and if he doesn't go along with it or looks like he might develop an independent streak they won't mind staging a coup (even if it's just a soft coup) to get their way.
The Pentagon and CIA/NSA/FBI are very much a modern Praetorian Guard in that respect and like the Praetorian Guard are as much a danger to the state as any foreign threat. It's too bad there's no Milvian Bridge on the horizon to be rid of them.
JSOC specifically would be closer.
More like a KGB equivalent, Praetorian guard just takes care of the central power, CIA does far more than it.
They are probably way worse. Met a guy that says he was one of Castro's close men. Supposedly in one of castros relatives homes the people that lived in the home after found nothing but millions in US dollars. They speculate it was the CIA paying the castros and closest friends/families.
It was the Israelis. Don't make me post it.
post it
takes forever.
Doesn't the CIA still recruit straight out of Harvard?
The Cubans are supposed to have gotten really heavy into cocaine during the 80s.
Might just be cocainebux
>“I went to this party, It was given by a group of people who were big money contributors and also Zionists and they said to me, ‘We know that your campaign is in terrible financial shape.’ The deal they offered me was that they would finance the rest of this campaign if I would agree to let them run the Middle Eastern policy of the United States for the next four years.”
>Seymour Hersh- The Samson Option >Richard Reeves- President Kennedy: Profile of Power
>In 1961 Ben Gurion, then the Israeli PM, met with JFK during a fundraiser, at one point during their get-together, the president pulled Ben-Gurion aside and said quietly, “You know, I was elected by the Jews. I have to do something for them.”
>Ben-Gurion described himself as “shocked” by Kennedy’s crudely political approach: “I’m a foreigner. I represent a small state. I didn’t come to him as a Jew, as a voter.”
>According to Reeves, the prime minister was more than just shocked. “Ben-Gurion was offended. He was the founder and leader of a nation, not a politician from Brooklyn.”
>“I would have to play down the Middle East as a matter of deep concern to [him],’ Kennedy’s secretary of state, Dean Rusk, acknowledged years later. Rusk (who had adamantly opposed the creation of Israel when he headed the State Department’s UN desk in the late 1940s) added that he couldn’t “remember that Kennedy had any fresh ideas about the Middle East crisis.”
>Former Commentary editor Norman Podhoretz agreed with Rusk’s assessment. “[Kennedy] had no original ideas; I am not sure he had any ideas at all,” Podhoretz told Gerald and Deborah Strober in Let Us Begin Anew, their oral history of the Kennedy presidency.
>About Kennedy’s secretary of state, Podhoretz observed that “What we now know – what I was not aware of then – is that Dean Rusk was violently anti-Israel. I assume he always had those feelings.”
>“Only a few years ago,” said Undersecretary of State Chester Bowles in 1961, “all thoughtful observers were clearly concerned about Soviet penetration into the Middle East. Many thought that Egypt...was on the road to Soviet control. Yet today Nasser’s nationalism fiercely combats internal Communism and his relations with the U.S.S.R. grow increasingly cool.”
>As part of his all-out effort to win Nasser’s affection, Kennedy pushed hard for large increases in aid to Egypt, and in early 1962, following an Israeli retaliatory strike in Syria, instructed his UN ambassador to vote to condemn Israel in the Security Council.
Is there anything the Jews haven't been behind according to /pol/
>the friction between the Kennedy and Ben Gurion governments would continue to increase, Rusk would demand a return of 10% of the Palestinian refugees in order for weapons funding to continue.
>the tensions would come to a head over Dimona- originally perceived (and broadcasted by the Israelis as) to be a textile factory US intelligence realized, in the words of CIA director Allen Dulles, “a nuclear complex [which] probably included a reactor capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium.”
>Aware that the Americans were increasingly nervous and that further prevarication would alienate the U.S., thus reducing military support, Ben Gurion publicly announced on December 21, 1960 that Israel had indeed received a nuclear reactor from France, and vowed that it would not be used for military ends.
I'm only getting started :^)
>Kennedy was worried that a nuclear Israel would increase the already embroiled tensions in the Middle East leading to another arma race in an unstable region, Kennedy also understood the Israelis were not cool-headed in their dealings with thwir neighbors. After much back and forth the White House finally agreed to sell Hawk anti-aircraft missiles to Israel – the first arms deal between the two countries – one of the conditions the U.S. insisted on was that it be allowed to inspect the Dimona facility. Ben-Gurion agreed, but an inspection of the actual plant was the last thing he wanted.
>As Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman wrote in Friends in Deed: Inside the U.S.-Israel Alliance, “Abba Eban recall[ed] that when a team of American inspectors arrived at Dimona, ‘it cost us…a lot of money to arrange it so their inspectors wouldn’t find out what was going on.’ False walls were erected, doorways and elevators hidden, and dummy installations were built to show the Americans, who found no evidence of the weapons program secreted underground.”
>pic related is the reply Ben Gurion sent to JFK regarding the JFK letter about Dimona. Note the mention of French-Israeli collaboration- at the time both countries were also opposed to Algerian independence- which JFK vocally supported.
>Once Kennedy was assassinated LBJ took the reins of the new government, pressure to halt any weapons development at Dimona ceased. In fact while Kennedy’s final budget, for fiscal year 1964, allocated $40 million in aid to Israel, Johnson’s first budget, for fiscal year 1965, set aside $71 million – an extraordinary increase of 75 percent. The amount nearly doubled in 1966, to $130 million.
>U.S. aid under Eisenhower and Kennedy, including the earlier mentioned anti-aircraft missiles sold to Israel by the Kennedy administration had required a cash payment. Johnson changed all that: Not only did he become the first American president to sell offensive weapons to Israel, but from now on the Israelis would be permitted to buy American arms with American aid money, which meant no funds would have to leave Israel’s hard-pressed government budget.
>By the middle of 1966, the Israelis were purchasing military hardware the type of which would have been unavailable under the prior administrations, including four-dozen Skyhawk bomber attack planes and more than 200 M-48 tanks, military equipment which undoubtedly turned the tables in favor of Israel in 1967.
>pic related is LBJ with Chicago Democrat Boss and Jewish Zionist Jacob M. Arvey
It's amazing how the Jews are able to keep you a virgin as well
s-shut up.
And now the actual assassination and those involved. We now focus on the events leading to the assassination-
In 1963, JFK's primary interest in Dallas was raising money from the Dallas elite, and that meant the wealthy pro-Israel Jewish Democrats who were major financial angels for the ruling Democratic Party there. And since JFK was, at that time, at loggerheads with Israel over its nuclear arms program, it is critical to recognize how JFK was lured to Dallas and who was in charge of the arrangements that actually facilitated his assassination. And while it is well known that the Dallas leg of JFK's Texas trip was sponsored by the Citizens Council (CC), the elite business group that ruled Dallas, the little-noticed evidence shows that two of the three key figures who dominated the CC were Jewish —not "WASPs," as the legend of Dallas would have it. These were the folks who really ran Dallas, not the conservatives affiliated with the John Birch Society, as the old myth suggests. In 1963, one of those Jewish power brokers was an outspokenly pro-Israel liquor wholesaler, Julius Schepps, who held the distribution rights in Dallas for the Bronfman family's Seagram's products (both of which are Jewish)
The means by which the Dallas elite gained control of JFK's Dallas trip agenda is interesting. Since JFK's Dallas trip was officially designated as "non political" —in contrast to other Texas stops such as Houston and Austin which were designated as "political" —the private entities paying for the Dallas trip gained control of the planning (taking it out of the hands of the JFK -controlled Democratic National Committee). The
CC designated a "host committee." The chairman was Dallas Jewish leader and public relations man, Sam Bloom, the CC's longtime executive director, and —in retrospect —one of the least known but most pivotal figures in world history.
Are you a girl?
Is this really considered "Evidence". Your process is literally:
>Kennedy was more anti-Israel than Johnson
>Therefore, Jews killed JFK
There's no evidence here that actually ties Israel with the JFK assassination
And lastly, yeah, the policy shift had nothing to do with Soviet support for the Arab Socialist states at all and the collapse of the Baghdad pact I bet. It was just j00 magic.
girls are ICKY!!!!
>tfw you forget to greentext
>Although the Secret Service objected (for security reasons) to the publication of JFK's motorcade route, Bloom (the point man for the Dallas elite) nonetheless made sure a map of the route was repeatedly published in Dallas papers. Thus, later, when the "patsy" was in custody, there was a plausible explanation as to how he knew JFK would pass by his workplace. That an assassin quite probably fired on JFK from the Dal-Tex Building is most relevant in the context of an Israeli connection. Co-owned by David Weisblat, a major financial backer of the Israeli lobby's Anti-Defamation League, Dal-Tex housed, on different floors, a number of firms that utilized the telephone number of Morty Freedman, an attorney, garment manufacturer, and activist in Jewish affairs. Since JFK was working to stop Israel's nuclear arms program—which received smuggled uranium from U.S. sources—it is notable that one Dal-Tex firm linked to Freedman was the Dallas Uranium & Oil Company. It is also intriguing that one of Freedman's Dal-Tex business partners was Abe Zapruder, the Jewish dress manufacturer who filmed the assassination and profited immensely. Today there are some who now believe Zapruder had advance knowledge of the assassination.
>Once the accused assassin was in custody, it was----you guessed it —Sam Bloom, who had earlier maneuvered JFK into the kill zone, who pressured Elgin Crull, the city manager, to in turn pressure Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry into making Oswald accessible to the press and to move him publicly from the Dallas police station to the city jail. Thus, the situation was in place for Jack Ruby to move in for the kill. There are several sources, including Dallas FBI agent James Hosty, who stated Bloom and his backers were the forces behind this. When the police searched Ruby's home, they found a slip of paper with Bloom's name, address and telephone number on it.
>pic related- Jack "Ruby" with Israeli reporters
Who is this guy?
Do you have anything that shows that Israeli's were involved in JFK's death or are you just going to keep speculating?
>There was an immediate confrontation between Bloom, representing the Dallas elite, and Jerry Bruno, JFK's veteran advance man. Bruno wanted the president to speak at the Women's Building, but the rulers of Dallas insisted JFK speak at the Trade Mart. Although Bruno fought long and hard, after much pressure, the Dallas elite prevailed, causing the JFK loyalist to comment that "this was one of the few fights like this that I had lost. On things like this my judgment was usually taken. This time it wasn't." By forcing JFK to speak at the Trade Mart, the Dallas elite positioned the JFK motorcade to take the now infamous "dog -leg" turn into what was a classically sniper-friendly "kill zone" on Elm Street just below the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD), from where it later was claimed the alleged assassin, TSBD employee Lee Harvey Oswald, red the fatal shots. The spot was also in easy range of the "grassy knoll" and the nearby Dal-Tex Building, where assassination researchers believe snipers were located. Had JFK's advance man prevailed —as he usually did —JFK (on his way to the preferred location) would have traveled two blocks fart her away from the TSBD —out of the kill zone—at a greater speed.
>Arlen Specter (February 12, 1930 – October 14, 2012) was an American lawyer and politician who served as United States Senator from Pennsylvania. Specter was a Democrat from 1951 to 1965,[1][2][3] then a Republican from 1965 until 2009, when he switched back to the Democratic Party. First elected in 1980, he represented his state in the Senate for 30 years.
>Specter was born in Wichita, Kansas, to emigrant Russian Jewish parents.
>Specter later graduated from Yale Law School and opened a law firm with Marvin Katz, who would later become a federal judge. Specter served as assistant counsel for the Warren Commission investigating the assassination of John F. Kennedy and helped devise the "single-bullet theory".
>"He was an early friend, a strong supporter, and over the years, we became personally close,” said Rabbi Abraham Shemtov, the Philadelphia-based director of American Friends of Lubavitch who worked with Specter when they were both delegates to the 1971 White House Conference on Youth in Estes Park, Colo.
>To Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Washington director of the American Friends of Lubavitch, he was also known as a cohen, a member of Judaism’s priestly caste.
>“Over the years, he was known as a staunch supporter of Israel,” he said, “never backing down from defending it even in the face of strong opposition.”
Its kinda funny how I posted the connection right after you stated I gave no connection.
Why does that 'reactor' look suspiciously like an observatory?
It originally was masked as a textile factory- the Israelis didn't want the Americans knowing they were developing nuclear weapons. Much of the facility is underground.
Whatever you say, buddy.
Uh huh, interesting. But maybe, JFK was shot by a mentally unbalanced communist sympathizer with no greater motive than that he hated America and JFK's recent actions (eg. The Bay of Pigs) and saw shooting him as a good way of sending a message.
After all, think about it this way. You want to manipulate American policy, right? Is killing the president really a good way to go about that? They're only around for a maximum 8 years, and even if you're pretty sure the VP is /your guy/, god only knows how the public is going to react to the death of a president. It could backfire immensely for you. Manipulating the president the old fashioned way is so much more sensible. Plus, its not like JFK really gave a shit about the Arabs and Israelis. He's just pulling the typical Cold War bullshit of pretending to favor one party in order to get the other party to play ball with you. Its the same shit Nasser was playing with the Soviets and the US.
Thats what actually happened.
>You want to manipulate American policy, right? Is killing the president really a good way to go about that?
And replace him with someone who will work with you and give you what you want?
Quit wasting my time.
Also I have even more damning evidence- a screenshot of Leah Rabin's diary where she states Yitzhak (then head of the IDF) was in Dallas the day of JFK's assassination, or the pages from Yitzhak Rabin's diary where he never mentions being in Dallas- or JFK's assassination (which had as I have shown a major impact on Israeli-US relations). I just can't be assed to scroll through my image library.
Don't fall for the Jews false flagging /pol/ memes, they're just proof that Jewish-Israeli hyper-nationalism supersedes anything else.
The Israeli assassination is especially frightening because it opens up so many questions- why hasn't Hollywood considered Israel as a culprit in their numerous JFK assassination movies? How else has Israel manipulated the US government? Can Jewish-American politicians be trusted to place US priorities over Israel?
>implying Harvard is indicative of anything except how far you can fit your head up your own ass
>And replace him with someone who will work with you and give you what you want?
Yeah, but how do you really know that? Why is LBJ going to accept his friend and colleague's brains getting splattered in front of the whole country just so he can give some free shit to Israel? How could the Israelis really trust him to be their puppet? What if he went through with the whole plot until he was president, and leaked everything? What are you going to do? Kill the president again? I don't think that's going to work twice in a row.
There's easier ways to get a president to do what you want. After all, JFK never seemed like the sort of guy that had much of a backbone, just look at the way Khrushchev made a mockery of him at the Vienna Summit.
>Why is LBJ going to accept his friend and colleague's brains getting splattered in front of the whole country just so he can give some free shit to Israel?
LBJ hated JFK, he was only on the ticket to help bring in Southern votes which Kennedy had alienated.
Remember the infamous image of LBJ being solemnly sworn in after JFK's assassination? Seconds after another image was taken of a grinning LBJ being winked at by Congressman Albert Thomas.
>How could the Israelis really trust him to be their puppet?
Why would he implicate himself and go to jail just to expose the Israelis (whom helped get him into office) to show they killed Kennedy (whom he despised)?
Why don't you take 5 and come back after you gave this some thought.
Funny thing is the Jews love to boast about LBJ's love of Israel.
This is from a Jewish website.
>When Lyndon Johnson became President, the Israeli lobby was encouraged not only by the fact that he had pledged to carry on the work of John Kennedy but also by Johnson's own record of support for Israel which dated back to his leadership in the Senate during the Eisenhower Administration.
>Viewed romantically, Israel was the nation of pioneers who had turned malarial swamps into a land of milk and honey. "We live by the faith that what has been wrought there," Johnson wrote to one Jewish leader shortly after becoming President, "someday will be achieved in all the lands where men aspire to live in freedom, under peace, enjoying justice as a right and prosperity as a result of their labors."(2) Five years later, Johnson told a B'nai B'rith meeting about his biblical connection to Israel. "Most if not all of you," he said, "have very deep ties with the land and with the people of Israel, as I do, for my Christian faith sprang from yours." The President explained that "the Bible stories are woven into my childhood memories as the gallant struggle of modem Jews to be free of persecution is also woven into our souls."(3)
Of course LBJ would say anything to reason away the appeasement he was about to give.
>Also the consummate politician, Johnson recognized that Jews are a political force in this country. As a leader of the Democratic Party, he developed close associations with a number of influential Jewish leaders, several of whom were among his closest friends.
I love this part- exact wording from Meyer Feldman, especially the "Anglo-Jewish Press"
>Johnson's dependability was tested immediately when the Israelis began to pressure the Administration to sell them tanks and planes. As early as January 1964, Deputy Secretary of State Robert Komer was complaining that Myer Feldman was badgering him about supplying Israel with tanks.(4) Feldman, the holder of the "Jewish portfolio" as an aide in the Administration, meanwhile wrote to the President in May that he had "rarely been exposed to as much pressure as I have had recently on the question of tanks for Israel." In the same memo, however, Feldman reveals how the White House successfully exerted its own pressure: "It has only been after considerable effort that members of Congress have been restrained against making speeches on the question, the Anglo-Jewish press has killed several articles and responsible leaders of the Jewish community have demonstrated their confidence in the Administration by keeping silent."(5)
LBJ would continuously acquiesce to Israeli demands for military equipment, giving 200 Patton tanks, 54 Skyhawk Bombers, and a secret giving of 30 Phantom jets (plus more over time) DESPITE continuous warnings from both the Joint Chiefs and the Navy and Air Force stating it was both unnecessary and would deplete necessary US stocks for Vietnam.
>yfw your muh nazi /pol/ memes can't beat well researched information
The money cache was found in 1963 and the money may have been there as far back as a 15yrs. Way before the cocaine cowboys.
>Soviets wouldn't have killed Kennedy since he had driven the Cubans and Vietnamese deep into their influence
>Cubans wouldn't have killed Kennedy because he was now the epitome of the evil American Imperialist, perfect propaganda
>Oswald had become disillusioned with communism during his stay in the USSR
>implying the CIA would kill their own president knowing most of the CIA and other intelligence branches would know
>Israelis have the perfect motive(s) with key players in key positions
>the theory is known around the world- except among Americans
Are Americans the most cucked people on the planet?
Undoubtedly. When a Jew makes billions off of American children using a Super Sentai ripoff and then uses it to buy politicians so they send billions in aid to Israel while denouncing Israel's enemies you are the definition of cucked.
What possible threat do they pose? Oh right they want to investigate trump.
Horseshit. The Deep State exists but its getting fucked right now.
Secret Service is.
I love how lefties still our memes and turn them into low-quality shit. This is why nobody likes you, at least put some effort into them.
>the CIA is only a danger to Trump
You're actually bluepilled my dude.
Post it.
>The CIA is egg headed accounting major types
CIA got people down in the desert and the jungle recruiting local militias to fight for US interests. These guys are not egg heads.
Say what you want, while it's not proof of anything, he's still posting interesting historical facts and information. Making his contribution to this thread better than yours.
Are you seriously trying to claim that Israel doesn't have nuclear weapons?
t. brainlet
Promoting genocide of ethnic and aboriginal peoples again I see.