Next big shitcoin pump! Futuregold on Nova!

Did you miss Unify, Score coin and Chain Coin pumps? Future gold is 3 days old only and has top 5 volume on nova (30 btc) with only 7 mil coin supply. Only trading at 190 sats. 2000 sats in a few days is pretty much guranteed.

please buy my bags, the post.


this coin just started. No one is trying to get u yo buy any bags. Like i said....2000 sats pretty much guranteed. Shitcoins have been exploding during the bear market.

A shame you guys always miss out on pumps before they happen. How many of you are bag holding chain coin afyer jumping in late?

16% premine - a 1.5% fee. No roadmap. This is a non starter.

Forget the premine. This is being pumped...plain snd simple. Look at volume and the buy order history. It's being bought and sold in waves. Will pump big.

How about I just buy some BitBean instead, at least they have a funny logo

Bitbean has high marketcap and is already pumped. Lets pump this coin to moon. Definitely a group is orcgestrating a pump right now. Lets get 4 chan on it too. Can reach 10 k in one pump. Sell orders are razor thin.

Who is in on this pump with me? Sell walls super thin with low supply. We can get it to 10k sats almost imediately. You retards woukd rather pump a 100 billion supply coin like moon coin to fucking 10 sats.

Futyre gold will pump. But we can start it sooner.

fuck off pajeet