Made the Veeky Forums version of this meme

Made the Veeky Forums version of this meme.

>please don't ban me, i'm already banned for 2 days on /pol/

Other urls found in this thread:

should have been permaban ;)

so you decide to come shit on Veeky Forums? this must be where /pol/ tards come when they get banned.

It's where they come to give (((me))) their money.


>I'm already banned for 2 days on /pol/
You posted in that /leftypol/ raid thread didn't you?

Post more of these

I love dank meta board culture memes

why does /pol/ need to make everything about black people

This is a /g/ meme from back before /pol/ was a thing.

The board is full of gaming normies now so it doesn't even apply anymore.

Because they're unwilling to recognize that they're useless NEETs who contribute nothing to society, and thus feel the need to shift the blame elsewhere for all societal ills.

I used to go to a lot more boards than I do now. I used to go to /g/ daily, but it basically became a subreddit full of shitty circle jerk generals and phoneshit.

that image is probably older than you newfag

Hello newfriend.


>I c-can't handle /pol/
This site has always been like that since the beginning, fuck off

No it hasn't newfag. Here, let me show you the way back:

>browsing reddit
why don't you go back there

Left panel: Some shitty millennial dating app
Right panel: Some nasty backpage whore

this. i couldn't really trust Veeky Forums advice before the bull run and now you fags are here i definitely can't.

There was a mass migration two years ago from reddit, this site has been overrun with idiots like you ever since. I'm , dumbass.

Niggers are always in the spotlight because they commit like 50% of the crime here in the US (while being 12% of the population) and they never. stop. bitching. about being oppressed despite preferential treatment across the board.

I've been here since 2007

no it hasn't

It's a psyop by the Mossad to distract from the Jews. Wish I was joking.