Is living in NYC for a career in finance a meme?
Is living in NYC for a career in finance a meme?
>Rat race city filled to the brim with nigger, jews and gold digging whores
couldnt think of a worse place to live
Bro that's Jamaica queens, you will get shot there. if you look at properties in new york expect to pay 600k for a tiny ass studio in a walk up building
by new york I mean Manhattan, Jamaica is too far to commute to the city everyday without killing yourself
you are talking about new york right?
Kinda funny he shows Texas homes, I live in NJ and I am seriously considering moving to Texas. I could get a job in the city, sure, but the problem is that housing prices and the cost of living s absurdly expensive. You want to pump and dump NYC whores? Go for it. You want to build a family and a life here? Not gonna happen.
Its funny that so many women flock to NYC. NYC has a surplus of women being pumped and dumped by a minority of Chads. But its the worst place to actually start a family and lock down a guy.
Ft. Worth is comfy...Houston is nigger filled due to post Katrina influx that never fucking left. Austin is basically Cali2.0 now...move to the country. New Braunsfels is nice, also near Lake Travis is pretty bitchin...just don't be a liberal commie faggot.
>implying women don't move there deliberately to be pumped and dumped by chad
As if women these days even want a family
Don't come here, we are full. Fix your shitty state by voting. You're basically an immigrate if you come. Though all the Jersey people I know that have moved are pretty cool, ehhh come on down.
They want Chad's money to be sure
tl;dr if youre a liberal, fuck off we're full
do you already have friends/family on the industry? if not, forget it. not gonna happen.
am from texas, please stay out. I already have to swat cali fags away like flies.
I fucking hate california drivers so god damn much
I live in new york city and I hate it here. I'm looking to move to north Carolina.
BTW I'd like to point out that that pic is old, that house in Jamaica is probably worth around 600k+ by now. Jamaica is a pretty bad neighborhood. My parents house is worth 800k
NJ with NYC looking on my skyline here:
Send the Indians back.
Send the Hispanics back.
(I'll keep the Poles)
Get the Wops out of our government.
Let me have better gun laws and less absurd housing prices.
Pls lower your property taxes and then I'll move there. I don't want to pay 5 figures for a nice house in the suburbs. Muh American dream
This place is a shithole.
>Be lib cali fag
>Laugh at all the stupid Texans
>Lecture them at how stupid and uneducated they are
>Tell them they're poor and stupid
>Show them the statistics of how much more money we elite coastal cities make verses their poor hick towns.
>see this
>realize we're the poorfags
the fintech elite are either somewhere completely remote, or in CT
How do I make money in MT?
Good luck walking around Jamaican Queens at night, you better have a nice tan. What good is a career in finance when you're running home from work before dark and your windows and doors need to be reinforced with steel bars?
It's a holdover from the days you actually had to go to the office to do you job. These days most of those jobs can be done from home which is win / win as it saves the employer money on rent and equipment while giving the employee better quality of life.
I expect housing prices near large CBDs to drop as less people need to go to the office.
Why is fort Worth so cheap? No jobs there?
Not even in Texas. The south has houses like this out the fucking ass. You just have to deal with the shit humidity and tornados