Did the Abrahamic religions really come up with the beginning of humanity starting from two people or did another group imagined this prior to them?
Did the Abrahamic religions really come up with the beginning of humanity starting from two people or did another group...
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Pagan religions.
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Why are they white?
The only original thing about Abrahamic religions is the level of organisation with the religious texts and the concept of one book. None of the concepts are original and you can find tons of different versions in literally every pagan religion of every region on the planet.
But Genesis is about the formation of the Hebrew people, not of all people. It's an allegorical tale, meant to not be the truth. Just like the story of Job.
why is there a tiger
For by Art is created that great LEVIATHAN called a COMMON-WEALTH, or STATE, (in latine CIVITAS) which is but an Artificiall Man; though of greater stature and strength than the Naturall, for whose protection and defence it was intended; and in which, the Soveraignty is an Artificiall Soul, as giving life and motion to the whole body;
Does this also include Zoroastrianism?
What is the source of this quote?
No, that's a common element in many folk religions.
It's about the origin of humans, user.
Hell is truth seen too late.
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan
I have a theological question
Why are angels depicted as using swords and weapons why modern fantasy proves that psionics, magic, and guns are infinitely superior means of applying deadly force?
You'd think if it was divinely inspired angels would be loaded out with laser guns though the people at the time wouldn't know what the fuck they were.
eeeeeexxxa tly
because they are made up by man
Why are blasters considers uncivilized and lightsabers are a weapon for a more civilized age?
Because the people who made up the angels didn't know what lasers were dude
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:2)
Even if you don't know what a laser is if someone actually say that shit they would describe it and draw it.
Like if you introduce cars to a cavemen they would at least draw something vaguely car like. They wouldn't say "fuck it just draw a horse instead". Especially for something as serious as religion.
Why are you so racist? We're all humans!1 Skin color doesn't matter right?
> skin color
White people don't have a hue. Try again.
Yes I am agreeing with you here and saying angels were not real
>people still think "abrahamics" is a useful categorization of religions
Get on my level plebs
Because there was an apocraphal story that all animals lived in harmony with man before the fall of man.
But for fuck's sake, there was none of this in the actual Bible. Had that told to me by Church leader in Bible school when I was a dumb kid saying all animals got along in Eden.
>G*rmic mythology
Into the dumpster it goes.
How do Christians deal with the fact that the god they worship has its origins in a Canaanite pagan pantheon where El was the god of war and had a wife?
>be ancient dude
>see angel descend from heaven and strike down a demon with a handheld laser
>don't know what the fuck a handheld laser is
>describe it as a burning sword/spear
>thousands of years later some fedora tipper on a chinese shitposting forum makes fun of me for not knowing what a laser is
From the looks of it Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan.
>Why are angels depicted as using swords
but they aren't in any divinely inspised holy book
They were created in God's image.
>a jewish desert god is white
In your dreams.
>divinely inspired angels would be loaded out with laser guns
angelic vorpal longswords that shoot divine lasers are much cooler don't you think?
>Why are angels depicted as using swords
This is the weapon of an angel.
Not as clumsy or random as a gun; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.