Official reminder that Jesus wasn't a mudskin. As shown by the oldest panel icon of him. And also the looks of Samaratians.
what's wrong with his left eye?
He was flawed.
If you what Jesus looked like matters to you, you're not a Christian.
Half human, half god.
*All human, all God.
Hey there Christfag.
He has a big halo
Well middle easterners range from fair to mudskin. Hes still a sandnigger
It's his merciful aspect besides his wrathful aspect.
Niggerskins btfo.
The Pantocrator of Sinai is indeed the oldest but it's still AD 500s. Granted, however, it must be have been based on an already established iconographic tradition.
None of the men in that photo would even remotely pass as white by the conventional definition.
Christ's face is intentionally done like that to hint at a few things: the coexistence of His human and divine natures; His mercy and his judgment; heaven and earth. Of course, if you mirrored either side onto the other, you would get a 'complete' image.
This desu.
>There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
If God was black then Jesus would've looked like a half negro with fuzzy hair.
nice, I raise you a depiction that's 2 centuries older - Christ Between Peter and Paul, 4th century (belonged to Emperor Constantine). He seems unnaturally tanned, for all the difference it makes
As with any historical work of art, one should be aware of the degradation over time. Colours become less bright, textures less pronounced and entire layers may have been washed off during restorations.
I don't know what your depiction originally looked like though.
>white background still looks white
>paint exhibits no signs of degradation, discoloration, or even flaking
>"i don't know what your depiction originally looked like though"
that's a lot of non-argument from someone who knows little about a topic
>straight brown hair
>not White
Sure thing littel tye.
Yeah. It doesn't take into account, how would a painter... Hundreds of years after the person was no longer around, made a picture that looked just liked him.
Oh and its idol worship.
>moving the goalposts
I'm glad we're agreeing straight-haired Israelites are white, but I still don't see an argument that this isn't a depiction of a levanite Jesus
>one eye on your souls, one eye on da streetz
what is your argument exactly? I just see disjointed rambling
>None of the men in that photo would even remotely pass as white
Samaritans are clearly middle eastern looking, but they sure aren't shitskins. They look like the Jews in Passion
Iconoclasts were right. Depictions of Jesus is idol worship.
>Depictions of Jesus is idol worship
This. Jews and Muslims had the right idea with that whole images are bullshit because you instead worship the image instead of the ideas and God himself.
>Pre Arabian Invasion and Nigger Slavery Levantines are muds.
>None of the men in that photo would even remotely pass as white by the conventional definition.
America isn't the center of the universe.
They look Eastern Mediterranean (Lebanese, Cyprus Greeks, Anatolia Turks) without all the mixing from Niggers, Arabians, and Egyptians.
>HURR I may worship a Kike but at least he wasn't a nigger!
Good goy.
Germany lost the war thanks to Hitler. Germany under Hitlrr also crippled its appreciation for science (see Jewish Physics).
You guys are cute, the Alexamenos graffiti that's oldest. Jesus obviously had a donkey head.
Stay bitter, Achmed. Or are you Jamal? Whatever, keep LARPing as da reel Hebrews.
>being this butthurt
>t. tumblr/reddit/twatter
You're a walking stereotype. Better call me a cuck next.
Go attend your BLM chimpout and say Tyrone Jamal is da reel Egyptian and Hebrew.
Jesus would have had the look of a sun baked Palestinian farmer considering he was a poor traveling carpenter. No way he could have been pale
Dude doesn't look like even a Sephardic jew
Sephardic Jews look like shitskins to me
>There are two sides to me, nicest guy you'll ever meet and twisted fucking psychopath
His argument was that the dude in the picture just looked like an old jew. Dude is way too dark to be A Hebrew
These two dudes fight. Who wins?
>more like nicest guy you'll ever meet and scripture-clinging prosecuting attorney
They become friends instead.
Probably right. He is larger, and strong since he can easily carry two of those books, and well learned too, assuming he reads that sort of thing. And he has the face of one who will stop at nothing to achieve victory.
His opponent on the left, appears defenseless, but maybe his calm confidence means he has a trick up his sleeve.
dubs confirm
People don't wanna admit that Western Civilization has been worshiping a brown, hairy arab on a stick this entire time lmao
The only way Jesus would have been pale during those times would be if he had been rich
but he was not arab
Brown without a ""tan""
dark middle eastern then
4 u
>ignoring the Samaratians even though they're the closest to the Hebrews of all modern Semites
Still trying to force Achmeds Wuz Hebrews.
You're not fooling us Shaniqua.
Both Niggers and Achmeds pretend Jesus Wuz Them.
Meanwhile in early Christianity
The early church hated anthropomorphic religious imagery. Only many generations later after Christian reception of imperial approval did iconography come to be more accepted in order to appeal to the recently converted heathen masses.
>They also possess images, some of them painted, and others formed from different kinds of material; while they maintain that a likeness of Christ was made by Pilate at that time when Jesus lived among them. They crown these images, and set them up along with the images of the philosophers of the world that is to say, with the images of Pythagoras, and Plato, and Aristotle, and the rest. They have also other modes of honouring these images, after the same manner of the Gentiles [pagans]"
>"But this that you have now done is childish and imperfect: you have drawn a dead likeness of the dead."
>At the time of Gennadius (458-471) was withered the hand of a painter who dared to paint the Saviour in the likeness of Zeus. Gennadius healed him by means of a prayer. The author [Theodorus Lector] says that the other form of Christ, viz. the one with short, frizzy hair, is the more authentic.
>"I shall set down other things about him full of amazement. A certain painter, while painting an icon of Christ our Master, found that his hand shriveled up. And it was said that, as the work of the icon had been ordered by a certain pagan, in the adornment of the name of the Savior he had depicted his hair divided on his forehead, so that his eyes were not covered—for in such a way the children of the pagans depict Zeus—so that those who saw it would think that they were assigning veneration to the Savior."
>if it has pale skin its white!
I guess japanese and koreans are white then.
Yeah, it's almost like Yemenites and other Gulf arabs didn't flood the region until the 7th century or something, who'd have thought it.
Canonically schizo.
>pretending no anthropologists and others in the humanities didn't include any MENAs as White
Don't forget the Nigger slaves and Egyptians.
The nigger slaves were in Rome blacking the senator's and emperor's wives.
Egyptians at the time were likely different as well, even discounting Greek and Italian influx, probably a kind of Berberid rather than Arabid or Yemenite. In fact, the icon in OP was painted in Egypt.
Community cave church versus opinion of Church fathers.
More like gentiles appropriating the culture to the image of their own.
>muh dick
>cuck porn
Hello Twatter user.
You realize Samaritans vary - some are dark, some are light-featured.
The racism is just stupid because many Jews themselves are dark-featured. Just like Samaritans.
>Jesus was Achmed
Sure Jamal.
For those interested, there is a documentary by Waldemar Januszak about early christian art, it is in the the first part of his series on Dark Ages art. The earliest depictions of Christ see him as a curly haired teenage boy (the image being borrowed from statue images of Apollo) or as an androgynous thin male Apollo with wide hips and breasts modelling the dual gender aspect of the gods. ( The documentary was called Dark Ages Art and Architecture on youtube but i cant find it now).
But was he a shitskin in those pictures?
>lines 6.592-609 – At least poor women will have children. Rich women instead receive abortions to avoid the bother. But husbands should be glad since they would just become the father of a half-Ethiopian anyway. Women also get abandoned children to pass off as those of their husbands; these become the Roman elite – as Fortuna laughs.
I am merely literate in the classics
>still going muh dick
Still sore about the Hebrews not being Dindu Nuffins or Achmeds.
I was quite literally arguing for Jesus not being as swarthy as liberals and niggers like to think
>Not wanting to know regardless, for the sake of the acquisition of knowledge.
There is nothing wrong with this.
All seeing eye
Most church fathers Accept them
This proves it
What do the hand symbols mean
>merely cave paintings
Protestant logic
No they don't.
No argument
They do
Deal with it ASSMAD protestant scum
No cave paintings are actually important to the development of humanity.
The catacomb frescoes are more like murals done at a YMCA.
They show early christians do art
Get over it
The same images own motiffs finds reference in writings of the early church fathers
Deal with it
Simply describing the acts of a certain sect
Butthurt infidel can't live with the fact that his image worship is heretical.
Damage control the post.
If Jesus was black why are there no niggers within 1000 miles of Jerusalem. Where did they all go?
Protestantism is false
Deal with it
In fact any modern ACADEMIC work on early christian art now rejects the "muh early christian iconoclast" position
>I hate context
By your own logic this is idolatry
>I hate scholarship
Chicken scrawls are potentially heretical too for a different reason. Still doesn't defend image worship.
And the second source says Jesus as Zeus is bad and that the curly haired version is more accurate
That isn't iconoclasm
>everything is heretical because I can't read and they disagree with protestantism