Which are -under your vision- wars that legitimately could be considered a war between a good and a bad side? Because for example, 100% of the independence wars in history, were just a dispute between the local elites vs the motherland to control the resources of a colony.
Which are -under your vision- wars that legitimately could be considered a war between a good and a bad side...
Other urls found in this thread:
Zulu Wars
dem good bois dindu nuffin
I'll let you decide which one's which.
Any class war
Actually most wars are between one evil and another evil
t. Marx
World War 2
World War 1
French Revolution
Most wars involving Israel.
Most communist revolutions.
The common theme is that the good side loses.
Free Planets Alliance was objectively the good side
Shut up you plutocratic scum.
Sigs Kaiser Reinhard.
damn homeslice. That's deep and applicable to people in Iraq, Libya, Afganistan and other countries "liberated" by the USA.
LotGH is applicable the everything.
I'm surprised the stormfags and the tankies haven't started slinging shit at each other over this post yet.
While it was founded on good values, it's a corrupt mess by the point in its history depicted in the show. I wouldn't consider it in any ways a force for good. Even if it's more free than the Empire, paramilitary gangs like the PKC keep dissenters in check with brutal methods, while the authorities do nothing.
Acting like the Alliance in the state that it was in was any better than the Empire is missing the point of the entire show.
Reinhard alone made the Empire ten times better than the Alliance.
lotgh is literally a cartoon for babies
No one likes pezzan.
Low energy bait.
Oh sorry, what I meant to say is:
LotGH is literally a cartoon for BABBIES
Don't realizing pezzan and the cult of earth is the real evil is losing the point.
>replying to bait
Bittenfeld, you hothead.
American Civil War. Do it again, General Sherman!
Implying that the north wasn't fighting for profit and a slave didn't lived better than a union factory work.
Childhood is thinking Rubinsky was evil
Adulthood is realizing he did nothing wrong
Yeah that's why so many ex-slaves and their descendants moved north to work in factories
Sure, because ex-slaves don't need to eat and the only paying jobs weren't on the Union.
The magician is too for this world.
Rhodesian Bush War
The Polish-Soviet war
The Winter War
Soviet - ???? war
Winter War is the purest answer t. spurdo
Yang is the best of us. Veeky Forums incarnate.
Oh, they will. But it's night for most of /pol/, and they're slinging shit over there.
>Because for example, 100% of the independence wars in history, were just a dispute between the local elites vs the motherland to control the resources of a colony.
Greek War of Independence. Also, most independence wars fought against empires whose cultures conflicted with the rebelling party.
That's the problem, he's one dude who'll leave behind a shitty empire when he kicks the bucket.
Any war against the Turks.
The defensive wars against the Caliphates, the Crusades (with the exception of the Fourth), the wars against the Turks can all be pretty much called good vs evil
The road to becoming a nat-soc. 88 my germanic brothers
Why do they still farm the lands by hand with plows when they have space ships and teleportation technology?
This. See: Alexander the Great
Nigga they don't even have cellphones
The Peloponnesian War.
The Great Northern War.
The American Civil War.
World War Two.
What an awful post
Sino-Japanese War numero 2
That was just pure autism and the Japanese strategist realized it was stupid from the start, but the generals kept pushing for it.
Prove me wrong.
I can.
Who was the "good" side in WW2?
But they have beam weapons and energy shields though
The one that despite making morally questionable choices on their part, were fighting a war to protect themselves from the side whose expressed purpose was to take their land for their own benefit.
Which run on DOS 5.
In addition to the show being old, I think they were going for distribution problems in the Alliance, and corruption in the Empire.
I mean we had better farming technology 100 years ago than they have now in the show.
>Rome vs Carthage
The Carthaginians were despicable people, and modern research only confirms this. They were semites that built an entire culture around trade and nothing else, and routinely sacrificed their own generals because they didn't bring back the desired results, as well as hiring mercenaries they knew they couldn't afford. And let's not forget, they were baby-killers. They deserved to lose.
>Sparta vs Athens
While the Athenians were pretty much god tier, I still can't abide by a tyrannical state that tortured their clients so much that they started wishing they never left Persian rule. The pragmatism in the Athenian game theory was simply too much, and after Pericles they kept swinging from one mood and ideologue to the other, killing people loyal to Athens, fucking over long-time allies, and starting battles with other city states miles away.
>Germany vs the world, civilization, Europe, and everything good in humanity
It's not a single war and it's still ongoing. But one day it will hopefully be gone.
Why exactly is being weak, "good"?
>beyond Good and Evil.
FFS. man the fuck up
All this Anglo and German hate seems to be instigated by a certain third party that benefits from these disagreements.
I wonder who that third party could be...
>EU flag
>he fell for Roman propaganda
Pathetic. Carthaginians were the good guys
If they were "weak" they wouldn't have won in the end.
Also right makes might, that was spelt out in the first war I posted.
Carthage was the bad guy in the 1st war, Sicily was rightful Greco-Roman territory.
The 2nd and 3rd Punic Wars? I can't really condone kicking someone in the balls while they're down.
Weird OC coming through.
>Pathetic. Carthaginians were the good guys
You're talking about strictly who was in the right on a political level. I am saying that overall, the Romans were a superior people and civilization that deserved to win.
His wife made it into a Constitutional Monarchy when he died. Probably.
Just because the Greeks and Romans were the pinnacles of civilisation doesn't make them the "good guys" in every single confrontation.
They should've defeated the Carthaginians justly, just like Aeneas did with Turnus.
It's always the women ruining everything good. Hopefully his son won't be cucked from his birthright as an autocrat.
wars of aggression tend to have the good and bad side more clean cut than other kinds of war
At least that'll prevent it from turning into Goldenbaum 2.0.
Invasions of Iraq
I think when your teacher says she loves Saddam, she means that she finds him interesting.
>world war 1
Not as often as you'd think, and certainly not as often as you're told.
The Great Patriotic War
It alsways seemed to me that the epire was basically just a feudal society that could sustain it's gigantic arsenal just because of it's sheer size.I think it's even mentioned that the equilibrium between Empire and Alliance is only maintaned because the Alliance uses it's few planets way more efficiantly.
We didn't overthrow Saddam for "democracy" or for fear of biological weapons.
We did it because he was planning to withdraw from the oil cartel and planning to sell oil in multiple currencies as opposed to merely the dollar.
We also did it because the House of Saud does not want any significant unified competition in the region. They don't really give a shit about Islam, they give a shit that they can fuck instagram models and import luxury cars.
Because that shit is restricted to the aristocracy, peasants were treated as bad as the stereotypical Russian serf.
>objectively the good side
They definitely weren't, and the whole point of the show was that. FPA dying was absolutely necessary for democracy to survive through the Iserlohn Republic.
Yeah and he/his wife set it up so that in the eventuality that one of his descendants becomes a shitty ruler then they'll be rightfully overthrown instead of it degenerating into the shitty previous system.
Any war against the mongols was a war between good and bad
Yes, and the Mongols were the good guys. Even Tolkien said he regretted portraying the bad guys in his books as Mongols because he knew what's up (Genghis's soul). You're probably some mad Persian even though Mongols saved the country.
Another good example is the current war against the "I S". Just as our President said to the Muslims the other day, it's a battle of good and evil right now. Assyria is the cradle of civilization so a Christian empire needs to be set up in Mosul (renamed Nineveh) as soon as possible.
The monuments there are called 'world' heritage sites for a reason. If you truly believe all men are created equal you have to fight for the world's heritage bequeathed unto all of us and stop the Shaytan.
t. John Green
The Hunnic War (Chalons)
>a horde of barbarians wants to invade your land for the sole purpose of enslaving and plundering it
The Germania campaign (Teutoburg Forest)
>a legion of civilized men want to invade your lands for the sole purpose of plundering and enslaving it
Any war against Britain or the Turks.
>they don't really give a shit about islam
Top zozzle. Surely the single biggest funder of your precious religion of """"peace"""" doesn't really care about it
You sound very mad.
I have no love for Islam. But I honestly think most of the House of Saud likes social pretense while they practice plain debauchery in their strongholds.
Their allegiance to Islam is funding an inherently unstable system of thought which destabilizes muslim majority countries. As long as muslim is choking muslim, the Saudis are happy.
They are mere humans though but with a rich horde to satisfy almost any desire...well they are mere humans, not complicated practitioners of a school of Islam. They care less for Allah than they do shitting on exotic women,
All wars are good vs bad you postmodernist cuck
Soviet-Afghan War
Fucking Wahhabist scum
If a billion muslims died around them (genomic weapon sort of deal), they would have a religious vision where Christ chastised their way but would forgive their sins upon voluntary conversions to the throne of Peter.
And then they'd make up with the Catholic Church and start giving tithe while keeping their debauched antics.
Yang was better than Reinhard 2bh
French Revolutionary Wars (Republicans are bad guys)
Spanish Civil War (Republicans are bad guys)
American War of Independence (Republicans are bad guys)
Russian Civil War (Reds are bad guys)
Cristero War (Freemasons and liberals are bad guys)
Ottoman-Habsburg wars (Ottomans are bad guys)
WW2 (fascists and communists are bad guys)
English Civil War (parliamentarians are bad guys)
>soviet-afghan war
>wars involving wahhabists
Pick one
war in the vendee
Never 4get
At what? Being Chinese?
All wars are between two good sides, because they both contribute to the bloodshed. A bad war is a war that is never fought.
Any war between the settled Civilizations of Asia and the Central Asian Nomad Hordes.
Seriously, it's between
>Civilizations that couldn't give a shit about expanding to the steppes.
>Nomads who think there's absolutely nothing wrong in demanding ransoms and tributes from the settled peoples, or raiding them for various resources when you feel it/need it.
Steppenigs are the only real bad guys of history. Anyone they raided absolutely, without meming, dindu nuffin wrong to them.