Ben Franklin called Swedes and Germans swarthy. What was wrong with this guy?

Ben Franklin called Swedes and Germans swarthy. What was wrong with this guy?

Nothing. It just proves how flimsy definitions of whiteness are. Originally it was just rich Englishmen in Virginia.

>Originally it was just rich Englishmen in Virginia.
Even people Whiter than them weren't White.

We hear of the conversion of water into wine at the marriage in Cana, as of a miracle. But this conversion is, through the goodness of God, made every day before our eyes. Behold the rain which descends from heaven upon our vineyards, and which incorporates itself with the grapes to be changed into WINE; a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy!

He was mostly annoyed by the Germans and I don't really blame him. It's lost on today's more rootless minds but back then it would've been very tiring to suffer a parallel society in your own that didn't speak your language and had a radically different political culture

it's interesting how the alt right tries to simultaneously appeal to the romantic past, but also believes in white nationalism and pan-european nationalism, both utterly modern projects

He's gay.

He actually made the exception for Northern Germans (Saxons) who he considered the same as English. On Sweden, I think he may have never actually seen a Swede.

He also killed six french prostitutes in a series of satanic rituals.

But he was still a cool guy.

Modernization is key. The American nation is a melting pot of European ethnics at this point in which various European groups are pitted against Blacks, Asians, indians, Muslims and Hispanics. Since Italians, Irish, Slavs and Uralics are more or less integrated into the White American nation it wouldn't serve anyone's interest to marginalize those groups from the historically NorthWestern European Protestant American nation.

[citation needed]

Scandis and Germans have darker skin on average compared to anglo/celts nad usually have niggerish feature (thick lips, flat noses, square faces, etc)

they were already being cucked by the nogs already back then.

>flat noses
So the opposite of the noble Italian nose?

Not they don't you cherrypicking homosexual.

Or french, or british

Northwest Europeans (Scots/Irish, Anglos) are the whitest people in the world. They lived in a Separatist region. They were also the most racist. They lived for hundreds perhaps a thousand years with whiteness/purity in mind. They saw it as angelic.

They didnt suffer the wrath of the arabs and north africans. Or perhaps suffered too much. They historically lived in "badland". That means they were seasonally nomadic. Food was scarce. Shorter growing season. Perhaps thats how they get their name? All they did was keep women pregnant, guys were sent to war and protected their youth to spread as a kind. They dont come from the very north however, since that region seems to have asiatic heritage.

They were trophy wives of mediterranean men. Meaning when young men would train for war theyd raid their settlements. Take the female they wanted as war booty. And they now had a slave wife. Reason why marriage and hunting are the same in some languages.

Who care what he said, he was an white male, we need to listen to black, gay, transgender, feminist woman.


"white" is a loose term that has changed numerous times throughout history and continues to change to match political agendas.

>They were also the most racist
nah, we're too liberal and due to patterns of outmarriage, we're not clannish.

he only saw their day laborers, the blue bloods had no reason to migrate

Also they have a Healthier gene pool and don't look all like Charles the 2.

He was a massive Frenchboo.

He's right. Continentals aren't white.



>On Sweden, I think he may have never actually seen a Swede.

Morton, who was one of the founding fathers, was of Finnish descent and Finland was core Swedish territory at the time.

>Ben Franklin called Swedes and Germans swarthy. What was wrong with this guy?

Well, he made an exception for Saxons (so Trump isn't included), but he was involved with creating the biggest embarrassment in human history - America. He gave them guns and free speech, so it would be more embarrassing when the country gets overrun and conquered by third worlders who tear down their statues and abolish their freedoms: Its people have all the means to save their asses, but obviously not the will. (But the will to elect a black Muslim tranny twice.)

"White" is a hoax created in America to promote race-mixing between Aryans and lower races.

>He was mostly annoyed by the Germans and I don't really blame him

German Americans are indeed terrible. They need a few months to turn the US into the most cucked country on Earth.

>but back then it would've been very tiring to suffer a parallel society in your own that didn't speak your language and had a radically different political culture

I'm pretty sure he had intense discussions with the natives about it.

Swedes and germans tan in the sun.
Englishmen and celts burn.
That's what he meant

Did he hang around French prosatutus as cover?
Don't insult based ben please.
"Temperance. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation."
"Silence. Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation."
"Order. Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time."
"Resolution. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve."
"Frugality. Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing."
"Industry. Lose no time; be always employ'd in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions."
"Sincerity. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly."
"Justice. Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty."
"Moderation. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve."
"Cleanliness. Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habitation."
"Tranquility. Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable."
"Chastity. Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another's peace or reputation."
"Humility. Imitate Jesus and Socrates."

ABIAH, his Wife,
Lie here interred.
They lived lovingly together in Wedlock
Fifty-five Years;
And without an Estate or any gainful
By constant Labour, and honest1 Industry,
(With GOD’s Blessing)2
Maintained a large Family
And brought up thirteen Children and
Seven Grand-children
From this Instance, Reader,
Be encouraged to Diligence in thy Calling,
And distrust not Providence.
He was a pious and a prudent Man,
She a discreet and virtuous Woman.
Their youngest Son,
In filial Regard to their Memory,
Places this Stone.
J. F. born 1655, died 1744.
A. F. born 1667, died 1752.5

Northwestern Europeans on average have fairer skin than Northern Europeans as an evolved trait because it is cloudier


Irishman with dark hair, blue eyes and very light florid skin which burns in the sun

Scandinavian with blond hair, blue or grey eyes and ashen skin which tans deeply in the sun

Letting in c*ntinentals was a huge mistake. Scandis are alright because they're quaint and knuckle under to the cultural norm but letting in anyone from south of Denmark (or Catholics in general)was a horrible idea. Fucking Germaniggers, Italians, Irish and eastern yuros slink over here three or four generations ago, destroy WASP cultural hegemony and then have the nerve - the fucking nerve - to complain about blacks and Mexicans doing the same thing they did.


Ive analyzed paintings of george Washington. He had a mediterranean hooked nose. And had mixed race features...boy did those founding fathers lie their asses off to fit within the celtic ranks.

>"Celts" can never have hooked noses without mediterranean admix

As opposed to the classical Greek nose, straight, narrow and all around beautiful.

But user, by Benjamin Franklin's own writings, we should accept people of other beliefs and actions, as long as they cause no harm to ourselves. Then we'd have to let the tiny minority of gay and trans people be. The Muslims and Buddhists and Hindus that mean no harm and aren't militant. It means using your time wisely and not wasting it on Veeky Forums.

That's unacceptable :^)

Well Swedes and Germans aren't really white.

Fuck off with your fake picture faggot.

Here here!

I read his autobiography - Franklin is such a pompous, self-righteous ass

I wish he stayed in France, drowning in pussy, long enough to get guillotined

>fun fact: he worked for a Jewish printer

Ben Franklin said the only people that should be let in are English and Indians. Specifically saying Germans are not welcome.