Hows your portfolio going lads

Hows your portfolio going lads.

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Not bad. Can't get rid of my pajeet coins that I bought tucking around on topia.

Cooling today but much better overall

lol LDOGE wtf is that thing

Post the graph showing your gains over time or fake.

Give me one bitcoin or your a poorfag.


free stuff pl0x 138gc1cEecvNinop2JYASrUDnVNXX77sHD

thats alot of btc my friend

Not so great, need to get out of some of these shitcoins and switch to HODL coins.

pathetic. go beg somewhere else you losers

I mean I don't actually record every trade. I kee my coins on joinmarket...if you look at sites for that you'll see my balances listed

thought so, sweet photoshop though poorfag

Suck a fat penis. This is why well off people go incognito

yeah ok. go larp somewhere else bro

You don't need to record, just click on the chart button on your blockfolio

i'm not him. this board has IDs you begging retard

does john podesta have a big dick? did he choke you with it you fucking faggot? i will not brush my teeth for six months just to puke down your throat you fucking cum deposit

I see ARK and a bunch of literally who garbage.

What are you doing user

Not him, but that is exactly why you guys dont make money. "literally who garbage". What the fuck do you think BTC was? Monero?

Been holding for years considering selling and buying something nice or going on holiday.

not that you are well off you larping faggot, you're almost as bad as them

Nice, when did you start?

My portfolio is finally recovering. I bought some strat near the bottom during the crash, so that helped.

he's waiting for pump obv

what's with the % change?

Nice! That was a great buy. Was considering buying in but at that point the train had left.

Just downloaded this app as I decided to start trading some new alts.

if Internet of the People or ParkByte ever become a top 100 coin i'll eat my dick on national trlevision

Should this come to your attention by any miracle


might as well keep at it, definitely dont sell. id say save up for a house but

>tfw housing prices in this country

fucking kill me already

You Aussie too? Buy the dip Senpai.
Look at canada this past few months. We will be next.

whoever it was who told me to just dump my money into an index fund, thanks its worked quite well

this is all VFIAX

It's been a great week.

What are you holding user? Any bets for the upcoming days?

I have no clue what I'm doing. I'm converted 90% of my portfolio into BTC and kek blessed me with this wonderful rise.

This much money and no idea what you are doing? Playing a dangerous game user.

What about Canada?

its going to have to be one hell of a dip for me to buy haha

i just want a house out in the country somewhere, well thats the long term plan anyways

My week is going well, though that's all due to bitcoin. Fucking ETH and LTC keeping me from hitting 8 figures. I'm a holder, so I didn't have enough on exchanges to change a significant amount of my alts into BTC when it dropped to $1800.

Anyone get more rekd than me?

>I'm a holder

more like a larper amirite

Whoops wrong image. I feel terrible about my life, tax situation, and future in crypto in general. How I let my value get that high without taking profits, I am still puzzling out. Don't do what I did. Take profits at some point. If I had taken out just 100k usd anywhere near the peak I could be sitting so comfy now and even have gotten back in at a discount for more mad gains. Be cautious. Unless you're one of the many racist losers that posts here a lot. You guys should take a break from crypto and get with reality

with that unsolicited projection in your post it sounds like you deserved to get JUST'd

If you don't take profit, youll end up like

Believe what you want, pal. I'll have the last laugh when BTC is worth 100k. :^)

How did you manage that? Were you all in DGB or something?

show portfolio


Not saying HODLing is best strat but if you held solid coins you would get back to your high probs.

If u had 200k+ in meme coins i guess you deserve to lose it

Noice. Do you lend?


MFW bitcoin was only $650 back then

I am balls deep in waves which I bought for $1.30. But what do I do next? I mean I guess the predictable dips are over. Should I just put extra cash in BTC and leave it? Pretty boring but saver I guess. Or are there there any other coins with good medium to long term potential. I was looking at XMR.

It'll come back up to .15, r-right guys...?

>t. "ETH hodler”

Forgot image.

I'm not sure how viable it is to wait another ten months to sell so that I can take less capital gains tax. I feel like ether had its day, and that in a year I might not have anything..

But it's still in the number two coin...eventually it should go back up... Right?


good week, bad month
down from 515k to 280k (!!) back to 445k
ill show what coins im holding if you ask

Show pls. Also when did you get into the game?

Waiting for a dip instead i missed the moon. Hopefully it will crash a little in august so i can buy back in.

I got in in 2015 with 28k usd 1/2


So you're bearish on ETH then, etc being the competition?

what platform is best for this on a mac? i dont have a smart phone

Nice job, mirin

I was debating in getting in on icn, rad, and OMG, which one would you recommend most ?

Holy fuck, and I thought my life was shit.

I don't believe in ETH because of vitalik, I do believe in ETC and waiting for ICOs on it
you mean Rads? if you then yes it is a great utility for blockchain, idk about OMG (no idea what they're doing)
and ICN is also great, I bought it in the 20% dip 2 days ago the second the official ICN twitter said no coins were harmed

wow, when did you started and how you made such amount?

Thanks, I'll prob spend .45btc on rads and icn each and then rest on library

Started about 6 months ago (currently 10k or so invested, have about 100k

Eth. Lost the majority of it on margin

Why are you holding Decred user? I see people shilling all the time, but no one can explain why it's different from every other shitcoin out there

I have similar graph. Didn't sold at high and now too proud to sell at low.

Its unbeleivable to me that people have 25-50-400k in crypto. I have a hardtime with just 700.

you'll get the hang of it

could you explain what volume has to do with price?

Or what indicators to look for. Right now it doesn't make much sense.

Sometimes I look at the depth chart, and if there is a huge green wall it means the prices is gunna go up.

Luck + research. Ex. Strat went 1000x, so if you invest in 1000 in 2016 on strat, 2017 would have been a millioniare.
Also the fact almost everything went like 10 to 20x this year.

It already has lightning network. The thing that's different from other is it has a self governance feature. Which will become its selling point/pump point Then all other shitcoins will add self governance to their coin as well. Plus it's a POS coin. So easy money as long as you hold. And high profile whales are in it. One is Charliee(LTC creator)

no I literally have no idea how any of this shit works and Im a nocoiner

I learned about Bitcoin in a Slate article when it hit $5. Bought in around 1000 around $10, held for a while but got out when price didn't move around Greek crisis. Got back in with a BFL 60gh/s rig I bought for $8k on eBay as preorders started being delivered. Mined 25 BTC (actually solved a block while working on a pool, came out a wash) but difficulty increases were insane. I realized I probably wouldn't be able to mine more than 20 BTC more over the life of the unit. Found some idiot willing to pay me 45 BTC for it.

Bought the rest shortly before and after the silkroad crash at around $90 or so. Kept buying after the Gox collapse, including after it dipped below $200 again, and through a sort of sleepy $200-$300 period. Think I've spent maybe $3k on coins over $500.

Don't have any plans to sell.


Y-yeah... EVERYTHING is fine




why don't you distribute it around oder coins, make around 5 mil into cash?

-_- are you retarded, that much DGB doesn't exist

shame on me


What kind of crypto is that, get out reee

fake and gay

Good week, bad month like most people
1 month ago I peaked at around $130k

did you actually hold through a 40% loss?
blows my fucking mind.


how long have you been in ANS

I bought for ~250k sats back in June, sold for 350k, then bought again for ~250k some days ago.

>trying to time the market
it'll come back to bite you in the ass eventually my man

nice job man. i wish i knew when to sell and when to buy. i'm not smart enough so i just buy and accumulate. it isn't as effective but it still has given me good gains so far

rather be emotional and sell at -30%, huh? maybe be able to save some of your losses, right? thats fun until it turns around and you get burned, boy.
be careful playing around with stuff you cant control.

Poorfag with $500 starting capital here. Just made $150 on SC

Nice work on the ANS hold. When did you get into Crypto?

Also If you feel like rounding of that ARK hold:

Patience is key user. I'm 70% down on QRL but it'll come back eventually.

My portfolios is currently at $853k

Has been up to $1m on 23rd June for about 8 hours but no doubting it will go back up to $1m

I'm winning at life u pansies

Anyone use Kraken? Do they really only charge .25% per buy?

nice man im happy to hear that you're making it. what are the bulk of your holdings?


When will this take me to the moon?

I need to quit my job already