Why do leftists hate white people?

Why do leftists hate white people?

Other urls found in this thread:


>...you listen

People prey on the weak, and we white people are basically shattered because we've tossed our heritage out the window. Ask any white person what their culture is and they'll say "we don't have any" where as any other ethnicity would tell all sorts of shit.

We excelled so far past everyone else for a while we began to fight ourselves fornsone type info competition and while we did that everyone else caught up, and yet we still drag each other down.

Everyone hates on whites because we love to hate each other.

>equality tax

I love this Orwellian shit.

Empathy is related to high IQ as exploitation is related to low IQ.

Western society is built upon self criticism and the strife to become better and to do what is morally right.

The vulnerability of people with high IQ is exploited by the jealous masses of low IQ and that makes it so these people become radicalized in their own criticism.

These high IQ people are seen as authorities. And as authorities, when they turn into radicals they bring with them legitimacy and followers.

The Soviet Union played this and planted the seed in western society to cause its implosion. It took about 25 years to generate a society untouched by psychological subversion. Which is why now you see a push back against leftism in all fronts.


America is just literally fucked

>The Soviet Union

The Soviet Union did none of this bullshit. Its only western Marxists from France and USA that push this kind of shit.

Why do you keep making this thread?

Holy fucking shit, this is the most stereotypical /pol/ack post I have ever read.

Did you write this yourself or is this just pasta? Perhaps a mix of the two?

No. I was just born into a country that allowed me to see it happen.


Because Americans are apparently all fucked in the head.

I'd say my culture is Finnish, not "white"

>europeans have no freedom of speech
Well where the hell else is left and where are you from to judge america?

No what? I didn't ask you a yes or no question.

No "I didn't write this myself", no "this isn't pasta" or no "it isn't a mix of the two"?

It is not a mix between the two and it is not a pasta.

Are you sure?

Because I'm 99.945% sure I've seen every individual line you wrote, somewhere else, word for word.

Not judging or anything, it could've been unintentional. Just saying.

Stefan Molyneux talks about this and provides evidence. You might have heard it from him.

But either way, if you are living in a nation with groups with large IQ differences between them it is easy to notice this.


Something something privilege something something savior complex

>Stefan Basil Molyneux (/stəˈfæn ˈmɒlᵻnjuː/; born September 24, 1966) is an Irish-born Canadian blogger/vlogger.


Should've dropped from the blogger.

Im Mediterranean, Iberian, culturally Catalan.
Only USA, Canada and other expat colonies don-t have a defined culture.

Most American post on this board atm. Why the fuck do yanks feel the need to have a culture seperate from their own US culture? Ask any actual white person (European) what their culture is and they'll say English, French, Irish, Spanish etc

>select "person of colour"
>when they ask why just say you identify as a nigkin
>there's nothing they can do

ez game, ez life

Because even though they are the most dominante culture of the 21. Century, they are still stuck in their mindset of the 19. Century, calling every group they dislike "not white" and praising their "Yuropean heritage" even when their have nothing in common with the average european and our cultures