Nice (conquered by France in 1860)

>Nice (conquered by France in 1860)
>South Tirol (conquered by Italy in 1918)
>Alsace-Lorraine (conquered by France in 1945)
and others

How is it possible that even though modern nations are supposed to be ethnic, they are still based on political conquest? How is it possible that none of these territories had a referendum post-1950 about joining their ethnic motherland?

France doesn't (officially) base its nationalism on being ethnically French; in fact it doesn't even include ethnicity in its own censuses.
Of course this isn't completely the case in reality, but to the French government, officially, Nice or Alsace-Lorraine "re-joining" their ethnic brothers across the border would be like Mexico claiming the American Southwest because the climate is like Mexico; it isn't something that enters into the American view of what constitutes sovereignty and legitimacy of the state.

Corsica is Italian
Nizza is Italian.
Istria is Italian.
Ticino is Italian.

That is all.

t. Luigi


Mama mia that's a spicy meme

>Alsace-Lorraine (conquered by France in 1945)

If you actually want to know.

Nice: The population voted in a referendum to unite with France. Nice was part of a deal where the territory was ceded to France in exchange for France joining the war against Austria.

South Tirol: Not returned to Austria due to lol Nazis. Instead the population has a high degree of autonomy.

Alsace-Lorraine: German population deported.

>Alsace-Lorraine (conquered by France in 1945)
>(conquered by France in 1945)
>in 1945
Will the butthurt ever end, how french can asspain so many nation?

>Alsace-Lorraine (conquered by France in 1945)

Alsace and Lorraine were both french (here in green and blue on the modern map of France). The germans took parts of them and created a new area, creatively naming it Alsace-Lorraine (here circled in red).
Later France got that back.

So it wasn't "France conquered it". France always held most of it, and traditionally held all of it, since Germany existed to contest it.

This is what i wanted to hear, thank you.

It just feels weird that i.e. ethnic Germans living in Italy don't have a referendum and join back with Germany/Austria

>modern nations are supposed to be ethnic
Excuse me: what ?

Why do the people there speak German then :^)

>Alsace-Lorraine (conquered by France in 1945)
Because local natural resources are far more important than "people", "ethnicity" and "language". France wanted them sweet mines and they were willing to sacrifice millions of men for them.

>Nice: The population voted in a referendum to unite with France.
Top kek, the italian referenda of 1860 were utter jokes. They were just political fiction. Nice became french because Cavour sold it to Napoleon III in the Plombieres agreement of 1858.

>t.Jean val Jean Phillipe Bonaparte
That land has been german-speaking for far longer than it has ever been occupied by a government in Paris

No Savoy?

Fiume e Dalmazia?

Because nobody wants to live in Germany, so Germans ran away to the land near its borders, in France, Switzerland, Poland and so on.

t. American kraut fetishist
It's alsatian speaking. Also remember that these alsatians never wanted to be german. Which is why in a yearly referendum they voted to rejoin France almost every time.

I'm pretty sure Italy gave Nice to France without any hostilities

It's not, nobody but some old people speak alsatian now. Though a lot of people speak decent german because frontaliers.
T. Alsatian

Those plus Malta and Corfu

Because countries make up and adapt the ethnic discourse as needed and basically nationalists are cucks

>How is it possible that even though modern nations are supposed to be ethnic, they are still based on political conquest?

Because nation states are a modern meme and multi ethnic empires/federations have been the historical norm.

>creatively naming it Alsace-Lorraine
>So it wasn't "France conquered it". France always held most of it, and traditionally held all of it,
You realize that the duchies/regions of Alsace/Elsass and Lorraine/Lothringen predate any sort of French ownership of the territory correct? France didn't own Lothringen/Lorraine until 1766 or all of Elsass until 1803. France holding all of Elsass-Lothringen was pretty new when Germany (re)took them. We're talking less than a hundred years. Please don't post if you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

>Because nation states are a modern meme and multi ethnic empires/federations have been the historical norm.
if you tell the truth, they get angry. tread carefully.

Their cultures are similar enough to their conquerors so they don't feel the need to chimpout like certain slimy cultures I could name.

Deported from your own home is a really pleasant way to phrase ethnic cleansing