Bitcoin and ETH were on the news just now. Should we buy more or sell?
Bitcoin and ETH were on the news just now. Should we buy more or sell?
>Saturday morning
Nobody under the age of 70 is watching a government run "news" channel right now.
Fuck off leaf.
Buy user. Just buy.
All my close relatives do
Any exposure to normies is good exposure. The more people hear about bitcoins, the more the value rises up. Now is the time to establish your bags, OP.
This is the last year for sub-3k bitcoin prices, get your ticket to the moon or stay here and eat soylent forever.
Fuck of back to
>anyone whose opinion I don't like is a /pol/ack bogeyman
This board is where /pol/acks are migrating to now. /pol/ is dead. Accept the migration bigot, refugees are welcome here.
Buy the rumor sell the news.
You got your answer :^)
Says the retard who thinks bitcoin is remotely accessible to the demographics that still watch cable news.
It's a Saturday morning news program in Canada, it's not going to affect the market one bit. You and OP are brain dead faggots.
>wow he doesn't like watching TV I bet he is from /pol/
chill you nigger loving problematic schizo cuckolding prone retard
This, I think it will just touch 3k soon but there will be a sizable sell off eventually, nothing too drastic though. Maybe 2400, 2500
why dont canadians use their own symbol for their currency
why do they have to use $ and confuse everyone for fucks sake
fukcing leafs
A period of high inflation may soon be coming to canada.
What are the odds that people use bitcoin to hedge against it?
>Government sponsored Canadian news
you leafs are living in a nightmare
Any asset strongly promoted on mainstream media is better kept an eye on for potential short trades.
>just under $3500
>actually ~$2800
Why are the media so bad at facts?
Burgerbucks and Timmydollars exchange at different rates senpai.
holy shit im from pol.
what do i do. i havent been going there lately. i dont know why
Bergers think Canadians use USD god damn
I didn't realize it was syrupniggers, I'm use to roobucks.
/pol/ and /k/ are more than welcome on Veeky Forums. It makes quite the trifecta to be completely honest.
Is Veeky Forums neutral ground between /k/ and /pol/?
Veeky Forums is Veeky Forums trying to meme and make money while outsiders bug them.
Thanks to its content being at least meant to be more serious, we get a little bit less of normie influx than other boards such as /v/, /f/, /gif/, or any of the other crazy porn boards that pander to degenerate shit like /trash/ and /d/, they get anarcho commie furry shills and stuff, way more demented than the liberal retards and easily offended niggers on the other boards.
>buy the rumour, sell the news
What do you think famalam?
>26 foreigners including women
>Including women
I think the main cancer Veeky Forums avoids is commies, other than that we are much like any other smaller board.
>Veeky Forums is meme outsiders degenerate normie influx shit
bundled that for you
/k/ommando here
I appreciate the welcome.
How do I know you are the same pompous mega-retard that was swearing bitcoin was going down because of "the weekend dip"?
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been regularly mentioned on the likes of Bloomberg, Forbes, CNBC, Hacked, Fortune, etc.
Why haven't you kys yet?
/pol/ reporting in.
thanks user.
Yes, I agree. The gullible spergs that inhabit pol and k are perfect targets for our shitcoin pumps and dumps.
Don't want to bring in boards with above average IQ.
>it was on the news, SELL
this has become a very boring and stale meme.
is this a paki network? If countries like that are getting involved in crypto see you at 10K
/pol/ack here
the memes here are much more entertaining and every once in a while there's a good tip
Buy ethereum
Every board has an abundance of tardfags such as yourself. We will take pol's brightest as they are the only ones that will stick around for any significant amount of time anyway. Our ideals align closely enough. Pol will start focusing more on financial gains and intelligent biznessmen will start thinking about using their money for more than just lambos and personal gain. The cross pollination has begun.
No you fuck off to /r/cuckold
I'm going to enjoy dumping my bags on you /pol/ fags. More flesh for the machine.
When did I say anything about bitcoin going down? If anyone here is a retard it has to be you.
It's only going up from here you crybaby faggot.