What's the quickest way to make a million?

What's the quickest way to make a million?

(No meme answers like winning the lottery or marrying a rich person)

Invest in golden kneepads, you will need them.

If you're very good at sucking dick you can make 10 bucks per 2 minutes. That's like 72k per month which means making a million takes only 1.15 years.

Don't you think this counts as a meme answer?

sell staf on SYSCOIN market

depends on your skillset.
crypto would be a realistic bringer of gains especially if you have a reasonable amount to invest.

Heard crypto is just a bubble which could burst at any time

by 100 call options on AMD at a $14 strike price on Monday. On Wednesday it will be worth $20 and you will have 6xed your money.


fuck me

you heard right. now invest.