Buy Bancor now you pathetic faggots. We have liftoff.
Buy Bancor now you pathetic faggots. We have liftoff
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Fuck off race traitor
Ahhhh yes look at those buys and sells. Back at ICO price by EOD
Guy @ bancor in Telegram
First let me give you my general philosophy on marketing consumer internet products.
You never saw ads for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc.
The reason is that all growth for consumer internet apps always comes bottom up.
Everyone that tried to market by force a consumer internet app always failed 100% of the time.
Having said that we can divide our project in to a few verticals:
1) Token changers : once deployed, these should be marketed to the crypto community as its more comparable to a B2B product. It saves you money. Once deployed we will run an aggressive marketing campaign later this Summer.
2) End user long tail : Schedule for end of year. This is where marketing is less effective. Instead, what we will focus on is finding the relevant launch partners and early adopters who will be initiating their local tokens. We will support them with capital and HR resources.
Like blogs, subreddits, etc... The funnel to growth is from regular users experiencing the product themselves and then a percentage of them become superusers. For example, no one woke up in the morning and decided to become a blogger. Instead, they started our reading a blog... And then thought to themselves, "I can do this too", " I have an idea".
Our focus with the long tail is tuning the product to be organically viral.
3) Project Tokens(such as Stox). This isnt really marketing. Its biz dev. And we are doing it aggressively. We currently have over a dozen active discussions with upcoming high profile ICOs. I believe we'll see at least a dozen ICOs using the Smart token standard this year and 100+ next year.
>ehehehhe bancor a scam eh eh guys? why is BNT 10$????
were all gonna make it to israel goys
nobancs going to stave to death in the marxist regimes of europoor union and united states of africa.
4) High profile wins : We are in discussions with a number of major platforms (with millions of users, in one case tens of millions) to initiate platform level partnerships. This is in a way a combination of #2 and #3 via a 3rd party platform.
t. nobanc by end of august
Is this real? Fuck yea Bancor. Giving Crypto the structure it needs to succeed.
yes its from Guy Benartzi one of the founders.
He answered questions on telegram.
BNT @ $2. People are investing their life savings I feel bad for these people. It's perfect irony. Nobody from /pol/ will touch BNT. Well known fact, and that's why it will succeed. You could write a book about this shit I swear.
>Nobody from /pol/ will touch BNT
gives me some weird satisfaction