How do we fix the /pol/ fag infestation? These people are borderline retarded and they're just flooding our board

How do we fix the /pol/ fag infestation? These people are borderline retarded and they're just flooding our board.

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you can't fix anything, this place is condemned to be flooded with retarded shit until the day of its demise

enjoy the ride

I'm okay with it. Now, let the commies flood in, it would be rather ironic to watch them trade and speculate

Move to Buzzfeed.

I'm not sure why you're complaining unless you're a literal nigger OP
Make money and don't be a little numale faggot
Best of both worlds

I really hate those faggot nazi larpers. They're edgy as fuck. contribute nothing to the threads in terms of content and resort to insults when our of arguements.

Yeah good luck making money with faggots from pol on this board. Same faggots who told you not to buy stratis and now look where we are.

Fuck you cunt we saved the country. Time to help you fags get rich.

true /pol/acks are ancap libertarians who are supposed to be the natural cornerstone for crypto economy

I, for one, welcome our crossboard brethren


Shill to your hearts content, OP.
Unless.... you're not holding any kind of bags...
Crypto is the future, but at the moment it is a curiosity to most coinlets. So, shill. Sell your shit and get to photoshopping memes to the extreme. Whatever it fucking takes - this is a war for the future.

Defeat the merchant at his own game by creating a worldwide currency and watch the human race step into the final requirement for a Type 1 civilization: accountability. See you in the future, OP.

Most people bought Stratis at 10$

Absolutely nobody made threads about Stratis when it was at 2.5$.

>we saved the country
Pretty sure my country is still messed up.

kill yourself asap

Veeky Forums is more retarded than /pol/ due to crypto infestation.

I noticed that too. Fuck these retards

most of /pol/ is made up of insecure shitskins, edgy 16 year olds, and virgins

they're the most rapidly expanding user base on the site

Veeky Forums is a lost cause

I don't see a problem. They're gullible retards and are easy to make money off. I literally feel my inner Jew come out when I shill shitcoins to them.

You can't.

Ordinarily, I'd be fine with new stupid money flowing into crypto, but sometimes I just want to hog certain ICOs to myself you know? Less competition in this zero sum environment.

Plus their edgy race obsession can be unhealthy. One of the most useful applications of blockchain is lowering payments/remittance/cross-border transaction costs, which means overthrowing the current incumbents and making money off of the new services that charge less. $400 to $600 billion market per annum, but /pol/ people would yell NIGGERCOIN and refuse to touch it.

Same when it comes to crypto teams led by minorities, even though Stratis' CEO is a black guy and I would certainly trust East Asians to actually know tech and deliver results more than, say, random Russians.

>I only want to discuss business with people I agree with politically

Try Reddit champ, probably more your style.

You're literally proving my point that you came from Pol if you never saw people shilling strat a couple months ago when it was under $2

the average IQ on pol is likely below 40. unfortunately not much we can do to prevent them from coming here

Hi, pajeet here, can confirm. I stopped shitting on a street to phone post this. Sad.

When did I say I disagreed politically? Many of us use both boards, but there's a time and place for everything.


4 year old post and true now more than ever. The massive influx during the election didn't help either.

Stop being degenerate.

friendly reminder /pol/ is 4 chan and allows Veeky Forums to exist because it serves our purpose

you have to go back

Are you maybe a commie, or what?

friendly reminder you have to go back to your basement

pay me and I may consider it :^)

Stratis went all the way to 10$ before dumping to 2.5$. If you held through this you're retarded.

Wow, a /pol/ack using migrant logic. Imagine that.

Support the Reich Veeky Forums

We need you!


Embrace /pol/, expel Jews. Your portfolio will thank you.

but i do all my posting from my basement where would i go? Can I come over to your place to post?

nice address.
Sent. You've earned it, you fucking stooge.

That was me complaining little bitches.

More to come.Currently cooking.

yes this is true

but you know the average /pol/tard is not remotely principled and just likes to blame all his problems on the jew

/pol/fags are good. we're stupid, imagine how much stupider they are. imagine how much stupider everyone is. imagine if everyone who used this site spent $5 on crypto, it'd increase the market cap by like a 1 billion

I was memeing
you honestly think inbred sandniggers and subsaharan niggers are capable of coming here and joining our little discourse? maybe top 1% of them at best

you don't -- /pol/ is fixing you. have fun on /r/bitcoin.

The /pol/lution can't be stopped.


It doesn't matter, what matters is you'll make normal people and news associate crypto with racist retards. It doesn't matter if you're right you shirt sighted fool

best answer.
OP go enjoy cunts like this one

>normal people
>on 4chins

nobody cares and those 90y/o watching legacy media are one foot in the grave already

You'd be surprised how many try to scam here, as well as how many people on this board beg for money.

This. I only come here for crypto gains now and don't care how I get them.

>you have to go back
sounds like your becoming a trump supporter, come to our side :)

I've seen them and they are bagholdingly obvious
as for all the begging, my take on it is 90% neets 9% russians 1% pajeets; they all get pruned anyway so they'll stop eventually

Lel i bought in at .50. 400 strat... feels good bro

>uses Veeky Forums
>bitches about /pol/

then go back to facebook, buzzfeed, reddit, tumblr, twitter, whisper, youtube, kotaku, somethingawful, comments section of slate, or any of a million other options. seriously, who or what the fuck even brought you here? you're like an ugly middle aged fat woman who enters some new hobby and starts blogging about how it's toxic and everybody's doing it wrong because it's not x or y enough

pic related is black twitter, probably more your style.

>but you know the average /pol/tard is not remotely principled

to be honest its the only board ive seen on Veeky Forums with any principles. this is chan culture, after all. also fucking lol talking about principles on Veeky Forums, the headquarters of get rich or die trying, "i watched wolf of wall street and thought it was cool" wiggers.

>and just likes to blame all his problems on the jew

it's stuff like this that i find stupefying. like do people actually think there is no such thing as jewish values? or not understand that some people would have values that clash with those values?

yeah because only racists use money and the stock market. "bitcoin? the stuff that those evil drumpf supporters use? pfft, have fun getting's fascist anyway!"

likely, realistic, and with historical precedent. it's just like why normalfaggot people never adopted the internet despite it being rife with degenerates and racists and shit ~15 years ago, so the internet stayed a niche thing and eventually fizzled out.