Indo european thread
Indo european thread
I stopped reading at the first square. As a Persian myself let me be the first to say you're fucking retarded.
Fuck nvm I read the rest of it
Sorry mate
I'm legitimately into these kinds of beliefs. I studied Evola and i have this fucked up idea now that what is today called the Dogger bank, the sea between UK and Europe was the homeland of the ancient hyperboreans and the origin of the Atlantis myth (because it literally sank into the ocean although not as a catastrophic event but over time) And the people who lived on the dogger bank had this completely religiously integrated society where their rulers were worshipped like gods and the people had this belief in eternity where they tried to live in the most sustainable way possible (to transmit their culture to coming generations and live in harmony and peace). But then their homeland was gradually lost and they were forced to emigrate, and these people were what we now call Aryans, they were also the Indo-Europeans and every religion, and every "upper class" of people on earth descend from these people. They are also the DunedaĆn from Lord of the Rings. They lived in Hesiod's "Golden Age", and every culture after them has been "lost" or "lacking" in a sense, because we lost our homeland and our original way of living. Fuck i don't want to be psycho
It's just a meme lad.
Do you guys feel more affinity with Yurop or arabia, ethnically and culturally. I would say the later, but the hate Iranians in general feel towards arabs makes me doubt.
I don't understand these theories at all. To me it seems like a massive contradiction. If these people were all eight foot tall beautiful super-advanced demigods, then why would they fracture into thousands of pieces and basically regress for thousands of years for no reason?
I can buy the Indo-European origin thesis but the stuff that gets tacked on is really loopy to me
>then why would they fracture into thousands of pieces and basically regress for thousands of years for no reason?
The blood of Arya was spent, the noble line failed. The farther we ventured from Hyperborea, the more our blood diminished.
Diasporafag, so I'm not really involved in Iranian culture, but I'd assume more so with Arabs due to the religious ties and apparently a fuckton of Farsi is Arabic loanwords
Fuck off, you aren't a real Aryan. You're mixed with Arabs, only Nords and Germans are pure Aryans. Maybe if you hadn't tried to conquer the world you'd be in your ancient form.
>only Nords and Germans are pure Aryans.
this is absolutely wrong. plenty of slavs, celts, and balts are also pure aryan. and even in iranians, there still people who have remained pure after all these years
ethnically culturally closest to afghanistan and tajikistan and then azerbaijan and iraq
It's bait, but you're equally as retarded. The OP pic is a meme and the square 1 brain is actually correct. No Europeans are Aryan. Not slavs, not celts, not balts, not nords or germans. And quit we-wuzzing whitey, Persians look the same as they did two thousand years ago. An invading force of a few thousand Arabs doesn't alter the genetics of a population of tens of millions beyond recognition dumbfuck.
explain white looking iranians and afghans and even indians then, they are genetic remnants of the aryans
will there ever be an indo-european thread on this board that actually discusses indo-european studies and all the interesting things that could be said about proto-indo-european language and culture instead of nationalist-racialist pseudo-science and cultural essentialism that conflates language with race and eventually devolves into a shouting match over who is or isn't white?
who's that?
Why do you use the politically correct term Indo-European instead of Aryan?
They aren't the same thing idiot. Aryan only applies to the Persians/Indians.
I fucking hate R1 steppe retards. We I2 and I1 cousins were doing nice and well, building rock circle, fucking farming women and exterminating the G2 monkeys. Then the R1 plague came. Fuck you!
indians aren't aryan
only iranics are aryan
No. Aryan has always been used by scholars before 1945 to name the entire language group and the race that generated the language. If you use the term Indo-European you have bought into the Jewish-approved politically correct term.
No because there are a bunch of Jews here who hate whites and yet are fascinated by the degradation of the Austrian kraut hitler,Why are Jews obsessed with dolfie?
>le haplogroup meme means germanics aren't aryan
>Aryan has always been used by scholars
It started in the 18th century thanks to some guy named Arthur De Gobineau, and regardless it was incorrect. Fuck off fag.
Fuck off /pol/
They aren't, stop posting busty women.
>They aren't, stop posting busty women.
Its called appreciating whiteness
Um sweetie, you need to put on sunscreen to go outside you probably weren't meant to live on this planet.
*Sips tea*
>It started in the 18th century thanks to some guy named Arthur De Gobineau
Yeah. Coincidentally it was the time that scholarship on the subject started.
>Fuck off /pol/
Heh no.
I literally can go out in the sun no problem. We discard melinin when we dont need it, and make it when we do. its called a tan
Hm sweetie if you need whitey to give you food or else you will starve you probably weren't meant to live on this planet. Or any planet for that matter.
*tea bags your whore mother*
>Fuck i don't want to be psycho
then how bout you don't boi
Notice how Jon whites need to come in white aryan threads and shit the whole place up because they have nothing to say about their own languages and """cultures""".
Non* whites
it has nothing to do with political correctness. there simply isn't any evidence that non-indo-iranian groups referred to themselves as aryan. proposed connections to words in other IE branches like "Eire" (Ireland) were found to be etymologically untenable and therefore we have no reason to assume that the term was used by anyone other than the indo-iranians. it's also extremely unlikely that the term was inherited all the way from the time of the proto-indo-europeans if you look at how quickly self-designations of ethnic groups tend to change.
Indo-European scholars knew this before 1945 and while there may have been a tendency to avoid the word in favor of "indo-iranian" to avoid misunderstandings, the use of "aryan" for all indo-europeans was dead even before that.
if you need proof look at this letter tolkien drafted (but never sent) to a german publisher in 1938 (!):
"Thank you for your letter ... I regret that I am not clear as to what you intend by arisch. I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects. But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people."
The term was factually wrong. They thought Sanskrit was the oldest Indo-European language for fucks sake.
Question: do you try to deconstruct people claiming they e.g. Akkadian is a Semitic language? There's no evidence they Akkadians called themselves Semitic? They wouldn't have, because Semitic comes from the biblical myth of Noah. But you don't because you only have a problem with the term Aryan, not with the word Semitic. The reason why this is so it's because it politically incorrect. There's no other reason. Now I specially use the term Aryan to piss spineless cocksuckers like you off.
Didn't read all the text, but that bearded iranian guy looks EXTREMELY swedish. More swedish than many full-blood swedes.
semitic is not an ideal term but it is so established by now that it wouldn't make sense to change it.
it's also a different situation though because even though the word "semitic" references jewish mythology instead of anything more tangible or neutral, it is a term that can be applied to all semitic speakers without being inaccurate. It's not equivalent to using Aryan for general PIE, that would be like calling all semitic languages akkadian when you know that only the akkadians called their language that at one point in time.
It is true that there are cases like Tocharian which was named after the Tocharoi/Tukhara that people identified with the speakers of that group following a misread old turkic side note, where we now know that the term is inaccurate but it stays around out of convention and because it isn't easy to come up with an alternative designation. In such cases personally i would be in favor of changing the term but since tocharian was the name that people have always used since it was discovered, maybe we can live with it.
indo-european or indo-germanic on the other hand was the original term for this language family and it was only changed to aryan later, when people thought they saw connections to other branches that turned out not to be real, so i don't see anything wrong with sticking by the original (and more accurate) term.
Someone meant to further distract the scientific discussion, obviously.
Makes me think...
Someone tell me since when Nordicism was fused with the Aryan theory, is it because of de Gobineau?
I do know there are blonde with blue eyes or green eyes in non-europeans countries, specially in Central Asia, but why the whole "They came to/from the Nordic countries and ALL of them were white and had blue/green eyes"?
Also, why are the nordics the most pure according to them? I'm pretty sure the gypsies or that weird afghan tribe which looks straight from Germany with middle eastern nose.
>explain white looking iranians and afghans and even indians then, they are genetic remnants of the aryans
Varying phenotypes in the population, which is the case for literally every region outside Northern Europe and East Asia.
For Iranians (and pretty much any West Asian, really) you can have white/olive-skinned parents give birth to a brown-looking child, and vice versa.
Note that phenotype =/= genotype, phenotype is just the genes you express.
>white aryan
You're not iranian, bud.
Iranians aren't the only Aryans. What don't you understand? In the same way that Greeks descend from ancient greeks, modern europeans descend from Aryans
>They lived in Hesiod's "Golden Age"
Believe what you want, but please don't use this phrase to describe your snownigger commune.
Why do you "Persians" act like you are the only Aryans? You're not the only indo-europeans
>we wuz
You're 'Aryan' through a very tenuous link.
Because Aryan was a term we used to address ourselves since a long time ago. It's like me calling myself a German or Swede.
Stop already.
Exactly. Ancient Aryans had blonde hair and blue eyes, scientists know this. They depicted themselves this way and outsiders described them this way.
>the yuropoors, who are directly descended from the middle-eastern indo-europeans, are not aryans
Looneys arguing with retards.
You're not Aryan, stop wewuzing, Adolf.
Make me Mouhammad.
>only Nords and Germans are pure Aryans
>this is absolutely wrong. plenty of slavs, celts, and balts are also pure aryan
None of these are Aryans or "pure Aryans".
The Swastika was a reoccurring symbol in most Aryan societies, it's clear it showed up in Proto Indo European aka Aryan society.
>le Indo-European means blonde and blue eyes meme
Explain white looking North Africans and Levantines
He doesn't look Swedish at all. Neck yourself
Fuck off Varg
Why is our non-Indo-European heritage so extensively downplayed?
Good question. Aryanism is retarded.
>tfw my skin goes from average paleness to full-on latino if I get caught out in the sun
>never sunburned once in my life despite being in the sun a fair amount of the time
I'm resistant to both sunburns and rickets, this feels absolutely great.
Unironically kill yourself
There are very few "white" looking Indians when you go past skin tone and pigmentation and look at facial structure, bone structure, and genetics.
Why do Nordics want to hijack and steal Aryan heritage in the first place? But I do agree most people don't realize the majority of what makes up PIE peoples come from "Aryans" mixing with Neolithic farmers and sedentary Bronze Age settlers in Europe and Asia.
whats the pendant from?
Aryan literally means 'Iranian' you pleb
Aryan symbolism. Has shown up in most Aryan civilizations.
No it doesn't. Aryans are Indo-Europeans in general. Hitler was absolutely right about saying Germans were Aryans. Just because North Indians and Persians want to pretend they are the sole Aryans doesn't make it true.
No, that's like saying Italians are Germanic because they are Indo-Europeans as well just like the Germanics. Which is retarded. Arya in Iranian languages has always been solely used entirely for ethnic designations. Persians have always identified themselves and other Iranic/Iranian people as Aryans, and for some reason or another, Armenians as well. But Germanics, Greeks, Romans, Turkics, have never qualified as anything in their writings or literature as anything other than "Non-Aryan".
And by the way, Hitler tried to claim the Germans were Aryans because he believed the Germanic people were directly "descended" from the Persian tribe of the Kermanii which he thought was a corruption of the original name of "Germanii".
So no, Ludwig, Germans are not actual Aryans.
Source on second paragraph
>you go past skin tone and pigmentation and look at facial structure, bone structure, and genetics
One or the largest differences between Indian and South Indians are that Northerners tend to have sharper features, longer faces and lankier bodies even if their skins dark.
Not saying they're ""aryan"" but they tend to be a mix between Indo-Europeans and most other natives like others in the ME.
>t. Southerner
You don't know what you are talking about
You're not an aryan you dumb autist.
You are retarded.
Exactly. He was just united the Aryans worlwdie