Stop calling him a hero. He wanted to change only the goverment, not the ideology, you simpletons
Stop calling him a hero. He wanted to change only the goverment, not the ideology, you simpletons
The ideology was irrelevant. The government officials were incompetent. Stop your moral grandstanding, you pompous fool.
Remember, competent officials would take power in Germany, war would last much longer and many more people would die, in combat or in death camps.
This is also why SOE abandoned their "Foxley" plan
>change anti Semitic prussians who kill slavs to prussians who LARP about killing slavs
Yes one is certainly less expanisionist than the other
He was basically a non-Hitlerite German chauvinist.
>I can't see the difference between national conservatism and nazism
Looks like you are the simpleton here
Omg I love Claus Philipp Maria Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg now
If July 20 had succeeded, Germany would have still surrendered earlier and saved countless lives in the process. For that Staffenberg and the others deserve a certain level of credit, even if they were doing the right thing for mostly the wrong reasons.
Also, Adm. Canaris is the great German hero of WW2. He was trying to undermine Hitler before the war even began, while Rommel and the others were still bowing to the man.
I disagree, Hitler's complete refusal to accept reality was the only thing holding the Third Reich together in the final four months or so. A more competent leader would have surrendered well before the Russians were literally a five minute walk from the Reich Chancellery.
wtf i love tom cruise now
>noooo, he didn't want Germany to get raped and become a satrapy under foreigners
>fuck druhmpfe and fuck wheuite people
Trump is making usa satrapy to corporations lmao
Please, we've been occupied on all levels except militarily since the Wilson administration.
Have you considered that you're simply a whiny bitch?
Sure, he was one of the less shitty Nazis, but that just makes you the autist on a short bus full of downies.
He wasn't really a Nazi...a German nationalist, yes, but not a brownshirt revolutionary. Stauffenberg was more of the old Prussian militarist conservative cohort
Stauffenberg and his colleagues wanted to sue for peace
Things were going pretty bad for Germany by 1944
Iirc he was against the killing of civilians and bombing of Warsaw. He wanted a Prussian model back for Germany.
>since the Wilson administration
Try Washington, but sure, let's go with Wilson.
>True German Nationalists could have saved million of lives and kept Germany somewhat intact and maybe more.
>when you realize Anne Frank would still be alive if that fucking table leg hadn't been in the way.
>"In the august of 1942 he told one of his staff: "They shoot masses of Jews, these crimes have to stop" (...)" Hermann Vinke, "Das Dritte Reich"
He was very conservative and a Nationalist, he even supported the Nazis in the beginning, but the reason he attempted to kill Hitler was to avoid a German defeat and because of the massacres.
This is one real hero, btw.
>when you could've decapitated the Nazi Party and stopped WW2 before it even began but Hitler decided to cut the speech short by two hours
Can't have much worse luck
You, noobs, are too predictable.
The bomb still only missed Hitler by less than 10 minutes too.
What's almost as bad, Elser actually nearly lived to see the end of the war. He was executed along with Admiral Canaris and a few others less than 20 days before the Americans stormed Dachau.
Yeah, the nazis kept the prisoners they hated most alive up until the very end.
How the fuck did they expect that the Allies would agree to such borders?
>Thinking that allies would leave accept Stauffenberg's peace terma in the final phase od war
>too bad this Prussian couldn't have stopped the Nazis and ushered an era of peace
Of course they weren't going to but Stauffenberg would've seen reason and given up the fight well before Hitler did as Nathan mentioned once it became clear the Allies wouldn't accept anything less than unconditional surrender. He wouldn't have continued a blind suicidal fight that would only reduce Germany to further ruin.
And my favorite Jewfu would still be alive and maybe even a doting mother and wife instead of a pile of bones.
>tfw Prussia gets the stigma of constantly being associated with Nazi militarism when it was the only part of the Weimar Republic with anything resembling a healthy democracy and resisted Nazi encroachment longer than anyone else, only to fall in the Preußenschlag mere months before Hitler took power
>implying Allies wouldn't accept his peace offer and cuck Stalin by attacking Soviet and starting operation unthinkable much earlier.
Prussia could have if nothing else literally gone down as the heroic last stand of liberty in Germany like Texas in Mexico but von Papen had to fuck it all up.
Top bad Patton had no influence on politics. Churchill distrusted Soviets, but he expressed pure hate for Germany. Roosevelt on other hand, was a commie lover
>Roosevelt was a commie lover and Churchill hated Germany
There was no chanche was there?
I think of Roosevelt didn't die before end of the war, he would have done shit like is written in "Germany must perish"
>not being being more militaristic than the NatSocs
Handsome as fuck.
I love how EPIK /pol/ national socialists don't even know who Von Papen is.
Von Papen could have stopped all this shit but there's no use arguing with national socialists about what they call (((peace)))
Do you love it? Like how much?
>And my favorite Jewfu would still be alive and maybe even a doting mother and wife instead of a pile of bones.
Goddamnit I just got done blowing my load to this yesterday and now I have to do it again.
>During the 500 years of Hohenzollern rule, Prussia (and its predecessor, Brandenburg) had been synonymous with authoritarianism. In contrast, Prussia was a bulwark of democracy during the Weimar Republic. The restrictive Prussian three-class franchise was abolished shortly after Kaiser William II abdicated. Power now passed from the Junker landowners and great industrialists to "Red Berlin" and the industrialised Ruhr Area – both with working-class majorities. Prussia now became a stronghold of the left.
>From 1919 to 1932, Prussia was governed by a coalition of the Social Democrats, Catholic Centre, and German Democrats; from 1921 to 1925, coalition governments included the German People's Party. Unlike in other states of the German Reich, majority rule by democratic parties in Prussia was never endangered. Nevertheless, in East Prussia and some industrial areas, the National Socialist German Workers Party (or Nazi Party) of Adolf Hitler gained more and more influence and popular support, especially from the lower middle class.
>Otto Braun, a Social Democrat from East Prussia, served as Prussian minister-president almost continuously from 1920 to 1932. A capable leader, he implemented several trend-setting reforms together with his minister of the interior, Carl Severing, which were also models for the later Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). For instance, a Prussian minister-president could be forced out of office only if there was a "positive majority" for a potential successor. This concept, known as the constructive vote of no confidence, was carried over into the Basic Law of the FRG. Largely because of this provision, the centre-left coalition was able to stay in office because neither the far left nor the far right could possibly put together a majority.
The tankies and mouth foaming Jews rarely have a grasp on history beyond their infographs.
lol how much is your dick chafing from beating your meat to drawfag six million times?
It's all rubbed out.
Hopefully no one else posts any Veeky Forumstorical MILF fantasies because I don't think I can handle it
What the fuck is wrong with you?
High quality post, tremendous meme. 10/10
>What the fuck is wrong with you?
>not wanting to rescue the ultimate symbol of all the innocents murdered in the Holocaust (damsel in distress)
>not wanting to take her as your wife (sacred union)
>not wanting to love her to the point of creating a new life with her and marveling at her carrying the fruit of your love growing under her heart (renewal of life, especially important in the case of the Holocaust)
>not wanting to cradle the newborn in your arms for the first time after she endures if not days in labor, filling both your hearts with a joy only a parent can feel (healing of the spirit)
>not wanting her to tuck your children into bed, softly singing lullabies in Dutch and Hebrew
>not wanting to give this girl's children the splendid childhood she was so cruelly robbed of. A sentiment she will no doubt appreciate as a survivor.
Do you even hero fantasy narrative bro? How do you think so many Americans took home European women as wives after WW2? They were basically living out the ancient knight in shining armor saving the princess tales they had been raised on from boyhood and these damsels in distress, who had lived in fear of the Nazis for years were eager to show their gratitude.
>marrying a shrill jewess
Enjoy decades of nagging and complaints about sciatica.
By 1944 the allies pretty much decided that the only way to end the war was an unconditional surrender and not a ceasefire or peace treaty.
>muh anti-Semitic stereotype
First off, back to . Second, ever consider that maybe Jews are sometimes neurotic because they were so aggressively repressed for so long and have become actualized to living in constant fear and paranoia? Especially since 1/3rd of the world's Jews were massacred a mere 70 years ago.
And what better way to break down that millennia of fear and superstition than caring for a girl who was so cruelly victimized with love and protection? To be that shield against tyranny, oppression, and persecution when they try to so ruthlessly strike her down.
I swear, /pol/ is so consumed by their hatred that they've forgotten what the virtues of actual heroes are.
We know what he was about, you fucking faggot, that's why we KNOW he was a hero.
Fuck you for thinking a liberal or a communist rebel could possibly be looked on with respect, you garbage.
Post more rare Konstantins.
t. Veeky Forums
Great story though, too bad it's just a story and not the textbook.
Considering the website you're on, this is definitely one of the more wholesome fetishes.
user, it's time to take a break from the computer.
You got it
Some of his earlier works were WW2-themed