Who was the most successful criminal in history?

Who was the most successful criminal in history?

My vote goed to Ching Shih.

Hitler's ruined social hierarchies for generations

that guy that was running around in his pajamas and bathrobe and was pissing himself on the open street, that later turned out to be the head of a mafia chapter

Pic related

the most succesful is so subjective.
but with more carism, probably, jesse james, or lucky luciano.
Al capone made his name bigger.

Joe Profaci.

Did they at least let him finish?

Probably Pablo Escobar

That is true.
In my mind, "most successful" is a combination of avoiding the long arm of the law, not getting offed by your rivals, and the amount of wealth you are able to accumulate, which is why I chose Ching Shih. She got rich, kicked ass, got legitimate, retired, died peacefully.

Medellin cartel would shit all over any OC gang from the US

He made the most cash and exerted great influence, but he still got tracked down and lit up. He was #winning, but didn't win.

no contest

Mike Madigan owns Chicago and diverts tax dollars to his pocket. He's also setting up a dynasty and has been doing this since 83'.

Donald Trump

Vladimir Putin, no one else comes close



You are correct. I was just having this discussion at work today. It's public record that he's a crook. I'm amazed, as a resistered Democrat, that the party allows him to be speaker. Good fucking dammit, I wish that local, and state politics had more coverage on local news. I wish that the average person was aware of their own state's government. So much good could be done by these local and state politicians being blown out by investigative journalists, but that cater is dead, due to the people who don't want such things known. Now, in Chicago, it's literally Veeky Forums approved history.

>Ching Shih
Who will play her in the inevitalbe white washed biopic? I vote emma stone

Arnold Rothstein or Johnny Torio.

If you've heard of them, they aren't the most successful.

One who isn't known as a criminal by history.