Will christfags ever recover from this?

will christfags ever recover from this?

For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

There's nothing to recover from.

The world as described by Christ is a place that produces the suffering you see today. The sex slave trade, the exploitation of weaker and poorer nations and people, general oppression, the hardships of life. The selfishness and degeneracy that eats away at people and their families.

Nietzche though, seems like he was a good dude. And from this quote sounds like he thought everybody could be good and Christianity was only a giving up on the potential good and taking a cop out. When that's not the case.

The narrative of Christianity, is a raw truth of the situation we're in. Which is men are burdened and ultimately forced with the responsibility to have to govern themselves, but unfortunately, they won't do a good job at this. So prepare to deal with a sick world until otherwise is said.

And again, Nietzche's narrative, stemming from this brief quote and other stuff I've heard about him, seems like he was a good dude...... just right here he wasn't addressing the fact some people get their rocks off on being a perpetuating source of suffering...whether they know it or not.

But yeah, this Nietzche we're talking about here. This quote, taken out of context, could be saying some other shit all together.

I wonder if Nietzsche would have said that in the Ottoman Empire.

This is my post mind you, but I really don't feel like anyone on this board is qualified to talk about this guy now that I think about it.

From what I've heard from well versed people who dissect Nietzche thoroughly on a regular basis, he's legit.

I just remembered, that he talked, and in this quote, could be talking, ABOUT, the type of Christianity during HIS time, while he also talked about the ill effects of "killing God."

Basically, you need context with this dudes stuff. You really can't trust some random user with an agenda to throw this guys stuff around. It could ruin the actual point this man was trying to make.


>in this quote, could be talking, ABOUT, the type of Christianity during HIS time
Yeah no fucking shit, what other Christianity could a guy philosophising about contemporary society be talking about? Christianity of 2057?

Why I am a Satanist

By Vexen Crabtree 2001

Is burning churches the best way to support christianity?

Narrated Ali ibn AbuTalib: A Jewess used to abuse the Prophet and disparage him. A man strangled her till she died. The Apostle of Allah declared that no recompense was payable for her blood.

—Sunan Abu Dawood, 38:4349

Are you dense? He could be criticizing the doctrine itself, which he wasn't. He was criticizing the motives for the interpretation. Which is a huge difference. Which again, is why people shouldn't be baited by OP.

Nieztche in the wrong hands, like how he is frequently used on Veeky Forums, is like smearing filth on the mona lisa.

>I really don't feel like anyone on this board is qualified to talk about this guy now that I think about it.
Nietzsche had very conflicting views on Christianity and especially on Christ, and he would often incriminate lay Christians for supposedly (as he saw it) not following their own beliefs to their logical end, particularly in light of the time period. Bear in mind that this is the same man who made up some Polish aristocratic origin behind his name for the purpose of basically trolling German nationalists. Nietzsche bristled hard under orthodoxy and Christianity was still the orthodoxy of his youth (he even wrote Christian poems for a while).

>Against Christianity

See, I'm wayyyy limited when it comes to this guy. But from what I heard people speak about his perspective on Christianity, people who know his work thoroughly, I'm not sure if he had conflicting perspectives of Christianity itself as opposed to critiques to how people decided to utilize and manipulate the doctrine.

Because I've been getting into Christianity for a couple years now and even today I'm amazed at how many Christians struggle with judgement and criticizing others. They make Christianity look nothing like it's fundamental message. Even calling it "Christianity" creates the idea of putting it in a box, when it's not really meant to be in a box. That's a whole other philosophical dissection though. But then I remember my own nature, years I spent more motivated to look for leverage over people and I can understand why people struggle with pride and judging others in general.

Anyways, going off on a tangent, but yeah...I think when you go as deep as Nietzch goes, you realllly have to know the context and more importantly you reallllly got to have your definitions in order.

Finity is an inseparable quality to life. Whatever you're getting that's eternal, it ain't life.

>Atheist Republic


>Nietzsche describes its human origins
>"but babby jesus is real and said he loves us"

Why do people think that responding to a well written post with 2 lines of green text is an argument?

Why do people think replying with a wall of text that doesn't address OP at all is an argument?

It's not an argument, it's being a snarky jackass. That's how things roll on Veeky Forums. Remember to use "*tips fedora" or "t. teenager", both are suitable.

There has never been a better endorsement of the Christian faith, before or after.

>mfw positivism-worshipping fedoras don't get the irony of using nietzsche to attack christianity

>what is the renaissance

Who Would Win?

Atheist who babbles about nonsense
because He hate something that "doesn't exist"


He that Transcend Human Knowledge and reasoning,. The Creator

The only way to recover is if the Father is truly what Christians make him out to be, but it's so antinatural that to us this should seem an impossibility. Hence, to show mercy is truly their greatest sin, for in not stopping their enemies they have instead bred them to infinite, and thus we are here today at a crossroads: what to do with the insects? Do they want power? They'll have to steal it, but chances are they can't, and all is lost for them. In other words, the Christian God is dead.

ok, retard, uhh yeah, mm right,

yeah you're right,

Thank you for literally proving Nietzsche's point.

Nietzsche is completely compatible with Christianity. Only pseuds do not realize this.

Christianity is strong; atheism, agnosticism, and all other forms of modernity are weak, including the institution of Christendom.
In a time where Christians have killed God, only the Antichrist(ian) is Christian.

reminder that muh fedora is not an argument

>black is white
>up is down

Who gave us the knowledge to produce peniciline aspirin and ibuprofen? Open heart chirgury, blood transfusion bandaids and more? I side with that party

Scientists who mostly only belong to religion because society/family told them to be a normie and have one?

So casuals believers to whom religion is just a social background?

Prove at least one thing in the world is infinite.