So why didn't this happen

like predicted?

you know why


Didn't Darwin get butthurt about the state of slavery in Brazil and start paying lip service to abolitionist types?


well, it is kinda happening on an ideological level
The whole world is adapting western ideology and culture

infective egalitarian liberalism

Spread of (((egalitarianism))) thanks to the jewish march through the institutions

Predicated by whom? Certainly not Darwin, who never said anything of the sort.

yeah he did in his book descent of man

It will
Someday the aryan will march into the savage lands and exterminate the nigger from the face of the earth as was foretold in the prophecy

There's a lot of fake Darwin quotes, but also some real ones that are very similar to OP.

You might want to check out the rarely mentioned actual title of "On the Origin of Species".


Certain people in time infected the minds of the general populace for their own ends under the guise of altruism.
These images are fucking retarded, I can't even name a potato famine movie but can name numerous holocaust movies.

It's happening as we speak. Whitey will be extinct in a couple centuries.

If we're speaking technically (that is: not racebaiting) it's already happened. Way, way before Darwin was born.


Because Darwinism is a pseud ideology.

>as measured by centuries
Give it time

Because Darwin could not fathom the United States becoming the greatest power on Earth in such a short time. He expected ruthless Britain to still be in charge rather than a state with tons of compassion and love in her foundation.

I think he got traumatized by it.

>two world wars
>colonialism and imperialism the world over
>exploitation with the looming threat of violence over the third world.
gets that noggin a'joggin

It kinda did.

Everyone now lives in state polities with cities n shiet and meme tribes and nomads are either swallowed by them or wiped out.

Turns out "civilization" and "barbarism" are highly subjective, so it is still being used lmoa.

>colonialism and imperialism the world over
They should've continued while they were at it, so that shitposters like you wouldn't be walking on this planet.

this economic and ideological war is much more efffective than actual war. Look at the how the US has bled resources from south america for 100 years and everyone their still hates each other more than north americans, its hilarious.

shut the fuck up

Because Darwin was a hack who had some smart ideas about evolution but it pretty much stopped there.

>so why didn't this happen like predicted?
be patient

all of these are signs of civilization, and you know it. Soon, primitive races will go extinct. What we see now is a last rearing before their final death.

>be me
>come from a culture of excessively violent tribal warfare and cannibalism that still goes on to this day
>call white people the savages on the white man's invention

Yeah. I kind of worry about the San people and similar folks. I don't know why anyone could claim that being civilized means of good moral character anymore, after everything that happened in modern era.

t. black creationist

He fell for social darwinist memes when approaching the end of his life, they were not his own original ideas