BTFO. Blacks lose AGAIN!
BTFO. Blacks lose AGAIN!
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This is /pol/ stuff. Go post this there.
Graecopithecus freybergi, and nicknameded ‘El Graeco'
Very fitting name because it represents the two sources or streams that give rise to western civilization, the Germanic and the Greco-Roman ones. Graecopithecus refers to Greece and freybergi to Germany.
Perhaps humans didn't evolve from Africans, but Africans DEvolved from humans?
>D-don't show this here! Y-you are triggering me!
>history is /pol/
Huh... RMYT
>a tertiary review of a single study published in a British newspaper is grounds for rejecting the whole of the presently prevailing paradigm in paleoanthropology
Woah... so this is the power of Aryan intellectuals
Haha, what.
Alright, say, another, older early human species already existed in Europe. How does that disprove the out of Africa theory, with its fossil record and genetic evidence? At best, it proposes multiple "starting points", assuming that species in the article contributed anything to what came to be Homo Sapiens (for which you have nothing to show). With the absurd amount of fossil and genetic data we have, that discovery is at best: "Huh, cool. There was an earlier hominid species in Europe at the time". Which has nothing to do with your biases and theories of "da origin of hooman lele negroes aren't humans". Don't be silly.
Gotta love these retards without even a superficial knowledge or true interest for anthropology or history who spam sensationalistic trash articles written by ignorant jourrnalists without proper educations.
It means that humanity did not originate out of Africa, it orginated out of Europe.
Can you not read? Do you have an idea about the subject? Or is this bait too?
Honestly that's the worst part. Look I'm racist as all hell but I'm not going to misrepresent work in fields I have no background in as authoritative support for my political or personal beliefs.
It's not the first hominid at all
This guy is
>Oreopithecus is an extinct hominoid primate from the Miocene epoch whose fossils have been found in today's Tuscany and Sardinia in Italy; (from the Greek ὄρος, oros and πίθηkος, pithekos, meaning "hill-ape"). It existed 9 to 7 million years ago in the Tusco-Sardinian area when this region was an isolated island in a chain of islands stretching from central Europe to northern Africa in what was becoming the Mediterranean Sea.[explain 1]
Why are subhumans so triggered by this? Europeans colonized the world before history even began.
Same. I don't know enough about it to pretend we are descendants of that ape.
Varg is bald and delusional beyond hope.
Yeah, I'm sure you 20 something undergraduates know better than the tenured PhDs behind this that say that "Our data support the view that this split was happening in the eastern Mediterranean - not in Africa."
I hate you leftypol fags, go back to your containment board on autismchan, you can bitch about how you know more about Marxism than people who have dedicated their entire lives to studying him.
Yes you would prefer to be descended from this ape
by this new evidence blacks are european
If humans originated in Africa, then shouldn't Africa be the most "advanced" continent since the humans there had a "head start?"
OMG blacks owned black slaves! End affirmative action now!
This is the most retarded thing I have ever heard
>A fucking semi sentient glorified monkey
Recent OOA theory will be abandoned in favor of the multi region origin by 2020.
I know. Out of Africa theory is retarded because blacks never went passed the ape stage.
>not taking the results of a single study to mean immediate and unequivocal falsification of the dominant model is leftypol
Ok lol
this actually makes sense
Please read this book mate. Evolution is not a steady march toward more intelligent and 'advanced' forms; it is merely the net result of natural and economic forces upon genetic variation in populations. If a creature has a greater ability to survive and reproduce its genes will proliferate regardless of how "civilized" it is.
You're no fun. I may give it a try.
I'm pretty far right, I just don't claim to know about something I don't know about.
please keep shitty threads like these in poll, even though i even think a retarded post like this would get deleted there.
to put it it in simpler terms: just like you filter material through a sieve based on their size - so does the environment constantly apply a 'filter' through which minute genetic changes in species are 'tested' for compatibility
Why are white ethno-nationalists so hostile to OOA? Do they believe differences in IQ and other quantitative traits between human populations is incompatible with a recent African origin? Because there is no reason to think that is the case. OOA is not a threat to the doctrines of European racialism.
>p-please keep this scientific historical discovery away from the history board because it contradicts my liberal ideology
... really?
It is more the hostile nature of the post and the totally oversimplified and non-critical way this thread is headed. Reeks of /pol/.
If you actually gave a fuck about the discovery you would have A. posted the actual primary research and not just some news article about it and B. added more substantial commentary than inane race baiting
No? How the fuck do you figure that?
Why do people even take issue with the Out of Africa theory? I'm an ethno-nationalist and it doesn't trigger me. We're distantly related to niggers. Big deal.
they're gonna have to do a hell of al lot of discoveries for that theory to be accepted.
>Distant species of ape from 8.2 million years ago are humans
Fucking kek, /pol/ is illiterate
Because it triggers stormfags like you.
Hahaha because shitlibs only race bait based on peer reviewed research and hard evidence.
Literally what the fuck do 'shitlibs' have to do with anything? We're talking about the low effort OP right now, not
This. I am a racist and I don't see what the acceptance of either a multi-regional hypothesis or OOA by the scientific community has to do with my politics
The focus was obviously on the lazy and uninspiring OP. Nobody's talking polititcs here so i think you might be projecting. It's time to go back to your containment board.
why do /pol/fags love to embarrass themselves
Who cares it still doesn't prove you aren't descended from an African species.
>homo sapiens were thought to originate in Kenya
>turns out they originated in the Balkans
>this triggers r*ddit
>someone finds a hominid bone in Africa
>someone finds a bone in Europe
Lmao its just a monkey.
It's not and it's never been about time you fucking retards. Read a book holy shit.
>a hominid bone in Africa
it's more than one bone and you know it
So some old tooth was found somewhere in Europe...and? Hominids couldn't walk?
Liberals can never answer this
>Various Y chromosome studies show that the San carry some of the most divergent (oldest) human Y-chromosome haplogroups. These haplogroups are specific sub-groups of haplogroups A and B, the two earliest branches on the human Y-chromosome tree.
>Mitochondrial DNA studies also provide evidence that the San carry high frequencies of the earliest haplogroup branches in the human mitochondrial DNA tree. This DNA is inherited only from one's mother. The most divergent (oldest) mitochondrial haplogroup, L0d, has been identified at its highest frequencies in the southern African San groups.
>In a study published in March 2011, Brenna Henn and colleagues found that the ǂKhomani San, as well as the Sandawe and Hadza peoples of Tanzania, were the most genetically diverse of any living humans studied. This high degree of genetic diversity hints at the origin of anatomically modern humans.
really makes you think
Mods, can we nuke this board?
>The species was also found to be several hundred thousand years older than the oldest African hominid, Sahelanthropus tchadensis which was found in Chad.
Pick one.
None of these are /pol/. While i'll be. Looks like the very theoretical theory that humans originated in Africa (which always ran the risk of older bones being found elsewhere in the world thus debunking the claim) is bullshit.
Well, this evidence is actually significant. The implications are actually startling.
>the findings entirely change the beginning of human history and place the last common ancestor of both chimpanzees and humans - the so-called Missing Link - in the Mediterranean region.
>Graecopithecus is not an ape. He is a member of the tribe of hominins and the direct ancestor of homo.
Cool, 7.2 million years ago. I am shocked. Don't pay any heed to the frightened shills ITT.
that isn't how evolution works
Did you not read the quote at the end lol
> "I would be hesitant about using a single character from an isolated fossil to set against the evidence from Africa."
Shut it DOOOOWN!
They should really have fixed the typos and grammar errors in that article before putting it online.
Devolution isn't a thing, you baboon.
>some experts were more skeptical
>Retired anthropologist and author Dr Peter Andrews
Well actually Homo sapiens (our actual species) still has been genetically mapped to originate in Africa, while this is an extinct predecessor to humans.
If this research is accurate, it doesn't mean that HUMANS originated in Europe, but merely means that an early hominid species originated in the Balkans and perhaps migrated to Africa where it eventually evolved to Homo sapiens before leaving Africa and spreading across the world. This is contradictory to the previous understanding that the hominids themselves originated in Africa.
>Europeans colonized the world before history even began.
The first Europeans looked like pic related.
Really tickles the cortex, doesn't it?
According to genetic and fossil evidence, archaic Homo sapiens evolved to anatomically modern humans solely in Africa, between 200,000 and 100,000 years ago, with members of one branch leaving Africa by 60,000 years ago and over time replacing earlier human populations such as Neanderthals and Homo erectus.
So basically this article is clickbait that isn't 100% untrue, it's just going to be misconstrued as humans as a separate species originated in Europe instead of Africa, such as the OP is doing.
you're a fucking idiot.
Not an argument, cuck.
Evolution is a bitch, bitch.
>other races still look like what Europeans supposedly looked like 35000 years ago
Really activates the almonds.
>ITT: Anons who thought they could have a serious board for sober discussion, bickering with 10 baiting shitposters trying to get (you)s, and a couple of /pol/acks with little education on evolution, "fighting the power".
The San people still do because they're the ones who conquered the world ;)
Yes it is. There has been black people for 150,000 years but white people for only like 6,000. They are new here.
Pride pride pride...has everyone with head up their asses.