Is there a single event more responsible for shaping the state of our modern world
Is there a single event more responsible for shaping the state of our modern world
WW1 was more due to competing power blocks, the idea that it was down to one assassination is a bit silly.
Nah, that will take more time.
Crucifixion of Christ
Even if it didn't happen
I thought his baptism and Crucifixion were the two things that most secular historians agreed on.
Congress of Vienna
The 4th crusade
No one cares about tiny little American bullshit.
Not saying it didn't happen
I guess I should say instead that, even if he wasn't a magic demigod, he still changed the fate of billions
The birth of Khalid Ibn Walid had already sealed the doom of the Byzantium empire
Considering how bad Spain fucked up everything it touched, the Estados Unidos de America and Viceroy of Inglaterra would be dumpster fires that make OTL Mexico look downright utopian
No, even after the Arab conquest the empire stood strong. Manzikert would be a better answer
Yes but the muslims had become stronger. He had created a vast powerbase for islamic empires to be created in. The umuyyad caliphate had the entire middle east to expand upob. Byzantium wasn't destroyed, but it would now forever be under the shadow of whatever was the biggest muslim nation, which caused them to just gradually lose more and more ground until the fall of Constantinople to Mehmet.
>the idea that it was down to one assassination is a bit silly
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the most consistent and powerful voice for peace within Austria. Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf had gone to the Austrian government many times before, asking them to declare war on Serbia. And each time, who was it who talked them out of it? Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The assassination was like the perfect storm. It gave Austria-Hungary casus belli against Serbia (although there was zero evidence of Serbian involvement) and simultaneously removed the guy who would have had the best chance of maintaining the fragile peace. Hötzendorf immediately recognized the opportunity and took full advantage of it. His biggest obstacle was dead, and he now had an excuse to declare war. Perfect.
What dreary little country are you from? I'll bet it's in the Balkans, isn't it?
Byzzies were pushing the Muslims back and even took back parts of Syria.
Until Manzikert of course
Reminder that Europe as we think of it died in 1914
The Byzantines outlasted the Arab dynasties by 600 years, and didn't fall until the Turks.
The Byzantines never came close to restoring the borders before the arab conquest. This is my point, those reconquests were minor, and the moment another notable muslim power rose to prominence, or a brilliant general, the byzantines were just annihilated again. I can't forsee, even if Manzikert didn't happen, the Byzantines restoring their power completely, and surviving for much longer than they did.
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