Which ending do you guys prefer in New Vegas and why?


Mr. House and NCR are the only options I'd pick. Republics are the best when it comes to long term stability than dictatorships and extremely demotist societies (the latter just melts into the former).

Mr. House seems like one of the few dictators worthy of having that power. Would probably have a fairly free market economy with higher taxes so he can fund his R&D.

wrong board nigger

This thread is on /pol/ fairly often. I think since we talk about politics and economics often this would be a fun experiment and discussion

None of the above. I installed TTW and explored a less boring wasteland using NV's superior mechanics.

Anything other than Yesman and the creation of Ancapistan is shit

Picked Mr. House, but NCR is a very close second. Anarchic Vegas is a dumpster that's just going to end up conquered by the Legion or NCR in a short time anyway, and giving power to the courier will only work as long as (s)he's still around then break up Alexander style after (s)he dies. If they can even be fucked to stay around in the first place. Meanwhile Caesar's plan is to conquer the NCR before he dies and the whole thing falls apart, and hope that what results from the Legion and NCR's cultures melting together will be better than either of the originals. Mr. House will probably keep Vegas safer than the NCR will be able to manage for generations, if not centuries, so I picked his effective dictatorship over the well-meaning but ineffective NCR.

fucking kill yourself

The only real choice is to rally all sides to your cause and rule new vegas as a benevolent omnipotent dictator. By the end of all of the dlcs my character was a half machine ageless and unkillable force of nature. Add that to my character's vast wealth, army of ungraded robots and stores of good armor and weapons throughout the wastes and you pretty much have it.

>implying the Courier cannot create his own dynasty to rule over Vegas

Is New Vegas any good?

Great writing, mediocre execution, enormous amounts of wasted potential.


This is the 4th time I've seen this today, I'm starting to feel a bit triggered tbqhfam.

Gameplay and level design is a bit sloppy and amateur, it is clear it was a rushed game. Mods ameliorate that and the DLC is nothing short of stellar.

The writing is charming and very well done, especially the DLC

It's one if my favorites, granted it's a Bethesda game so there's some serious bugs and glitches, but I've yet to encounter anything game breaking. Plus the modding community is solid.

>implying the Courier can be bothered to do anything but wander aimlessly killing the shit out of everything that looks at them funny

NCR all the way, inefficient old world society aside, it has created a nation with functioning cities and infrastructure. The price for this is the military expansionist\industrial complex of the old world. House effectively destroyed the vault in Vegas and scattered it's dwellers destroying a microculture. His attempts to gentrify and create a class structure are obvious. Simply put I don't like his style. Legion are sadists wanting to destroy all aspects of the old world so the world can't be destroyed again, but the world has been destroyed already so they defeat their own logic in many cases. Wildcard is interesting but like the user above said, the best case scenario is a power split between the minor factions like the boomers and the BOS, or else Vegas gets swallowed up by the major factions instead upon the courier's death.

There is far more to House's plans than a class society. He has plans for roads, schools, science, eventually putting humans in space.

NCR already has a class system with brahmin barons and big caravans at the top in Shady Sands

>Anarchic Vegas is a dumpster that's just going to end up conquered by the Legion or NCR in a short time anyway
They try and do that they'll get nuked to oblivion by my securitrons for violating the NAP.
>and giving power to the courier will only work as long as (s)he's still around then break up Alexander style after (s)he dies
>implying I won't a successor to take over New Vegas

>tfw Veeky Forums has better vidya discussion than /v/

Most boards have better vidya discussion than /v/.

Off topic or kinda off topic discussions are the best on Veeky Forums. Every board is full of people try to be unpleasable hipsters or autistic elitist about whatever subject matter the board is about , so quality conversation is hard to come by.


hurr durr blue pilled (((leftist)))

>Veeky Forums

Don't run or anything but this retarded diet and work out regiment made by some redneck


Everything except a few indie games, grand strategies, and a few obscure weeb games are nothing but trash

/b/ is awful because it is impossible to be off topic

When going off topic you can drop the act and have good discussion.

Well in an alternate universe where Obsidian had more time to fully realise their vision of a 3d fallout I would have seen more hard proof of House's plans out there in the Mojave.
Only way a end decision can be declared as correct is if another Fallout game is made and set in the post battle of Hoover dam western seaboard. Here is hoping for another spin-off announcement at this year's E3, Fallout: Newer Orleans or fallout: New London anyone?

Listen bud; just because you think it's a good idea doesn't mean it is. /pol went to shit a long while back and I don't want to see /his go to shit. All these non related threads need to be deleted. Where be the mods?

It's my impression or there is a buck of /pol/tards and Commies since a week ago?

Well said user

How is House winning?

Yeah I don't know why but it really needs to stop. No need for a secondary /pol.

Anarchic Vegas is a lawless shithole overall, Legion is retarded, and the NCR is a soupy overextended bureaucratic mess

House has plans and connections, even if he dies the Courier in Chief can make use of a lot of them

>yes man

Mr House is the ancap ending. The strip and the dam are his private property. The securitrons are his private police force.

Yes Man is Mutualism.

The whole point of Lonesome Road, and ultimately the DLCs, is that the 3 dominant factions are completely misguided in their objective. Caesar tried to build civilization but in the end the Legion is a cult of personality that can only fall apart after his death. NCR is going in the same plutocratic, imperialistic, jingoistic way the US of the Old World went. And House is fucking Howard Hughes. Even Benny was ok with being BTFO by the Courier if it meant New Vegas could go independent. As long as you follow House's plans (upgrade the Securitrons, exterminate the Brotherhood, save Kimball and deal with both Boomers and Khans) NV will be alright.

Ulysses is just an author proxy thats stating Chris Avellone's dislike for things getting too civilized from a storytelling perspective

Mr house just cause he has a plan to get humanity in space and away from a dead world.

>With all that money pouring in? Give me 20 years, and I'll reignite the high technology development sectors. 50 years, and I'll have people in orbit. 100 years, and my colony ships will be heading for the stars, to search for planets unpolluted by the wrath and folly of a bygone generation.
Everyone says he is an old world relic. but hes the only one who wants to get away from the world.

>throw money at it and it will it just werk'
Truly the enlightened philosophy the new world needs.

>Would probably have a fairly free market economy with higher taxes so he can fund his R&D.

He uses NCR gambling money to fund his R&D. Instead of trying to punish degeneracy like the Legion he profits off it to advance the human race lol

Even so, he made those possible civilizations shitty enough for his point to stand.

>This thread is on /pol/ fairly often.
So get your ass back there.