Veeky Forums videogames thread
Am playing Rome Total War and have finally gotten a victory as House Julli.
Veeky Forums videogames thread
Am playing Rome Total War and have finally gotten a victory as House Julli.
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I'm playing medieval 2 again , but the AI keeps starting wars against me by blockading a port out of the blue
not to mention the pope is a cocksucker
Anyone else feeling lazy and auto resolving their way through a campaign?
That's the main problem I have with Total War games. I don't know if i'm just too good at them, but after the first few early years, I just start autoresolving everything. I only end up not autoresolving everything when I download shit like the darkmod.
Rome Total War was so fucking fun, its a shame the AI is so god awful
>they keep running endlessly in sieges so you just have to wait for their routing men to return for more
i put over 800 hours into the game, its so goddamn easy compared to all others total war games
if you want to crank it up a bit in difficulty try Barbarian Invasion.
also reecommeend installing Vanilla Balance Mod or Darth Mod to improve the vanilla experience without changing it much. balance mod adds landbridges to make AI expansion in campaign map more realistic
>total war shitters
Just upgrade to superior grand strategies already
for those that dont know, there was 2 TV shows entirely done in the Rome Total War engine.
Decisive Battles and Time Commanders
the latter is not very good imo, its the same but letting you "choose" 3 options for each situation as some kind of game show
i wanted to, but it seems like a lot of numbers for very little fun
i like seing 3D battles and stuff, not just managing numbers and all the boring stuff regarding a country
Currently playing a Portugal campaign in Medieval 2. Ave Maria, we will avenge the brothers who fell to Islam!
holy shit i forgot the UI was that ugly in Medieval 2. Literally a step back from Rome.
get some javelinmen/almughavars, my man, you won't be disappointed
Stop playing vanilla Medieval 2. Lusted AI actually makes the campaign ai pretty decent. In my Byzantine campaign, I have been allied to the Hungarians for over 125 turns! Various allied blocks form all over the campaign map and the ai isn't overly hostile, and the factions are willing to accept peace if they lose a few provinces.
Take an army down that road south to the riches below. And a fuckload of merchants. Trust me. That's how you get colonial riches prematurely and it will make you financially unstoppable.
I'm pretty sure its inaccessible m8, there's only a city there for ai scripting reasons.
No, that's a real area and it's full of gold. I guess you're not really "supposed" to go there until the ocean opens up, but for whatever reason, it's perfectly possible to march an army and any merchants down that road at any time. It really really shouldn't be, but it's completely possible to send an early medieval army straight down the Sahara and become filthy rich.
>tfw won spanish civil war as the republic on darkest hour
Just bear in mind that it takes a fairly long time to march all the way down there and you'll need a LOT of merchants to exploit it fully. But it is beyond worth it. Consolidate your position, send merchants first to assess it and then send however big a force you think you need to take it. The city is Timbuktu.
based user
>playing Medieval 2 as turks
>have a nice start killing byzantium
>egypt won't stop attacking me despite being muslim and me always wanting to be allies
>have to be permanently sucking the pope's dick to not get crusades everytime, still get them
>finally egypt is gone, balkans are mine and crusades can't pass through my defensive line at Costantinople, also got some boats
>now I can fucking slay the pope and have comfyness
easy beginning - just unwashed barbabians
medium middle - not so unwashed enemies plus poor as fuck territory
hard end - all your brothers are richer than you and have a better navy
hard beginning - dude phalanx lmao
easy middle - all the money
medium end - no better no worse
medium beginning - build navy
hard middle - Pontus and Egypt will flood your shit
easy end - best navy, go everywhere and fuck your brothers over
Playing as Ireland in Vicky 2. I wanted to play a fairly realistic game and not blob with colonies, but my factories had an iron shortage and I decided to conquer some niggers rather than allow my economy to collapse. Fucking capitalists building shit that I don't have the resources for. Also Ireland gets GP status very quickly.
You may not have ascended to the level of enjoying something like victoria 2, but you could still enjoy crusader kings 2.
Just don't touch europa universalis
t. liquor factory owner
Janissary militia, dude. They will fuck up mongols. I mean you will still lose castles to them, but they are going to bleed for them, and you will eventually be able to take them back after they have lost 2/3 of their armies trying to kill your janissary spam.
I hope they don't smear their online bullshit all over the place again.
>the pope is a cocksucker
Send a diplomat to him early game and ask him to be your ally. That will immediately put you at perfect or near perfect papal relations and give you a lot of leeway for ignoring his decrees. So if you don't feel like joining the first crusade no biggie, it's a minor hit to your standing but you're still in his good graces.
Why the fuck is this series console exclusive? Do they hate money or something?
>House Julli.
>Vanilla R:TW
>period authentic languages for each faction
>period authentic units and armor
>incorporates a vast amount of input from actual historians, i.e. what Rome:Total War should have been
You're welcome.
Because PC players may make a big fuss, but most of them just play MOBA's, free games or pirate them.
I prefer the strategic side of the game anyway, plus I don't like the way that TW games do battlefield reinforcements and huge armies are a a pain in the ass trying to micromanage.
I'm pretty sure GTA V sold like 2 million copies within a month of release on PC and had pretty good longevity, so I bet it's still selling copies.
EU is pisspoor easy. It's perfect for absolute beginners to Paradox games.
>It's perfect for absolute beginners to Paradox games
It isn't because it teaches very bad habits that are untenable in other games. Kind of like Prussia in Vicky 2.
Is alpha centauri welcome here?
What bad habits?
>Kind of like Prussia in Vicky 2.
>actually, unironically playing muh GROSSGERMANIUMS
>What bad habits
Blobbing for the sake of it, Economy maintenance, Military use, pop management, etc.
Not exactly what I meant, just that playing Prussia in Vicky 2 teaches you really bad habits and thus will slow your actual learning of the game. All it really teaches is how to form union nations (which doesn't take rocket surgery to figure out) and how to hold onto your spherelings (but not WHY you want spherelings or how they work). I honestly never recommend Prussia in Vicky 2 because of that shit.
RDR is still the best western game in the world, how the hell did they do it.
The philosophy parts are welcome, I guess. Dunno about the rest of it.
I never blob in EU nor in any other game, simply because it ruins my immersion and experience. Even when colonizing i tend to it with systematic approach.
Yeah, but most new players are going to blob in EU. That's just how it goes.
>try to blob across Europe
>big ass coalition forms
>get destroyed, ragequit
That's how it usually goes for new players, unless they're playing France with its doomstacks.
Or Castille. Or Ottomemes. You know, any of the "NEW PLAYERS PICK ME BECAUSE MY COAT OF ARMS IS FLASHING IN GREEN" states.
Yeah i get the Ottoblobs but at least Castille is fun for colonizing games. Whenever i pick them i completely ignore Europe and just do peaceful comfy colonizations instead.
I'm playing Mount and Blade Deus Vult mod. God wills it lads.
>holding back the best rockstar game for pc gamers
You forgot
>it takes 2 minutes seconds for a peasant surrounded by 3 elite macedonian pikemen to break
>cavalry are useless
user the only GS are Vicky 2 and CK2 pre old gods, the rest don't have actual strategy but mindless blabbing
>being annoyed history happened
Are lad
Eu4 with MEIOU + Taxes 2.0 Beta is GOAT because actual pops
With the above mentioned mod you don't have to blob
And most people are idiots what's your point
>starter nation
You mean two mili seconds
>mass replying
god these posts are cancer
>release a port for the XboxOne™
>still leave PC users high and dry
Why do they do this.
>You mean two mili seconds
I meant two minutes, forgot to delete the seconds part
Sorry I don't like waiting five seconds to reply and then doing another captacha
Was this latest patch?
Because Rockstar fucking sucks at ports and they acknowledge that. Their entire stated reason for no RDR port is that it would be too much work and even then they couldn't guarantee it would work properly and thus it would cost them too much for too little gain. 360>Xbone is a pretty simple port. There's no real excuse for RDR2 not to be ported to PC, but I imagine that it's because there was no RDR port.
I just wanna experience the death of the wild west on PC man
There's always Gun which was RDR before RDR.
Are there any Veeky Forums games that aren't /gsg/ cirklejerks?
the music on EB is garbage though.
also what avout RTR?
anyone here tried Codename Panzers ? its pretty good, less arcadey than the other popular WW2 RTS Mem of War
whats /gsg/
I unironically like EU4. Right now I have an extended timeline game going as the Cordoban Caliphate, sitting comfy in Iberia and northwest Africa at 2 speed casually developing and hoarding gold while watching France snap in two over and over due to their salic monarchy.
Once I can colonize it's gonna be a glorious new world. Strongly considering trying to annex Ireland from Wales, who took over all of the British Isles for an even stronger foothold on the colonization game.
>bleed all game keeping the Franks out of Iberia and the Byzantines out of Africa
>Abassid caliphate allies can't handle a single byzantine army rampaging through the Levant and cedes land when it was their fucking invasion
RDR in particular would have been on PC if the code hadn't been such a mess.
Not just a mess, a truly abhorrent fucking mess.
It's why so many bugs weren't fixed. Fixing a bug created 10 more.
Truly held together by skin.
Extended timeline is weird.
An Irish British Isles fighting an almost entirely Suomi europe.
>the AI keeps starting wars against me
Have a strong army and grant military access.
so this is where /twg/ ran to after the warcraft faggots took over and started posting their shitty campaigns and asking basic questions because warhammer is obviously their first tw game.s
40k* faggots sorry I get my normie nerd culture mixed up sometimes.
Portugal has godlike pikemen in late period. Overlap two units of pikemen : whenever they drop their pikes re-order them to form the 'spear wall' and they become unstoppable, it's funny how strong it makes them, even against dismounted knights.
Any Panzer Corps fans here?
Try Roma Surrectum II
Started it again but playing the Britannia campaign as Ireland. Just managed to take down the last major English army and currently besieging their last stronghold in Ireland.
Europa Barbarorum 2 is coming along very nicely, it was almost unplayable in its first version.
EB2 is a Rome era mod for Medieval 2 total war, designed specifically with historical accuracy in mind, its great.
Total war fagz
It never worked on my PC for some reason, could you compare it to Roma Surrectum II?
Rise of Nations was dope.
Too bad it has some problems in today's S.O
go back to /twg/ you can have it you won.
Literally nobody else wants to talk about the worst total war game in the franchise
Day of Infamy / Verdun are pretty fun
I wholeheartedly recommend Hegemony III, its Civilization in real time and with a zoom mode that goes seamlessly from a worldmap to a ground view. Its all about the battle for Italy between the early groups of italian and greek tribes and cities.
Anyone else think that Total War has run its course as a historical warfare game?
I'd love to see someone take a new approach to huge historical battles. There are so many elements that could be added to the equation. Proper deployment, supply trains, wounded soldiers, and so on.
Imagine if battles were preceded by proper skirmishes and scouting actions to define the grounds of battle. Would be sweet.
and Warband with the 1257 AD mod, for when you feel like saving the Latin Empire of Constantinople.
user, I hate to tell you this, but TW was never a historical warfare game. It was just an RTT larping as one.
Ach I know, I meant it in the sense of a game centred mostly around large battles.
>I meant it in the sense of a game centred mostly around large battles
It isn't even that.
I loved the Panzer General series
>worst total war game in the franchise
Please, we will always have Shogun Total War (the first)
the Imperium universalis mod for eu4 is the best thing i have ever played.
>hating on Shogun 1
top pleb
Worst is clearly Empire. Not even mods fixed that turd, followed closely by Rome 2.
You take that back.
Is it playable? I hate unfinished or buggy mods. I want to have fun not bug test some free software for some nerds on internet modding forums.
That map looks nice whenever I played it crappy factions like milan and denmark would btfo factions like France and Holy Roman Empire which I found stupid
Nice memes faggot. You parrot what others say about movies too?
Tell me how Empire and Rome 2 arent the worst games in the series
Total War: Attila is great, especially with all the medieval mods
How are they the worst? You can't come in here with neckbearded rage and not say WHY they sucked. I admit both had shitty releases but were patched to be really damn good. I agree with other guy that Shogun was prob weakest and thats prob only because its the first of the series.
Agreed, Atilla and Shogun 2 are too tier total war
Are there any games that aren't related to military history?
Historical good game? No.
I like it, it's refreshing. I do think they could have the option to enable and disable catastrophic events that make it more historically accurate, though.
The modifiers and events to force the fall of Rome was really good, even if it creates some awful border gore, they should expand that into other parts of the world at different times.
>Black eagle
You found Codename Panzers less arcadey than Men of War? Wow. Anyway,
>How are they the worst?
well, let me begin
Shitty AI that still hasn't been fixed, buggy land battles, that are just absolutely boring to play. Sieges are broken, with AI attacking you then just camping out outside the fort because it's literally too retarded to attack.
All factions have the same units just with a different color palette. France is one fucking province.
The only thing going for it is the period and scale.
I admit I haven't played enough of Rome 2 to make an objective review but I remember I got bored very quickly and just went back to Rome 1 mods.
I still play Empire because it's the only game of its kind about that era, but it is objectively the worst Total War :
-Sieges are broken and unrealistic. It's so bad that some people have made a mod that entirely removes forts.
-Unjustified minimal variety of units in the early period, have to play 50 turns of Campaign before getting access to decent cavalry and artillery.
-Have to unlock things that should be present from start on, both from a gameplay and a historical perspective.
-No quick shortcut for melee mode like in precedent games : Melee is toggle only, better not forget that in the midst of battle...
-Cavalry kills itself in sharp turns and charges, I see it all the time.
-Forget about boarding : when the crew jumps in a smaller ship, they fall and die.
-Infantry in Square does not reload.
-If using a cover, a wall or a building, only a very small fraction of the unit shoots
-Most often, infantry on walls doesn't shoot
-No prisoners.
-No speech.
-Assassins are a joke.
Finally, Empire introduced the new engine that treats melee combat as 1on1 scripted duels only, where individual troops who aren't yet matched to a duel will wait their turn patiently.