What was Veeky Forums like back in 2014-15 when btc was down to 200?
What was Veeky Forums like back in 2014-15 when btc was down to 200?
there was literally ONE crypto general thread
the rest of the threads were about actual business and finance
Can confirm.
I don't think Biz was even around back then was it?
My memory is super blurry but I recall biz being pretty recent...
there used to be lots of coiner vs. nocoiner fights. "nocoiners, this is literally your last chance to get in under $x!"
looks like the coiners have won...for now.
it was glorious
far fewer faggots
People were actually ambitious highschool students, in college, recent graduates, and entreprenurs or professionals.
Now it's like 30% NEETs making threads asking how much money they need for a "gf", 50% coiners who are only here for the purposes of coining, 20% people making dumb ass miscellaneous threads all the time
WTF? bUSINESS? Finance? Buy ANS and just ride it.
Literally half of the threads were kids asking how to turn 100 dollars into 10k by the end of the month.
Not that many. It was mostly kids discussing legit ideas and sometimes actually coming up with something quite smart.