Could it have worked? Given WW2 didn't happen could it and other newly created eastern european countries have succeeded.
Second Polish Republic
I mean.....yes? No country last forever. If you're asking could have lasted centuries I doubt it with those borders.
why the Danzig corridor?
why not give the Poles, Konigsberg or Klaipeda?
So that Germany is continuous.
>why the Danzig corridor?
Pecause some poles were living their. No poles were really living in Konigsberg or Klaipeda. I think the whole "sea access" thing is a meme anyway though. You have plenty of countries without sea access who do fine. Hell, several of them were created by the same allies who drew up the modern borders of Poland.
>Could it have worked?
>Given WW2 didn't happen could it and other newly created eastern european countries have succeeded.
sure, it seems like they were underway on projects to boost the economy when war broke out
>In 1924 Prime Minister and Economic Minister Władysław Grabski introduced the złoty as a single common currency for Poland, which remained a stable currency. The currency helped Poland to control the massive hyperinflation. It was the only country in Europe able to do this without foreign loans or aid.The average annual growth rate (GDP per capita) was 5.24% in 1920–29 and 0.34% in 1929–38.[19]
Because Klaipėda and Karaliaučius are rightful Galindian clay.
No. Poland was swallowed up before the actual war began. Germany and Russia weren't going to sit back and do nothing with "bourgeois Poland on their border" as Stalin put it.
>No poles were really living in Konigsberg
actually a majority in decent parts of the south
Because it has been so for the last thousand years. (with breaks)
Royal Prussia aka. the Danzig Corridor WILLINGLY joined Poland in 1453
>ITT: Butthurt poles
Has any polish state since the commonwealth actually worked?
who hurt you user
If they focused earlier on militarization?
If Piłsudski had power for more time?
If governments weren't overly nationalist against the eastern population for most of the 20 years?
If their diplomatic game was more focused on the neighbouring region and not two countries on the other side of Europe?
>Could it have worked?
Actually it did. An economic boom started somewhere around 1935 and Poland was getting its shit together.
That's even more impressing considering the enormous task. Poland was literally glued together from 6 parts, i.e. German Poland, Congress Poland, (rest of) Russian Poland, Galicia, Austrian Silesia, and finally those mountainous areas that were part of Hungary. Each of these parts had different legal systems, often disjointed economies. There were few roads and railroads to connect them. Plus there were also enormous cultural differences.
Actually few though that it could work.
>If Piłsudski had power for more time?
Piłsudski ceased to be a constructive force in Poland after 1926. He was more and more disconnected with the real world and had absolutely no idea about the necessity to modernize. He was a living fossil wishing to go back to the world of his childhood.
He kicked the bucket far too late.
Keep also in mind, that Poland was battlefield during WW1 and got hit pretty hard.
>So that Germany is continuous.
But the area of German settlement was not continuous. Prussia proper (i.e. East Prussia) was founded "on the other side of Poland" from the other German lands in the first place. To so-called Polish corridor has had a Slavic/Polish majority since times immemorial.
Demanding a land connection between Germany proper and East Prussia is sort of analogous to demanding a land connection between the contiguous United States and Alaska.
if you mean the polish-speaking masurians who were pro-prussian - then they were all deported to germany post-ww2 anyway
>Demanding a land connection between Germany proper and East Prussia is sort of analogous to demanding a land connection between the contiguous United States and Alaska.
That'd be a reasonable demand. Just not worth the hassle. For a nation as tiny as Germany I can see why they would to have a unified nation.
No, you dont get to acquire enclaves and then demand that the nations around you give up land to connect them. Maybe poland should annex east prussia instead?
>you dont get to acquire enclaves and then demand that the nations around you give up land to connect them
Israel supporter?
>Maybe poland should annex east prussia instead?
that is what happened though
>No, you dont get to acquire enclaves and then demand that the nations around you give up land to connect them.
I mean you can. It would cause a war (as it did) but if you win the war you're golden.
Sure but that way you "can" do anything. So long as you beat anyone who might object.
Would have worked out fine had it not been invaded by nazi & commie chimps
second polish republic is basically what modern poland is, but run by the army
Israel actually gave the Palestinians a deal in 2008 where they'd have a fully interconnected state
They rejected it, the 4th rejection so far.
In modern Poland second RP is still consider as better country than III Polish Republic.
What is that straight line supposed to be? It's not the actual border right?
No it isn't aside from some Internet autists.
>Demanding a land connection between Germany proper and East Prussia is sort of analogous to demanding a land connection between the contiguous United States and Alaska.
That happened, but it was before American Alaska
II RP is celebrated as the pinnacle of virtues, such as respect to veterans, honour and patriotism. This view on the Second Republic is romanticised, just like the portrayal of Napoleon among the Poles in interbellum, but it surely is still something to look up to.