Reminder that protescucks never fought any crusade or won any war against muslims.
Reminder that protescucks never fought any crusade or won any war against muslims
Even worse. They consistently allied with the Muslims against other European powers.
Luther never wanted this, he just wanted the Church to be reformed. And it was, so there's no need for Protestantism anymore.
>implying Protestantism wasn't just a power play by petty Germanic princes
Friendly reminder
Muslim invasions or Europe repulsed by France: At least 1
Muslim invasions of Europe enabled/condoned by Germany: Multiple
> Never won any war against muslims
Central Yuropean royals (kangz, princes, nobles, knights, barons, etc) wanted Protestantism because yes, they were greedy about having more money and power than the Pope and his lackeys (friars, monks, priests, bishops, cardinals). It's ironically, class struggle in a nutshell, even though I'm not a socialist or a commie, I will use this term.
Protestants have won several wars against muslims, just look at the colonial period. It is just that none of them were in any way justified as a crusade. The reason for this is there is no biblical justification for any kind of crusading ideology outside of the papists old standby: "because the Pope said so."
The crusades were justified because it was Christians defending other Christians from a violent invasion.
Tell me who sacked constantinople you newfag
Pretty sure that's ONE crusade. Not "the crusades" newfag larping as an oldfag.
Reminder that wars are not Christ like and most people look on that fact as a plus to Protestantism
>what is the Church of England
Also our real enemies are Islam and atheism, Catholics and luthers should get along
>Cathocucks try to take Jerusalem
>keeps losing it and getting their ass kicked
>Protestant England just takes Jerusalem in WWI
>gives it to the jews for shits and giggles
u mad?
Yeah, how many witches did you burn cathlicucks?
>implying that war is necessary unless it is a just one
Like when the French aligned with the Ottomans or when the French helped crush Catholic supremecy in Germany?
>what is the franco-ottoman alliance
>finally take Jerusalem in 20th century
>can establish new Kingdom of Jerusalem with some Windsor king.
>give to kikes to genocide more palestinians and demand gibs becuase of holocaust
Life is not fair.
>give to kikes so that they can rebuild the third temple and bring about the end times
fixed that for you
Christian Zionists were fucking crazy, how one became the prime minister of Britain during the great war is beyond me.
Reminder that protestants are not the popes corrupt buttboys like catholicucks
>be christianity
"Never won any war against muslims."
>muh Just War theory
Protescucks should be hung like the animals they are. Pic related, subhumans chimping out.
400 years later.
Just that, an alliance between two political entities. Meanwhile with Germany has allied with Ottoman Turkey while it genocided millions of Christians, made special SS divisions just for Muslims who then proceeded rape and pillage countless Orthodox people and villages and is now importing violent islamists by the millions into Europe in an attempt to murder Christianity.
Germany and Germans are cancer.
stay mad pape :^)
Better late than never.
Besides we first had to convert all the G*rmans, we were in the middle of collapsing so don't be rude.
Bad meme OP it should be
>Let's start a new church
>starts 40000
(Double) Predestination
You're either born with a silver spoon and golden crucifix going to heaven or born poor and going to hell
Jesus never fought any wars either, in fact he taught to turn the other cheek and love our enemies
guess hes a "cuck" too right
*encircles to defend themselves from Catholics*
nothing personal... antipope
Europeanism is a meme, from a sane person's perspective there was no difference between siding with the Italians or siding with the Turks as long as it let you spite the Russians.
On top of that, Protestants use Islamic logic to understand the Bible, which is fundamentally flawed. The reductionist view point of Sola scriptura doesn't work with Christianity, because the early church predated the creation of the Bible by centuries, where as the Quran was created alongside the foundation of the Islamic faith. Protestants are more like Muslims that actual Christians.
tell me exactly what you think sola scriptura is
don't copy and paste from somewhere either
>Engaging in war proclaimed by one man claiming to represent god and "forgives sin" makes your version of a pacifist religion more valid
>Killing other people for what they believe makes your version of a pacifist religion more valid
You are just as bad as the Seljuks or any other radical muslims
Maybe you'd like Islam better
nice shitpost
That "just an alliance" was made when the Ottoman empire was at it's highest point and was conquering all of eastern Europe. It took until the Battle of Vienna (by the Germans) to finally put a stop to them before they took out most of the continent. Meanwhile France was aiding them to conspire against the Germans while they were fighting.
perfidious frogs
B-but I though Christianity is a religion of peace.
>this is what catholicucks actually believe
fuckers killed more Christians than muslims