>it's literally going to be illegal not to buy Jewish products
Why didn't you stop it? Buy Jewish stocks I guess.
US to Criminally Outlaw Support for Boycott Against Israel
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Go back to /pol/
clapistani goyim thought their foreskins were all that's asked of them by their greatest ally
>ew, he probably listens to alex jones
>ugh, he didnt buy BANCOR
>he got left behind
don't let this happen to you
Except I'm not from /pol/ and this is actually legit. There's a bill with strong bipartisan support that looks like it's going to pass.
this is Veeky Forums. you can have #bitcoin on tumblr.
bump for visibility.
>comes to Teutonic right-wing death squad forum
> complains about Teutonic right-wing death squads
would that be 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64 or 1/128 Teutonic, my new world friend?
But this kind of legislation would make it illegal to not buy Bancor. Its highly relevant.
fuck off nigger
Go back to Israel.
Literally why bother trying to make it in business if you weren't already born Jewish?
Too bad Jewish elite won't allow Americans to be free.
the goyim know, schmuly
Couldn't give less of a shit.
If I wasn't such an antisemite cunt I wouldn't have lost on those easy -50% gains.
Right wing startup enclave when, lads? I want to call it Zyklon Valley
>don't buy overpriced israeli product in store
>oy VEY goy are you boycotting israel? i'm afraid we're going to have to lock you up for 20 years. filthy anti-semite
I feel like this is especially aimed at soda stream for some reason.
and yes, this is Veeky Forums story.
>land of the (((free)))
>implying nu/pol/ would be against this
If it's too overpriced, the market would correct it.
Nononono, not buying Israeli products would illegal, so they ask whatever they want and you still have to buy it
You MUST buy my wares goy
Remember the six gorillion
Gods Chosen know what's best for the goyim, hehe
That's not even possible to execute in real life for a whole variety of reasons.
I am sure the boycott is directed at importers who cannot discriminate against Israeli products simply because they are from Israel, not at consumers and that they are now forced to buy Israeli products.
>be importer
>forget to buy mandatory israeli products
>get 20 year jail sentence
>be zionist
>push for open borders for western countries
>destabilize them and flood them with muslims
>oyy veyy suddenly western countries arent sympathetic towards us
Do you really think the import business lobby would allow that to go through?
That sounds something like what the Jews would do.
Dude seriously fucking kill yourself. This is Veeky Forums related.
Anyone else here a former "conservative Judeo-Christian values 'Murrican" here, turned anti-Semitic in recent years? I legitimately once believed that Israel was a wonderful nation, our greatest ally, Islam was the real threat to the world, Iran was North Korea-tier, etcetc, but fuck all of them now. I mean I still believe that Jews are more intelligent than most goyim, there are a lot of great Jews in history and anyone that considers themselves a member of their nation before a member of their race is fine by me, but as a group, they display a destructive contempt for all those not within their ethnic clique. There is no greater enemy to America right now than Israel and certain leftist elements of ethnic Jews living here.
You're describing anyone who's lurked pol for at least a few weeks at any given point
Can't just unsee that shit
I honestly welcome this level of obvious (((shenanigans)))
We must boycott Israel. It's evil.