>I don't understand how NEETs can just sit around all day
>only 25 more years and I can retire!
Shit wagecucks say
Boss gave me a 25 cent raise today
>"I work the next 5 days. Maybe we can do it next week."
NEETs live a miserable life and become homeless after their parents die.
>does whatever the fuck he wants from 0 to ~40
>gives the best years of his life to a corporation and retires at 65
Iv just bought a house and am going to live in it as I really want to get out the family home.
Is there any way I can live the neet life?
Shit NEETs say:
>"Mom can I please have $10 to buy my chinese figurine?"
>"TFW no gf"
>"Ah another birthday all alone, only mom and dad yelled happy birthday when they came home from work and slipped $100 under my door"
> I'm going to earn $250,000 and fuck my smoking hot wife daily this year
> I'm having my friends over for a nice BBQ in our back yard, we just paid the landscaper $15,000 to finish it.
> That fat kid down the street who always answers his door shirtless and with significant odor never leaves his domicile during daylight hours. That sorry NEET is a cuck, watching his life get fucked by everything around him.
>tfw easy government job with people you enjoy being around making 70k a year with 5 weeks vaction and spend all day trading cyrpto at work
feels good being free, financially and mentally
>>does whatever the fuck he wants from 0 to ~40
Yeah he does whatever the fuck he wants... That is within the poverty welfare check he gets, or within his parents generosity(generally not very high. The only way to be a NEET is to either be a trust fund babby like Dan Bilzerian or similar... Or work hard for 10-20 years in a high-compensation field like Law, high-end sales, Medicine, Banking or something and then retire with millions.
Anything else is literally a step above being homeless.
What do you do friend?
>let's go eat out, I don't feel like cooking [literally never cooks]
I can't go on vacation, I used all my days when I had the flu. Next year maybe.
>5 weeks vaction
Sure thing m8.
>hating Dan B
Reddit go home
Not hating him at all, I'm just saying that's the kind of acceptable NEET there is. Not some fat faggot who lives off of under $300/month.
I can't leave until I finish my paperwork. Wrap some in foil for me and I'll have it when I get home.
Thank God I'm a Banker
Cashier =/= Banker
>is a parasite
>is a nigger
> I love sitting in an air conditioned room shitposting on Mongolian trap image boards and trading crypto currencies until something breaks in the factory and I go fix it and get paid for being a productive member of society.
>hey, I'd love to hang out. I'm free two weeks from now, but we can't stay out late. I have to be home by 9:00p and in bed by 10:00p so I'm well rested for work the next day!
I'm in the finance department.
Lol, I do more complicate shit than you can imagine.
>"Oh customer wants to walk in at 9:55? Guess I have to stay 40 minutes past my shift to help them..."
>"What's that dear? You were fucking the help while I was at work? That's fine, it's hard to fit sex into both our schedules even though you're smoking hot let's give this cuckoldry thing a try!"
>"O-oh you mean you unapproved my vacation that I bought the plane ticket months ago for because we're understaffed? No it's ok that they don't do refunds, I LOVE working!"
im a patent lawyer and a high end wage cuck essentially
its a fine life. you'd be surprised how much of people's lives they'll give away for their ambition, to make money or achieve title.
my only regret is not being able to find a beautiful wife and have 4-5 children. i dont regret being a wage cuck and wasting long hours to help evil people for scraps from their table - i regret not establishing a relationship and that i will live the latter years of my life alone and die
>he thinks finance is complicated
Damn them feels
>Without a job, I don't know how I would spend all my time!
This one is particularly disconcerting to me.
Damn, okay then.
Idle hands is the devil's shithole neetfag
The only way to be a NEET is to either be a trust fund babby like Dan Bilzerian or similar... Or work hard for 10-20 years in a high-compensation field like Law, high-end sales, Medicine, Banking or something and then retire with millions... Or work hard for 1-2 years in cryptocurrency trading and then retire with millions
Who said wageslavery is the only way to busy your hands?
>be NEET
>use parents money to buy property
>collect 20% of profits for doing the paperwork, advertising, and collecting rent
>reinvest the money
>I'll inherit their properties and money anyways
how profitable is buying and renting apartments?
was thinking about buying a condo for some passive income in a couple years with my crypto gains
Need passive income so i can quit my job
No it's not I went into the army for 4 years got a full retirement for life, health care free for life, paid to go to school for the next 6 years, and social security. Guess what I wake up next to the beach every single day walk to the dunken doughnuts next to my house and walk one single block to the library where I read until I feel like doing something else. I save thousands every month and through my own personal research have discovered it is technically feasible to retire AGAIN within the private sector if by working 3 more years and thus pumping up my SECOND retirement an additional 3 to 5k per month. I also make thousands every single month through crypto so don't fucking tell people it's not possible because it's easy once you read the law and regulations. The only problem here is that retards like you convince people to not look into federal, state and military law, policies and regulations. Well guess what faggot some of us do anyway. 26 and retired by the beach is the shit I'll never do anything I don't want every again.
>also no loans, debt and everything is paid off
you will be relying on the living standards of the community you rent to, a shittier town will have more lenient tenants, but a better town has better paying ones that won't fuck your building while they're in there
>I went into the army for 4 years
>now the first thing I do every day is eat donuts
Is this the most American post ever?
lol, this is what the jews want you to believe will happen when you get a job. Not even a NEET, but I can see how fucking delusional this post is.
>Never worked a "real" job in my entire life
>Spend all day masturbating and trading cryptos
>Learned Japanese so I could masturbate to more things
>Discover that people will seriously pay me €50 an hour to translate shit for them
>Work freelance maybe 6 hours a week if even that and make 1.5x of what a teacher makes
>Up 3.7x from my initial investment of €3000 in crypto
My only regret is losing the right to call myself a NEET
Hahahahaha Americans crack me up
Oh yeah I forgot about fapping
>being willingly a parasite
Cool sociopathy, bro. Stop looking for validation.
>being willingly a slave
Cool waste of your life bro
NEETs inherit their parents' shit, unless denied
same, minus the people bit, I'm mostly alone
nice job bro
start a translation service and hire people
>parent's having so much money you can buy property
>doing the paperwork, advertising, and collecting rent
in your case It's called rich mummys fuckboy
What a sad sack you must be to be unable to enjoy life without large amounts of money.
>does whatever he wants
>with less than minimum wage
inb4 i don't want to do those things
There are only two reasons why a man would need more than $30k a year.
1. He has some vision (business, charity, artistic) that requires an input of money to be fulfilled.
2. He has to impress some roastie
If you're not possessed by some vision, and you don't care about winning the "love" of some vacuous cunt, there's no reason to devote your time (the most precious resource you have) to Mr. Shekelberg and pay more taxes to a government that is devoted to wiping-out white people.
Being a NEET is fucking depressing. You guys said this was the life. I'm turning into a fucking neckbeard.
>Can't wait to have two weeks vacation in six months
>At least I have a stable income
That nose tho.
Rent where I live is about $1200/m unless you want to live with cockroaches and shit for $800/m
In order to live someplace "decent" for $800, I'd need to commute about an hour and a half in order to keep my job. I can't live on 6k a year after rent man. I mean I could, but I'd be miserable.
cardio + weightlifting + meditation + home prepared meals
I look 10 years younger than my friends because I spend my time taking care of my health instead of eating out, stressing over bullshit and sitting hunched over a monitor 8 hours a day. I'll probably live much longer as well, or, at the very least, have a much more happier, independent old age.
> What's the correct way to compliment my bosses tie?