Antifa vs alt-right

>antifa vs alt-right
>communists vs national socialists
>socialist vs fascists
>republicans vs monarchists
>bolsheviks vs provisional government

has this been the most consistent ideological conflict of the 20th century?

when will the post modernists stop?

Both are to be considered jokers imho

Couldn't this be boiled down to left vs right, of varying degrees of authoritarianism/radicalism?

>when will the post modernists stop?
When the last priest is hung with the guts of the last noble.

t. Proletariat

Tankies (and the state/vanguardism) have been out of vogue on the far left ever since the USSR fell, so it's various degrees of Anarchism and Democratic Socialism vs Fascism. Pretty much a purely radical vs reactionary battle.

no, the it's been practicality vs morality.


Antifa and Alt-Right are just pathetic youth cosplaying as Communists and Fascists. Actual Soviets and Nazis would have little respect for them.

I think you mean 1968

>putting anti-fa Tumblrinas and /pol/ nonwhites up with actual political movements of the 20th century

there's a surprisingly large concentration of 100% unironic Stalinists and tankies in the lefty corner of Twitter. I don't know if you can call it a resurgence yet, but they're definitely around

I'm pretty sure that both the National Socialists and the real legit communists/Marxist-Leninists would have both the alt-right and antifa put against the wall and shot. You'd probably expect Richard Spencer and that faggot Anglin stormcuck be thrown into the gas chamber along with the rest of the so called "untermensch"

who is what?

Kind of this.

Hitler used disaffected and disenfranchised ex-soldiers to form the SA, which literally beat the shit of people, Football Hooligan style.

Once (tenuously) in power though, he shifted away from them and to the SS, though in practice most SA were just brought under SS command and disciplined more as a formal state-sponsored militia/police force.
But in other fascist countries these groups aren't disposed of, though they may wane from favour.

Compare to the commies, who like the nazi's/fascists use Universities and disaffected youths to win over the downtrodden masses to revolt and overthrow the government violently (fascists usually get into power legally)
Then the downtrodden mass becomes the primary group and the 'intelligentsia' and middle class who always form the bulwark of these groups early iteration get shot as they are dangeous to the state and won't settle for working the factories/fields like they are supposed to.
They all think they'll be card-carrying party officials living the high life "helping the working class" they just lead into serfdom, right until they're up against the wall.

It frustrates me how stupid these people are. But useful idiots are on both sides I guess. Marx was right about the exploitation of the working class though, I'll give him that. The rest is ignorant bullshit.

Amusingly, Marx was more ethnocentric than Hitler, and about as anti-semitic...

surely, but the ideology behind them is still the same

They exist but they're not remotely relevant.

Not even that Maoist Rebel faggot? He's really not that relevant?

What was the deal with right and left wing groups in Italy after WW2?

Maoists are universally laughed at, like DRPK supporters. No one on the left takes Jason Uhnrue(?) seriously.

I would say the ideology behind most of them is much less revolutionary than any comparable movement.

In the US and Western Europe at the least, both groups are explicitly laying claims to the capitalistic status quo, with anti-fa's goal essentially being the continuation and hastening of the last few centuries of society's liberal tilt. Anti-fa are generally concerned more with removing their enemies from political discourse than radically changing the nature of said discourse, or dismantling the political system that they benefit from. They may list revolution as a long-term goal, but all actions seem to be based around rejecting any change the Trump Administration enacts to the status quo. Accomplishing this would undoubtedly pacify the vast majority of members back into complacency.
fascists/alt-righters on the other hand are largely pushing against this leftwards societal/governmental tilt into an overcompensation in the opposite direction in which the government they benefit from remains, but drops or reverses recent social aspects of governance and power moves from obscure appointed positions into some well-known and admirable figurehead.

Neither party is interested in genuine change to the status quo, both parties interpret each other as having ruined something good, and both are lost in foolishness. One in idolizing the past, and another in idolizing what they thought was an inevitable future.

Commies have become reactionaries and nazis are revolutionaries. It's not controversial to be a commie. You'll be fired and chased out of society if you're a nazi. Regardless, commies for role-play reasons seem obsessed with pretending like they're radical and against the system, despite their ideological sphere being in vogue within parts of the West's state apparatus and institutions.

You mean the tranny lolcow? No, he isn't.