Was hannibal black?
Was hannibal black?
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lolno that's like saying africanus was black
He was a filthy Semite.
>taking over anything
top lel
Sub Saharan African = North African? wtf? Africa is a pretty big a diverse place.
Next Northern Germans and Scandinavians will be claiming the achievements of Ancient Greece and Ro... oh wait, never mind.
Its almost like claiming shit based on being European or African or Asian or any huge land mass is complete and utter bullshit and culture rather than race is what matters.
>we wuz cannibals n shieet
This is what you get for starting to call them African-Americans instead of Blacks.
Now they equate African with Black.
You've ruined everything, I remember an article in I believe New York Times or some shit where they journalist called the top 10 Egyptologists asking them if Ancient Egyptians were black, they all said there were no doubt that they were not but virtually all of them said not to quote them because it was such a "hot topic".
Blacks in America haven't just ruined America but they're ruining the rest of the world without even stepping outside the US.
Hannibal wasn't black, he was North African.
Wasn't the guy a nordicist wewuzer?
Never heard of him.
Tunisian Berber, so not exactly
So not at all?
His dad was a Phoenician Semite and his mom was Celto-Iberian.
I almost feel sorry for him. To be that naive..
He wasn't Tunisian, he was Phoenician
>Carthage is literally in modern day Tunisia
>Hannibal was born in Carthage
>but you'd rather use a term that covers almost a dozen modern day states
Makes about as much sense as calling iberian muslims from the time of moor rule spaniards.
He was a famous Romaboo of the 19th century
Carthage wasn't build by native Tunisians, it was built by Phoenicians ho settled all along north Africa. That's actually what "Punic" means in the "Punic Wars" it's how the Romans referred to Phoenicia. They saw the war against Carthage as "The Phoenician War". Just because the Phoenicians settled in Africa didn't magically turn them into niggers.
The picture isn't suggesting that Hannibal is black, it's suggesting that he's African and that blacks have ties to Africa.
White people circlejerk over the Roman Empire when they were shit-flinging tribals at the time, it's the same shit. Who cares
>it's suggesting that he's African
Phoenicians aren't really Africans but I guess you take what you can get.
I love how even /pol/ has board rules against "is X black?" threads, and we have several threads about this same topic at this exact moment
Do your part and report
>Most black people only know about being slaves not about being kings
He is atleast implying Hannibal was black otherwise the post just doesnt make sense
>doesnt even name italy or main enemy
>thinking mercenary army was all black
>thinking Greek man is Black
>thinking they only had 10,000
>forgetting the part where they got booty blasted and erased from existence
Almost definitely not. It doesn't much matter either way, and the bullshit in that screencap is most obviously in the troop numbers, and the purported "conquests"
I like how he basically says its perfectly okay to go another continent and fuck their shit up.