Why is it edgier and perceived as more of a threat to the modern neo-liberal west to be a fascist/nazi than a communist...

Why is it edgier and perceived as more of a threat to the modern neo-liberal west to be a fascist/nazi than a communist? Have communists effectively become reactionaries to a neo-liberal status quo ideology, because they share similar premises in the Enlightenment?

How could an objectively evil ideology like communism, the most immoral political theory in Human history - that massacred millions more than the nazis, be apathetically considered?

E.g, a Labour politician recently was exposed on May Day standing with communists (even stalinists), the worst that confronts him is the DALEY MAYULL giving him a rant. If a Conservative like Jacob Reese Moggs simply associates with some Traditionalist group which has white nationalist ties, he has to immediately disavow, or gets fired from his position.

We can see the reactionary element in the modern ANTIFA groups. They are the reaction to any white working class consciousness.

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t. booty blasted stormcuck

t. leftyreddit

>posts screencap of reddit thread
>claims other people are from reddit
You protest too much.

stop posting you fucking dweeb

Veeky Forums - contemporary politics & humanities

Facism is linked in people's minds to genocide and world war two. Also the end goals of facism can be considered more selfish and wrong than the end goals of communist.

discussion of today's normies and their prevailing views is neither history (25 year rule) nor humanities (not discussing ideas)


t. redd*t

The Soviets were allied with the US and UK so it's seen as mildly less evil. Both are still seen as horriffically evil by most of the populace though and it just sounds like you're angry noone wants to be a nazi.

>help your ethnic group/race

It's collectivist and altruist to the core. Communism on the other hand is motivated by egoistic self gratification, and envy of success. There is no morality behind communism, its adherents want to theoretically improve THEIR lives, because the only people who are advanced by communism are the ideologues themselves. They'll genocide and murder every non-Communist. It is not 'for Humanity'. It has a 'chosen' in group like every other ideology.

you... clearly don't even know what the term "reactionary" means

>prevailing views are not ideas
Veeky Forums BTFO

better question

why do you keep making this thread

A. Fascists partook in no genocides in WWII
B. Fascism is arguably a form of collectivism (destroying the individual in order for the state to prosper)

>fascists partook in no genocides in WWII
Oh boy, it's the 200th straight rerun of the /pol/acks make obviously incorrect and thread derailing statements on Veeky Forums show.

>How could an objectively evil ideology like communism, the most immoral political theory in Human history - that massacred millions more than the nazis, be apathetically considered?

>muh 420 horillian

>A. Fascists partook in no genocides in WWII
Epic. Simply epic.

>muh 6 gorillion

my nibba wat.

i mean whats wrong with "people should be allowed to eat and have housing"

as a pose to fascists which are like "food for our people only"

my nibba wut

fuck off to /pol/ u cuck.

srsly tired of ur raiding

u aren't converting anyone u fedora autist

We already had this thread 1.8 million posts ago, you lost.


Hallo redditische


Thread goes on to the end without one side admitting defeat and no concrete disproof on both side except jumping at logical fallacies. Denier throw around home infographics and are immediately everyone goes "muh graph", I bother to see one that was unsourced, then they post some cringe ass graph of their own "XDXDXDXD zombie nazi eat your babies".

Because Nazis being evil is the foundational mythos of the current social and political paradigms.