>against women's suffrage
>against Hitler
>against communism
>against non white immigration
Politically speaking Was this guy wrong about ANYTHING?
>against women's suffrage
>against Hitler
>against communism
>against non white immigration
Politically speaking Was this guy wrong about ANYTHING?
he was patrician tier for sure.
he hated hitler more for the fact that he was a "normal" guy from the proletariat than for the fact that he was a fascist
winston couldnt believe that anyone without noble blood or lineage could become the leader of anything
Yeah but he was right with that, Hitler and the other rabble where low class scum without the mental capacity to run a country, and they fucked up Germany for good.
Also, Winston was anti fascist, he strongly preferred democratic liberalism for its better society and economy.
He was for the Muslims. His family members feared he would turn Muslim as he was spending more and more time with the Muslim community.
Politically speaking Was this guy wrong about ANYTHING?
to be honest, I think he saw hitler for what he was, a man with no proper sense of perspective
Tbf, Brits have always been relatively pro-Islam.
insofar as it was to the benefits of empire in the grand scheme
literally every military plan he ever conceived
Even more based. Islam is patrician tier.
No, secularism is. However Islam sure ranks higher than christcucks.
No. They just use muslims to screw over other Europeans for the evulz.
>Veeky Forums WILL defend this
stay BTFO'd you armchair red*itor """historians"""
also thanks for throwing your empires away :)
makes keeping you in our political union very easy
That small nation also called itself a master race that could destroy the rest of the world single-handedly.
we did pretty well back then and are still doing pretty well right now
>destroying our rivals by importing millions of adult age brown men at the cost of throwing our self in the mix as well
>these same men the brits enabled by helping them from the turks
>these same men americans enabled by fucking around in their sphere
>inb4 reap the whirlwind meme picture
yeah getting millions of sweat marshall plan money and becoming a powerhouse AGAIN is really learning our lesson
yeah we learned our lesson we wont try it again
The Marshall Plan wasn't supposed to teach anyone a lesson. It was just supposed to protect them from falling to communism.
Why is it always the brainlets that feel attracted to totalitarian systems? Dreams of the omega uprising?
>It was just supposed to protect them from falling to communism.
Well how noble of them
>enables one of the worse things to come out of the 20th century
>it tries to spread like cancer
>even worse did it all due to the fact we forgot our winter jackets and the chances of us beating them were very slim
what did they mean by this?
Not sure if you've noticed but your brown men seem to be staying quite firmly put in Germany, bud.
whats the appeal of things like democracy?
>whole elections and modern captialsim are set up like a ponzi scheme where even if you vote for X Y could theoretically win because a secret group of men deiced they dont like X
>even worse is modern banking where more money is created then one country could ever pay off
>whats the appeal of things like democracy?
Well, I personally like how everything works, especially the economy. Then education, health care, peace in the streets and so on.
I like the appeal of not being forced to kill civilians miles away from home and then get killed in turn while my wife gets raped and commits suicide.
>he considers that two conflicting ideologys and or rivals with a fuckton of warheads were ONE miscommunication/misunderstanding away from killing every single civilized country on earth is peace
the last time i checked nato does this all the time in places like serbia and the middle east
Just so you know, you just switched from democracy to cold war, something that doesn't really makes sense or helps the discussion. Why don't you just post cute pics of Hitler, it may suit your level more.
How will neo liberals recover?
Individualism is an *nglo meme anyway
well, ones that got in the way, or came to challenge the proper state of things to be sure
naturally though this is all well in the past
Germany wasn't fucked up for good though. It was far from perfect, but it's funnily enough not too far off current ideas about work and home life.
The basic principles were heavy handed, but ultimately paternal.
Even the economy worked well enough after the boost from war preparations.
Theres a reason we bombed the German infrastructure so thoroughly. Though they were over-engineering shit to the point they would have lost by attrition eventually anyway.
>Prewar German Economy
Pick one
Why do you think they started a war in 1939 before they were ready for it?
churchill was a massive alcoholic who..
was a puppet to international interests,
started ww2,
destroyed the british empire,
ruthlessly slaughtered germans..
check out david irvings book : churchills war
& look up who 'the focus' are (1936 britain)
kek no he didn't, he saw Hitler as an opportunist who had a vendetta against the allied powers for what happened with Germany.
The man was responsible for a lot of failures both before and during his term as prime minister but he warned about Hitler from the beginning and nobody listened to him.
He wasn't a stupid man, incompetent sometimes but certainly not stupid.
>started ww2
>sure, we'll look the other way while you re-arm
>sure, we'll look the other way while you re-militarize the rhineland
>sure, we'll look the other way while you annex austria
>sure, we'll look the other way while you dismember our ally
Clearly, ((((((((((Britain)))))))))) was hell-bent on war with Germany.
I really feel so bad for Chamberlain, he worked with Hitler in good faith, all logic and good sense was with him, who could want another war just 20 years after the war? Everyone knew how horrible war is but (((Hitler))) couldn't be reasoned with and he had to destroy Europe, costing millions of lives and ruining nationalism for all future generations.
>against Hitler
>poltards actually believe pictures like this
The German occupation was a lot larger than Europe by the time the two front war had broken out
Larger than Texas*
>WW2 started in 1933
>AXIS did not existed
>size of countries matters in wars
this is what /pol/tards actualy bealive
He really was patrician tier
he was Anglo so basically subhuman