Because it makes so much sense that the final authority should be a 17th century Anglican text
where does this autism come from?
Because it makes so much sense that the final authority should be a 17th century Anglican text
where does this autism come from?
If you have Calvinist leanings it's not that difficult to justify
but what are the main arguments that people use to justify KJV onlyism?
Go on......
It was the authoritative English translation backed by the crown. How many people in England do you think could read the bible in Greek and Hebrew?
because god is an englishman.
God predestined all things -> God intended his English-speaking elect to pursue the truth -> the truth in English is best revealed in KJV
>where does this autism come from?
KJV was a poetic and authentic theological attempt for its time. Its poetry is enduring. Its theology is badly out of date.
Yeah but that doesn't explain why there are King James only sects alive today.
It didn't even make sense at the time, if it even existed at the time, as there were two other English translations of the Bible that has government backing written around the same time, mostly circulated in Scotland.
Isn't every bible that was published before the discovery of the dead sea scrolls considered outdated among academics?
>muh textus receptus
No? The Dead Sea Scrolls don't have anything on them that other manuscripts didn't. They're significant because they're old, not because the text is any different.
Not him, but they actually do have a few small differences; but they're not stuff that's theologically shattering, it's mostly different grammatical notes, or how Goliath is only about 6'9 instead of being 10ish feet tall when he fights David.
Anglo bigotry and the desire to rule the world. They're even making translations based on the KJV.
Contemporary KJO'ers could not care what your skin color is, race is, or what language you speak so long as you believe and behave like them. So it's all cultural imperialism emanating mostly from the source in the US of A.
>They're even making translations based on the KJV.
Somehow I'm inclined to doubt that translating from existing translations is a practice exclusive to the Americans.
That's not an argument, it's still entirely arbitrary even with predestination, you could just say the same thing about any other English translation if you chose.
The most reputable English translations are based on the original languages including Catholic bibles. Translations from other languages are probably done for the same people of the same community that produced them but who are no longer fluent in the liturgical language. It's very different from deliberately proselytizing foreign people with only one's own textual tradition.
The 1611 KJV is the greatest work of English Literature, and should be held above all other translations for this reason. Protestants fell in love with their creation... a fate common to artists.
It's not a terrible translation but the notion that a translation can't be improved upon or that it was inspired is preposterous.
The ASV can be a good replacement to it for those who like the style.
So many redditors in this thread. If the KJV was good enough for St Paul then it's good enough for me.
KJV isn't bad, but it's a part of Anglo culture so people tend to overrate and worship it.
black hebrew israelites also believe in KJV onlyism and they justify it by saying that king james was a black man
King james is love. King james is life.
You mean kang jamez?
The KJV was the go to Bible for St Paul?
What the fuck was it if it wasn't the KJV, show me some evidence.
For starters, you have the fact that the KJV was composed in the 17th century, some 1,600 years after Paul died.
God exists outside of time, retard.
Paul is God? I'm pretty sure that's a majorly heretical belief.
The KJV is God's book, simpleton.
based on what
>God intended his English-speaking elect to pursue the truth -> the truth in English is best revealed in KJV
faith doesn't have to follow youre (((((((logic)))))) and (((((((reason)))))))
i bet you think dinosores are real and evolutions is real