This is Mikhail Gorbachev, the man who singlehandedly destroyed the Soviet Union and ended communism

This is Mikhail Gorbachev, the man who singlehandedly destroyed the Soviet Union and ended communism.

Say something nice about him.

its tricky because he didnt think those ppl asking for "reform" actually meant independance
kudos to him for saying no to foreign military interventions

The ussr destroyed the ussr. The soviet system had so many cracks in it that it couldnt hold and it crumbled. Gorbachev was just the leader at the time, all he did was speed up the inevitable

Dubcek: worse late than never.

He did it the best way possible
>but muh oligarchs!
>muh ex-communist party members getting rich!

How else would you have done it, killing them?
All the authorities and big guys were against him and still he managed not to destroy Russia. Pretty amazing if you ask me.

He seems like a chill guy in those BBC Cold War interviews.

Top tier series for anyone interested in the Cold War by the way.

wasn't he trying to institute economic reforms similar to those that made China the largest economy in the world?

Then overthrown by party hardliners. who were then overthrown by the CIA backed Yeltsin?


I always thought he was making something similar to the Tanzimat Reforms in the Ottoman Empire.

>reform everything so NOT everything goes to shit
>we still lose our empire lol but at least not everything

And yet the young nomenklatura ended up as capitalists par western capitalism

Who else would have been?
I'm serious.

>those rich landlords (retards because they didn't invest on industry) who left Russia as soon as the bolsheviks took power
>those entrepeneurs who left russia because of the same thing, most of them hate it and wouldn't even want to return
>russian nobility (AYY)
>foreign investors
>high class russians during the USSR

There were lots of foreign investors but why would you like all your country be full of these guys? Specially when they would just control you to be a vassal of NATO.

There wasn't any other choice.

reminder. the soviets were really defeated by a peanut farmer from Georgia. not the propaganda actor from California.

>wasn't he trying to institute economic reforms similar to those that made China the largest economy in the world?


why media hates him?

I saw that shitty movie of the Ghost Rider 2 and they portrayed him as one who was possesed by satan.

The alternative was a Dubcek reform too late.

Wasn't Boris Yeltsin more at fault?

Carter made the mistake of being honest and a dove.

a lot of bad shit happened at the end of his administration. his response was to tell america that things were bad and would continue to be bad. until we did a lot of hard work and changed or life style.

reagan comes along and tells everyone that everything is great and that they need to go out and spend.

was he "to good to be a politician"?

Any other president in his place would have done some dumb shit that would have delayed the collapse of the Eastern Bloc.

The Oil Glut and the Soviet's inability to feed themselves from domestic production, already doomed them.

Carter's deregulation of domestic oil prices lead to the Oil Glut. Carter's appointment of Paul Volcker to the Fed, kept the US economy going.

>amerisharts thinking they have anything to do with this

fuck off, adults are talking, go circlejerk on pol or something

Yeah. Too much of a good guy. Watch he's speech about "crisis of values". Fuck reagan

>inability to feed themselves from domestic production

Why was this? It had always been a problem in Russia, something that really concerned Peter the Great, who marveled at how the Dutch, in their small country and small plots of land, could make enough food to feed their families as well as sell and trade.

Was it the climate? The soil quality? The local foods they had to grow? And is this still a problem in modern Russia? I would guess not, given the sanctions, but I don't really know in detail what's going on there. Judging by what Russians on /int/ say things are kind of fine.

>Say something nice about him.

He singlehandedly destroyed the Soviet Union and ended communism.

Russia is fine in the food department because Brazil.

However economically Russia is fine by russian standards. It is right now in a pretty bad spot but not bad enough to be too concerning.

And historically the reason is the government trying to keep the land as Russian by placing people in places that are not good at providing food. So the Germans and French are focused on effectiveness while the Russians are effectively colonizing their own country.

Russia actually had the same population as France and a little more than Germany.

This. People love to rant and rave about how everyone was well fed and happy before those ebil communists ruined everything and destroyed food production. In reality, food production had always been something of an issue in Russia, and just became something more of an issue in the Soviet era because of urbanization and increasing population.

Collective farming destroyed grain production.

Stalin exported what little there was to get cash for industry. While also moving people off farms and into cities.

Grain production stabilized in the 60s. Though at a far lower level than Russian Empire.

So the soviets sold oil to get cash to buy grain. Which worked until the mid 80s. Then oil prices fell and the communists could no longer import good.

Grain production has returned to imperial levels under putin and capitalism.making Russia one if the largest exporters of grain again.

He destroyed the Soviet Union and ended communism, that makes him a hero !

My great uncle was his NYC limo driver

But you already did, OP. He ended communism, what else is a bigger honor?


Can we blame the USSR collapsing even faster completely because of Ronald Reagan outspending the Russians in Military and they basiclly crumbled because the USSR economy couldn't keep up?

Please elaborate on how it was all Jimmy Carters doing and not because of Reagan.

>When Gorbachev and U.S. President Ronald Reagan first met, presidents of the two countries had not met for six years. Members of Reagan’s cabinet opposed the meeting. Gorbachev came out of the meeting saying of Reagan “He’s not a hawk, he’s a dinosaur.” Reagan came out denouncing Gorbachev as “a die-hard communist.” But they kept meeting. Eventually and inevitably Reagan asked what the Soviets would do if the U.S. were attacked by a meteor or aliens. Both men said their countries would help each other.

>mfw a blatant shitpost ended the cold war

Carter was too nice and wasn't prepared for entitled boomers to chimp out when shit got tough. He tried his best, it's just that his best wasn't enough, and the country hated him for it.
Around boomers, never relax

die you degenerate barneyfag

Jimmy Carter deregulated US oil and forced the Soviet Union to open and compete with its oil which was being held up by artificially high prices, causing the economy to go into a free fall through the 80's.

The peanut man skull fucked the Russian economy.

Even on this board?

>Say something nice about him.

He singlehandedly destroyed the Soviet Union and ended communism.

Thank you for saving the world from communism my dude, you probably should have stayed in power in Russia for a few years after the collapse though.

>still he managed not to destroy Russia

literally what. pic related.

>Say something nice about him.


I hate communists, but I hate anti-communists even more.

Why did he tattoo Florida on his head?

But you already did.

Everyone in the Soviet Union had their own favorite state

Anyone who has a map of the Philippines tattooed on his head cannot be all bad.

that's not Joseph Stalin and decades worth of bureaucrats who refused to recognize the disasters of the Soviet system. The USSR was doomed when they refused to go full force with the Kosygin reforms.

Nobody's gonna ask me about this??? Pretty interesting I thought but apparently not :/

He told Americans that they were bad people and needed to tighten their belt because we were in for rough times. He surrenders Panama, he lost the Shah (not really, but he's blamed for it), and he didn't appear to do anything about the economic malaise that spread across the nation.

He wasn't a bad president, but he was a terrible president for the time that he was elected. The American people needed someone that inspired them and Carter made them feel like shit.

>Carter is honest with the american people
>Wahhhh my fee-fees

The problem here are americans.

He signed a treaty to surrender the Panama Canal, looked like he was doing nothing while the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, looked incompetent when dealing with the Iran Hostage Crisis, and watched as Communist insurrections spread across Latin America. The was in no position to be honest. To most Americans it looked like the Cold War was coming to an end and that they were the losers.

There are times to be honest and this was not one of them. He got what he deserved for being so politically unsavvy.

Give a Oscar to that guy

ty mr glasnost, keep tearing down that wall

He has a very aesthetic splotch.

The Dutch, producing enough food for themselves? The Hanseatic League's backbone was grain exports from Eastern Europe to the Netherlands and surrounding areas. The Dutch considered the grain trade the "main trade", more important than the East Indies.

t. anarkiddie

It seems like more of an accidental combined effort than anything. Kennedy and Nixon stretched the Soviet economy with Moonshot, Carter fucked it hard with the oil disregulation, and Reagan hammered the problem hard by forcing their military spending to ramp up at exactly the wrong time while also having Gorby over on Team Red doing his own thing.

He had good intentions, at least.

thank you based Gorbachev

yeah. Carter was fucking based. Easily the only good president of the latter half of the 20th century.

>Soviet Union

It was state capitalism with some socialist elements.

>the best way possible was to completely lose control and end up fleeing the country in the early 1990s

huh, and americans think they want honest politicians
imagine a guy as honest as carter being president today. he'd be fucking assassinated

He singlehandedly destroyed the Soviet Union and ended communism

I feel like this sums up all you need to know about why the Soviet Union crashed and burned.