How come the most religious are the least intelligent, functional, and contributing populations?
Other urls found in this thread:
kill yourself if you would please
>Utah is incredibly Mormon
>ranks well in everything
Hurr durr religitards
And it looks to me like the places with high graduation rates are the "fly over States" which are traditionally Christian and republican.
Kill yourself OP.
It hasn't nothing to do with religion. Even if it did there are so many more factors affecting these locations religion is vastly overshadowed. Though, You probably already knew that and just wanted to bait religious people on the board right?
>John Philoponus
Monophysitism and the whole debate about it objectively held the Romans back. And this is the first person on your cherry picked list that doesn't say much than that people during the middle ages were religious.
No one knows if religion makes stupid or if stupid people are more prone to embrace religion. However, the dumber the more religious, that one is clear.
Very sneaky. The bottom map is obviously the main driver of the dysfunction.
More accurately poorer people tend to gravitate towards religion to give their lives meaning than religion making people poor.
Isn't that more of a racial map? Isn't the South basically all black people?
Obviously because religion and the continuous expansion of capitalism aren't always in sync.
A modern hypercapitalistic economy requires, among other things, high intelligence and knowledge in very specific fields.
Because the stupid are more easily suckered in by con-tricks such as organized religion. It's not that religion makes them dumb, being dumb is what makes them religious.
This desu
OP was just waiting for someone to point out this
Probably stupid people are just more likely to be religious and not the other way around. I doubt believing in a God can lower your IQ when almost nothing else can.
A big part of it is that poor and uneducated people need something to feel good about and give them hope and a sense of control over their destinies, something religion provides. People with prosperity and education don't need to imagine those things as much as they get them for real and are thus less religious.
>where do niggers live
Why can't people differentiate between correlation and causation
What is "African Americans" for $400, Alex
what the fuck does black people have to do with any of the other stuff in that infographic
>a good thread died for this weak b8
why can't you shitpost on only one board?
>All contributions of note in the West in the last two millenniums are done by people born into a religion at a time when freedom of religion didn't exist or irreligiousness was less prevalent.
Wow, sure proved the point.
>basically all
No Southern state is majority-black.
How come most african american population are controlled by Republicans and republican policy to harm them?
Gerrymandering. Put all the blacks in one district, separate all the whites into dozen others. 12 v 1.
Opposition of secularism has shown throughout history the decline of culture. Middle Ages Europe is a perfect example.
Continuing, please get the fuck off this board OP.
>being this blue-pilled
I grew up in the deep South (south GA) and there are very few black people compared to the amount of whites. The blacks tend to congregate around urban centers. The blacks that we have in the rural parts are generally the same as the white population and everyone gets along for the most part. One thing that chart doesn't show is the sheer amount of Baptist churches though. We have ~20 (with 3 being mega churches with hundreds of parishioners). That being said, it all comes down to culture I think. The culture in the deep South is one of "I'm a simple man/woman who wants to live a simple life." and they generally don't have any interest of learning anything outside of their immediate bubble of knowledge. It's not a angry or hateful anti-intellectualism, just one of apathy. They don't really give a shit that they don't know things.
So in short, race isn't really involved, religion really isn't involved (apart from reinforcing anti-intellectualism), and it mostly comes down to culture.
I dunno OP, probably a coincidence.
why is baptism so popular in the south?
That's false.
Intelligence, functionality, and contribution are humanist memes. I care much more for a modest yet illiterate rancher than a pompous academic.
>intellectualism is anti=intellectualism. Gnosis is a pagan meme.
I would argue that to have a functioning, Democratic society, you would ideally want the most informed populace you can manage. In that case anti-intellectualism is a hindrance to progress and informed campaigns. That being said, there's nothing inherently wrong with that lifestyle. I know plenty of good people that want nothing more than to have some beers with their friends while fishing and come home to their wife and kids. I don't understand how you're equating intellectualism and anti-intellectualism though.
>going to church makes you religious