How many Bitcoins do you need to fork a woman like this?
How many Bitcoins do you need to fork a woman like this?
Depends on what you look like
about 1 bitcoin per hour
bout 0.350
Hard forking or soft forking?
Fuck, can you just imagine getting back from the club horny as fuck with her and barely upon entering the car you're all over each other and just yank that dress up and that thong aside and pump a load inside her pussy immediately?
What the fuck is wrong with you pathetic faggots. I see these threads so often and its fucking sad. If you want bitches that bad, quit being a bitch and get up and do something about it. Start to hit the gym, go out to the club and fucking talk to some. You will get rejected at first, but you'll probably start pulling some by the times your gains come in, because of both the gains and your experience talking to them. It will only take a few months. But you faggots won't do that shit will you. You'll stay at home, jerk off, watch anime, and complain about how your life sucks. The only good thing coming out of this is you won't reproduce and your genes will be wiped off the face of this planet, like they should be you fucking betas.
>Start to hit the gym, go out to the club and fucking talk to some. You will get rejected...
Ehh, I'm too lazy for that. I'd rather just pay some bitcoins to fuck.
They will never learn my friend
Hookers who take bitcoin.. my god, the potential.
More than you can afford, pal.
I want her to sit on my face
If your ugly and socially awkward about .4 to rent and 1000+ to keep
If your good looking and confident then zero lol. It's so good being undercover as a normie because I can shitpost and have mad crypto gains but also fuck club sluts. I'm not even that good looking or funny I don't know how you guys do so badly
Yeah, and then you'll wish she was gone.
My brother fucks women like that constantly and he's a bum. He's just good looking and moderately jacked. Ah yes I forgot to mention he's a jazz drummer. Honestly I'm just glad I get to look at the women he brings around sometimes. Once he convinced some girls friend to fuck me and it worked because he's that much of a chad. She was pretty chubby though and he made fun of me for "actually doing it" as if I'm not some sex deprived loser.
I'm way richer than he is btw.
LOL, that's not a woman, that's a trap.
wtf source?
Isn't the point of life to fuck girls that hot? I mean it's our biological imperative to procreate. You stating you're richer sounds like cope to me. Just admit you're jealous. I fucking am
If life had a universal point you wouldn't have to ask the question.
Obviously I'm jealous.
I went to school and got a stem degree. I work for the city making decent coin.
He went to school for liberal arts with a specialization in music. He's good looking, talented musically, surprisingly well read, and good looking. Great personality too. Works on cruise ships 6 months of the year and paints houses for the other 6. People just love him but I'm a huge loser. I always think about what it would be like to be him and how he's what I could have been if only...
wtf i love traps now?
this isnt your blog cuck
correct, this is pajeets blog now.
The point of life is to reproduce, the more you reproduce the better. Indians and africans are kicking your ass at it, you should be jealous of them.
It's gonna be ok bro. Maybe we won't achieve that happiness he has but we'll find our own...hopefully
It doesn't matter. All wymyn are diseased sluts and have garbage personalities. Just focus on acquiring currency.
This. Once she betrays you good luck ever trusting one again
To reproduce successful offspring
Even a fish can lay 500 eggs
you don't need coins to get laid
you do need coins though to get married
>pump a load inside her pussy immediately
yes, a guy finishing in two thrusts is every girl's dream
>Indians and africans are kicking your ass at it, you should be jealous of them
J Bait
Most women don't care if they cum every time they fuck
But what's the purpose of life in general?
not Veeky Forums fuck off to /b/
Forking a woman like this is worth 60$ / 30 min. in Europe, so 0.02 btc.
Love the way you write.
It's all in the mentality, man. Look at the actor that plays Tyrion in Game of Thrones, he gets the babes because of the swagger.
women who don't know what they want, only want one thing.
The thing is that you guys want good-looking sluts. If you're attractive and broke those girls just want a fling. If you're average, they just want your money.
There are other types of girls out there, that are good looking, and self made who just want an equal. If you don't have anything going for yourself, it's pretty tough.
Christ when you say it in BTC it sounds like nothing.
plot twist
>shes a trap
Even better
In my case, I was raised without a mom or dad, which made me emotional independent and cold. I don't need love or affection to feel good. I'm also heavily goal oriented. So, I'm looking for a woman who's similar, no luck yet.
I don't go to clubs; I don't enjoy drinking; I despise all women the moment I ejaculate.
Not that much she's in a fucking ford with dirty seats
hard fork her anus with my bip
too real
>t. coping premature ejaculator
>you just have to become a multimillonaire hollywood actor to overcome your subhuman looks and get golddiggers
It's all about looks. If you aren't Chad you have to cope with escorts or end it.
am I the only one who thought OP's image was a knotted dog penis from the thumbnail?
Good dammit Pajeet stop creating these threads, you can't buy shit using crypto and you spect to purchase a woman the same way as the brown slaves of your shitty country?
Get your shit together Pajeet!
You can't. She's somebody's gold digger, and probably got disgusting implants to get that look.
Hot chicks rarely ever spend time with nerds, and if you're a degenerate on top of that you can forget about ever touching a babe unless you are paying $100s / hour to share diseases.
Oh and if she gets knocked up because of you, you'll never have money again because she'll sue you for everything you are worth in child support money.
Ignore bitches. Acquire currency.
Or, take the time to get to know an acceptable and hardworking local girl, date her a couple years then marry her, and present the illusion of a normie couple doing normie things while in secret you two save the world from an alien invasion and trade magic internet money at late hours of the night while balls deep in each other.
>milky bobbs
What did he mean by this?
Dude if you are buying a girls pussy then you dont give a flying fuck if she cums or not. You are showing the greens and she is opening her legs, simple as that.
It is different if you were an actual couple and you want your girl to feel good and satisfied. That's why when I was single I used to cum in their pussies as much as I wanted. If they want someone to give them pleasure, then they should pay the dude for that. I dont know, gender equality much?
He thinks that's a cow or something.
>marrying a thot who shows off her ass
No thanks
>Or, take the time to get to know an acceptable and hardworking local girl, date her a couple years then marry her, and present the illusion of a normie couple doing normie things while in secret you two save the world from an alien invasion and trade magic internet money at late hours of the night while balls deep in each other.
I never knew I wanted this.
This was me in 2013
The amount of wealth I obtained at age 23 was something amazing
I cashed a decent portion out and obtained equities once it got above 1000, but always had a formidable crypto stash that not a single government entity knows about
Anyway, have your fun, don't do too much cocaine, travel the world and do the things you always wanted
Get married to a solid girl who downs the know you have moneyand start to have kids
That's what I did
Gym will not give you Chad bones.
No, brother. The objective programmed into genes is that. We can be better than animals who study Liberal Arts. Be powerful enough to be able to flick off their lives with a phone call. That's true happiness.
>getting back from the club
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What the fuck is image from? I'm trying to figure out their actual size differences.
This is the most cancerous thread I've read on Veeky Forums in a while. You all need to go back to either facebook if you're a know it all normie or r9k if you're a sad needy husk. Either way I hope you all in this thread die from painful AIDS, this isn't Veeky Forums discussion. Massive SAGE niggers.