Has Veeky Forums turned into the most happening board on Veeky Forums?
Has Veeky Forums turned into the most happening board on Veeky Forums?
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That will forever be /pol/, but I have a suspicion that Veeky Forums is becoming more well known.
For now, yeah. A smart investor sells his Veeky Forums sub-boards high and buys low. Veeky Forums is approaching critical mass for a low-volume board. Prepare to sell high and go /diy/ within a month for the impending next-gen 3D printer happening.
Veeky Forums is where you come to stop being a loser
/pol/ is where you go to stay a loser
It's slowly getting to /pol/ levels of "HABBEDING :DDD".
why do you always post the same animu
Good call, I could also see cheap CNC adding value to /diy/.
Welcome to THE SYSTEM
Minister you satoshi
Came here 2 months ago from /pol/. Stopped browsing every other board on this site because no porn and quality meme. I will never leave here.
very quality memes here
shit advice though
Veeky Forums has slowed down it peaked during the April may bullrun
im a pol refugee
said the man-child fairy tail poster
i wish someone would blow up that train
minister you satoshi
Duh. Why do you think I tell people to hold shit that is crashing and buy before they miss out? The trick is to act like you're their friend instead of fud.
/Pol/ is where you start; You complain and pretend you are not part of the problem,
/R9k/ is when you hit rock bottom and just need a shoulder to cry on.
Veeky Forums is when you want to philosphize your problems and need a reason to stand up again.
Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums to prepare you phsicially.
Finally, /G/ and Veeky Forums to prepare you for NEET global domination
I can tell by the way Veeky Forums has changed over the last year or so that it definitely has a lot more traffic, and theyre all here for crypto. This board is now pretty much 100% crypto
can someone give grandpa the rundown on this "minister you satoshi" meme?
This board does moved well but if you think it's the most happening, I can tell you guys don't visit many other boards...