Can someone provide historical context for why castles were built other than "defense against aggressors"?
Can someone provide historical context for why castles were built other than "defense against aggressors"?
t. burger education
use your head dummy
Regional control centers
grain storage.
Fucking princesses in the ass.
Theres so much to list. They can be used as a lot of things.
To have a fucking home to begin with?
And defending against the muslims of their age it was essential as fuck.
Why did the Americans build forts all over the midwest?
Lets say you're a king.
You've got alot of enemies, so you need good defence.
You've got a lot of shit, so you need a lot of room.
You need bodyguards and security around 24/7 so you need alot of beds and bedrooms.
You'll also need cleaning staff, and you're too busy so kitchen staff as well.
You'll need a large dining area, and large kitchen because dinner parties are a great way to have diplomatic meetings with neighbouring rulers, the smell of good food should make them more agreeable.
You'll also need to travel alot to make sure shits going well, so you need stables and horses and chariots.
So, you don't just need a fort, you need a home too. One fitting for a king and his duties.
That is the purpose of a fucking castle. Bitch.
In England many of the first castles were built as centers of power for the Norman invaders to exert control over the native Saxons
They were bult to defend against Viking raiders.
You stay in the castle safe and sound, your buddies eventually show up to reinforce you.
However they were used by local lords afterwards to dominate the landscape rather than protect it
Let me in your castle!!
>be Englishman
>build a megastructure out of stone to fend of invaders
>a true monument and testament to your will to not flee your land and defend it in the face of an invasion force
>secure the right to live in these lands and for your children to prosper for generations
>only for your descendants to willfully hand it over to foreigners several generations later
>now your structures of stone are just tourist attractions as the men that should man them are too cowardly to do so
Anon5? Is that you? You sure do share his propensity for vapid generalities.
There's basically two kinds of castle.
1. Refuge. A place to hide your army so the enemy can't fuck you up. Most mountaintop castles with a cliff on three sides were meant for this. Perfect example is Srebrenik:
2. Barrier. A fortress to slow or stop your enemy at a strategic chokepoint. They put these castles wherever the fuck the strategic chokepoint was - a mountain pass, by a river, a road they wanted to collect taxes on, shit like that. A perfect example is a castle in the City of Metz (a strategic choke-point between France and Germany going back so far that it was fortified in ancient times and in WWII as well,) where there's a "bridge castle," literally a castle built into (and over) a bridge:
You could build entire normal castles next to a river bridge or ford or whatnot, but building the bridge *into* the castle makes it even more explicit what the point was, natch.
When under attack everyone in the surrounding area could come inside and get comfy as fuck rather than raped/pillaged/killed. Eventually attackers run out of food and fuck off because they're hungry and all the food is in the castle and nothing's in the surrounding area is worth anything anyway and they can't get in without being shot with arrows or having boiling liquids poured on them. Castle have lots of chokepoints built into them so a few men can defend against many.
In the UK I think everyone has visited a real castle at some point in their lives. I don't think disneyland's castle counts.
Show me a better castle as in harder to conquest.
Pro tip: You cant.
Think this one could give'er a run for its money.
So I could have badass Lego sets when I was a kid.
Does it have a cistern?
Holy shit that nostalgia.
I had the same one.
They were pretty damn cool.
Live in a country that has castles and post later
They say Romania is fool of gypsies and vampires.
Protip: conquest is a noun, not a verb.
She won't say no when she's within your walls. She can, of course. But she won't. Because of the implications.
We used lake for keeping the bad guys out with this castle
Don't forget the trannies. Romania has more trannies per capital than even Thailand.
That's one way to look at it.
Why do modern rich people live in mansions?
>other than "defense against aggressors"?
That's reason enough. And of course, once they are built and the country is at peace they got used for other stuff. But their reason for existence is as defensive works.
Forgot pic
ExpertTip: Sweden is a shithole, not a country.
I know, I am using a VPN for the bantz.
>1 post by this id
Slide thread. Sage.
to conquer*
Castles for protection of forts control, first invented Classical period! Castles both for people and grains, also other animals. Large wall stop attacks, but soon large gun make wall less off military relevance! This is history of castle buildings of feudalism of Europe.
The last time someone tried to assault a castle built on an island they had to build a peninsula to reach it.
are trannies vampires?
All Transylvanians are trannies.
The same reason pirate ships were built.
Wat, got any more informations on that ?
Because castles are fucking awesome
Well, maybe some are both. So they can be freaky in two ways, hurray!
Imagine trying to figure out what gender tranvamps identify as. Good thing thing none of them live in Canada, the poor leafs would be legally required to use their proper vampiric multigender pronouns.
Spelling mistake. Go back to your wooden long house. This is a stone infrastructure thread only.
Sure thing, senpai:
Yes, I believe. Apparently a vast part of the cost of building a castle on a hill was always just digging the fucking well; they must've been huge wells, like a mineshaft you could physically walk down via a circular stair.
>gunpowder era star fort
breddy kewl shit imo
Just coming through with the best form of fortification ever invented.
Defense against peasants uprising during famines
to impress your rivals
and who doesn't want to live in a fancy house ?
This is the one in the castle i showed.
This fucker is still sitting halfway intact in my parents' attic somewhere.
When Nobunaga and Hideyoshi captured Gifu, the legend goes that they build a castle right fucking next to it in order to do so...
Not sure how true, or even how that works. But it seems castles were okay for attacking in some contexts I guess.
Otherwise, they are imposing and intimidating structures. Especially when anyone who wants to rebel would have to contend with the men fortified inside.
Mosty against muslim invaders as in the beginning castles stopped them and helped the local populace in case of emergency. Like when they came to take away (literally slavers) your people they took shelter in castles.
You forgot to mention the really strong currents
How? A wall of wooden poles would suffice.
castles were also used to siege other castles and stuff -> Trutzburg / Counter-Castle
Would have been more effective just to coat your surfaces in bacon.
french architecture right here mang
This isn't a bad place for this but...
I miss my flags.
We could have simulated history using just our flags.
>moving /pol/tastic threads away from /pol/
It's like they want us to redpill the normies!
The mootwo giveth, the mootwo taketh away.
a) defense
b) are control
end of valid reasons.
I know it might not look like much, but there used to be giant wood structures on top of the brick wall, the main moat was way wider, plus there was an inner moat around the bastion (the main turret in the lower part of the picture), the bastion had dry food capable of lasting months and a water source directly inside the bastion, plus secret tunnels (they've begun discovering them only now) going on until some km outside the town (usually ending up in churches/monasteries) to send someone to call reinforcements
Plus the HR Emperors used to visit it to admire how well it was built
It's a shame that during the Cambrai wearisome fucker decided to use cannons against it, the wall even resisted the first blow, but when they changed their aim for one of the smaller turrets a whole section fell down
>t. living inside the walls of this very town
I just love my hometown
no bully plz
i wish it was like this the shitskins are just flooding europe
*cambrai war*
Status symbols.
Isnt that the only reason?
>tfw your entire country used to be a literal fortress city
>then the eternal Anglo made sure you lost a war and had to pull down all the walls and fortresses
1. serve as local center of government for an area
2. house and equip local security forces to enforce law
3. serve as a defensive center when under attack
4. serve as a staging area for resources and reinforcing elements while conducting combat operations in a given area
5. serve as communications center
6. serve as a place to secure local treasuries
They were pretty effective at doing all of the above.
Na, that came much later.
Power projection
Most enemies simpled walked around them and continued to destroy the rest of the region.
But still it came.
Not really, those weren't castles but Mansions in fantasy style and had no defensive purpose.
0 results
They were also pretty instrumental in judicial processes.
Medieval justice was more direct: death, mutilation or bloodgeld. None of that pansy imprisonment and doing time.
Fuck me, that's big. Guess you'd need it on a rocky outcropping where you can't dig a well.
Lords would also use them to imprison bourgeois, nobles, soldiers from a rival town and demand a ransom
Hideyoshi probably just threw up an earthworks fort overnight and when Inabayama (the og name of the castle) woke up, boom, Oda forces.
When did that happen?
You want people to use ancient buildings as fortresses?
Another reason: defence against your inhabitants
pic related is my hometown Passau in southern germany
The fortress in the red circle was built in the 13th century by the prince-bishop in order to maintain his power, because the citizens wanted to overthrow him and live in a self-governed free imperial city.
They actually unsuccessfully besieged the fortress a few times over the centuries
By the way, it was used as a prison later in history, so that'd be also a reason to have a castle
Castles are meant to control key areas; they're forward operating bases as well as sally points to harass and disrupt enemy communication and logistics.
Nobody wants to endure a siege even though that's what a lot of early medieval warfare consisted of. But if you dotted the landscape with strongholds, good luck to an aggressor that has to wade through all of that.
post more castles, pls
qvint qvint
>>fortification on top of a hill with two walls
>>no defensive purpose
>Fucking princesses in the ass
Fucking handmaids in the ass
That was before trebuchets were built if youre talking about alexanders conquest. A trebuchet could rain shit on that since it isnt overly far from the shore not to mention the tide draws back enough for ot to be placed closer. The walls dont cover the vital parts.
hey it worked for Malta; the island is basically a giant 300km^2 maze of forts castles and cathedrals that finally managed to fuck over the Turks in the 1500s