Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes. 6,000,000 Jews killed during 3,153,600 minutes comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed roughly 1 Jew every 30 seconds. (LOL) In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums. According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven. It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp. However, lets say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today, that means it would take 1 hour, 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews assuming they were all burned simultaniously. (Disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven.) The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for our greatest ally, we're going to assume that bodies were teleported instantly from chamber to oven. That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (Assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis) the total # of killed jews would be 657,000 for those 6 years. The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.
Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes. 6,000,000 Jews killed during 3...
Other urls found in this thread:
dindu nuffin time
>all holocaust deaths were gassings
stopped reading there
>The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.
The "official" story is that about 1 million Jews died at Auschwitz. Did you not read even the most basic things about the camp?
If only half a million jews had been killed during the holocaust, what would that change? Would that make the holocaust an acceptable act, and the nazis good people all along?
It'd show that the j00z are liers
I guess. Not sure exactly what that helps with, but I guess it would.
1. There were more camps than just Auschwitz. 2. Most that died at Auschwitz died of malnutrition, disease, or by gun shot. 3. You're a fag.
You do know there were concentration camps set up before 1939. Dachau was opened in in March 33, months after Hitler came to power, although i think at first it was used to hold commies not jews
why do /pol/tards think all deaths were gassing
Cause muh jewish conspiracy muh greater Israel
Not every Jew was killed by gassing, not every victim was killed at Auschwitz, and not every victim was burned in ovens.
Kill yourself
JIDF at work I see
Reddit please go
Gassings account for a minority of those killed.
k but not all deaths were gassing (most were starvation/disease)
Yep, only one could be gassed at a time, as was tradition. Also, since there was plenty of holocaust food, no one starved. Nazi were known for compassion too, so that means they never killed any of the jews themselves.
>Every holocaust death was because of gas
>Nobody was shot
>Nobody was starved
>Nobody died from disease
>Only one person can be gassed at a time
>There was only 1 gas chamber available at any given moment
> In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums.
Wrong. There were 5 crematoria (Facilities for burning), with 29 ovens (heat goes in here), and 52 muffles (bodies go in here). See pic related.
> takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp.
It took less time in 1875, when they had even cruder furnaces than what they had at the camps. 25 minutes for a child's body and 50 for an adult beats the "modern" furnace all out.
>"As soon as the remains of the bodies have fallen from the chamotte grid to the ash collection channel below, they should be pulled forward towards the ash removal door, using the scraper. Here they can be left for a further twenty minutes to be fully consumed . . . In the meantime, further bodies can be introduced one after the other into the chambers." - J.C. Pressac, "Technique & Operation..." page 136
>The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for our greatest ally, we're going to assume that bodies were teleported instantly from chamber to oven. That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (Assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis)
First off, if we're just talking Auschwitz, only Krema 2 and 3 were located above ground level and didn't have elevators. They were the largest, but 1 2 and 5 could between them account for some 1,876 bodies between them.
Secondly, for your figures, I'll assume you're taking your numbesr from Mattogno, ATCFS, who is only talking about Krema 2, not Krema 3.
But, to rebut Mattogno, I offer pic related, taken from.
> The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.
No, it isn't. That is what is told in a Soviet propaganda sign that says that Auschwitz had 4 million inmates, not that they were all Jews and not even that they all died. The "official" story, insofar as there is an "official" story in the hands of decentralized academics, is that Auschwitz's death total is between 1.1 and 1.3 million.
>but 1 2 and 5 could between them account for some 1,876 bodies a day.
Minor edit; that sentence came out wrong.
>1 hour and 20 minutes
>1.2 hours
1.) Nobody claims that all were gassed. In fact, a minority were
2.) Order form in pic related shows the 4 ovens were capable of dealing with 1.2 million bodies a year
>stormnigger attempts to refute one of the most researched events in history
>doesn't even know the basics of said event
Every day.
>The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.
No, they claim 1.1 million total. Of which the majority were Jews
why does /pol/ lie all the time
You're just lying to make your false numbers appear reliable.
This thread is embarrassing. OP is a literal retard.
You have to go back
I've reported this thread and yet it is still here
did the janitors just give up
But user Jews (not forgetting of course all the non-Jewish victims) weren't just gassed. They were also beaten, shot, hanged, worked to death, starved, etc.
You're assuming all the bodies were burnt, but that isn't true. Bodies were also piled up and burnt outside of the crematoria.
There were roughly six million Jews killed, but many of this were killed in other camps or outside of camps altogether, especially by Einsatzgruppen aided by the Wehrmacht and police.
>The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.
But that isn't true, historians say that probably between 1 and 1.5 million died in Auschwitz. 4 million was a very early but inaccurate Soviet estimate.
just stop and consider what the fuck you just said op. just re read what you said.
now think wtf what am i talking about cos plenty of non jews saw the camps look at the populations of jews in nazi controlled areas before and after occupation. srsly stop
Watch it all, they actually go into how Auschwitz alone could do 6 million at full capacity.
>Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1
but thats wrong you uneducated american nigger
I dunno lets think, the rwandan genocide occured in about one month. 800000 people got slaughtered. 800000/30=26666 daily, 26666/24=1111 every HOUR!
The rwandan genocide clearly didn't happen, just look at that amount hahaha the tutsis are behind this
People being shot and starved to death in addition to gas chambers IS the narrative you dunce.
Now I want a "I wonder who could be behind this" pic with a tutsi to countershitpost stormniggers.
three months, we're looking at ~370 per hour
it would help to get your meme number right at least
Do you not understand that it's a religious belief? Questioning it is the western equivalent of drawing Muhammad.
>The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.
Literally noone claims that.
>Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1
Day 1 of what? His birth?
Look i dont like it when the kikes trot out muh shoah whenever they dont get their way but have u not heard of the ordsnyng polizei
Masochist math
But 'muh bombed supply lines'
Op is a faggot as usual
> literal niggers with big stones and machetes can genocide people fast as fuck
> somehow germans aren't too efficient to do this with their superior technology
>Oy vey better believe the statistics the URSD gave!
Nobody accepts the 6 million figure nowadays. It's just a meme. The actual figure is under 1 million. Now, the question is why are the Nazis demonized for being the superpower who killed less people around those years? Belgium, Britain, the URSS they all killed more minorities than the Nazis.
Notice how Germans lose any sighs of supposed superiority when Jews are around.
Well, other than people like Van Pelt, Chris Browning, Lipstadt, and Evans. You know, the most renowned scholars about the holocaust.
I'm the poster you replied to, and I'm not OP. My point was that even heavily reduced numbers don't really change anything. Nazis are still evil, Jews were still being exterminated.
>Auschwitz was the only death camp
>Every Holocaust victim was sent to a camp
>Every victim was cremated
>The cremation process included the time taken to get the oven up to temperature and to cool it down so the remains can be recovered
>The cremations occurred in a closed anoxygenic environment so none was lost as smoke
>"Da Joos say it happened liek dis!"
>Provides no source
user please at least try to think about these things before you clutter up the catalog with them.
It's two months you roaring intellectual
Don't waste your breath on this board, mate, the only responses you'll get to sound arguments is these predictable ones:
This forum is a liberal shithole and it literally has no place in Veeky Forums. Why can't the mods just delete this place? /pol/ is pretty much talking history at this point so I don't see the need of having this shit.
What exactly impossible about burning 15 every 1.2 hours? You can burn 1000 at once and it will be enough.
>Jews were burned gently and with all ceremonies like with "modern methods"
Veeky Forums is a liberal safe space. if they were to go to /pol/ they'd have their arguments shredded like they always do
He says while ignoring actual rebuttals a la
>le merghizdzs holohoax
Will you kike-loving niggers ever realize that Nazis invented holohoax?
Damn guys we got btfo without a single argument. How will we ever recover?
What's the point of gas chambers anyway? Why not just let them starve to death? Gas chambers don't make any sense.
They get their arguments shredded even in here, as you can see how the only way they can reply to the OP is to call him a stormfag. You have any proof of the mods wanting to delete this shithole or is are they going to ban you from here if you post them?
Amateur. I'll just copy-paste this since the calculations have already been made:
An important data source is a chapter from Germar Rudolf's book "Dissecting the Holocaust". This chapter "The crematoria ovens of Auschwitz and Birkenau" starts on page 373 and was written by (guest star) Carlo Mattogno.
Auschwitz-Birkenau had 4 crematoria: Krema II-III-IV-V. (Krema I was a relatively small installation in Auschwitz I which was not an alleged extermination camp. When the other Kremas came into operation, Krema I was shut down).
Krema II had 5 ovens with each 3 muffles. In operation: 166 days in 1943 and 266 days in 1944.
Total: 432 (days) x 15 (muffles) = 6,480 cremation days of 1 muffle.
Krema III also had 5 ovens of each 3 muffles. In operation: 190 days in 1943 and 266 days in 1944.
Total: 456 (days) x 15 (muffles) = 6,840 cremation days of 1 muffle.
Krema IV had 2 ovens of each 4 muffles. In operation: only 50 days in 1943 then it suffered damage beyond repair and was not used any longer.
Total: 50 (days) x 8 (muffles) = 400 cremation days of 1 muffle.
Krema V also had 2 ovens of 4 muffles. In operation: 82 days in 1943 and 144 days in 1944/45.
Total: 226 (days x 8 (muffles) = 1,808 cremation days of 1 muffle.
Grand total of one day operations of 1 muffle:
6,480 + 6,840 + 50 + 1,808 = 15,528 cremation days of 1 muffle.
The maximum number of corpses that could possibly have been cremated:
With 10 corpses a day per muffle the maximum number would have been...155,280
With 12 corpses a day per muffle (1/hr)186,336
With 14.4 corpses a day per muffle (1.2/hr)223,603
Simple mathematics..
Stop using /pol/'s memes, you absolute autist. Jesus you liberal faggots literally have zero originality.
Veeky Forums and other liberals want to be us so bad it's funny
Lmao at this delusional retards. You get btfo with arguments every fucking time, but you're so delusional and brainwashed that you ignore everything that doesnt fit your narrative.
If the holocaust is real, why is there in most western countries a real inquisition about what can be said or not? Looks more like a cult than actual history to me. I don't see why there are laws about discussing the holocaust, if it did happen, it shouldn't fear investigation.
What doesn't fit my narrative, little degenerate? And I guess for you SJW's calling someone a stormfag or telling him to "go back to /pol" after he presents his argumentswhich you have no way to counter, is getting "BTFO"
You're absolutely delusional.
Holocaust controversies debunked this in one of their analyses and proved that Mattogno and Rudolf are liers deliberately ignoring certain documents (the most recent being about Aktion 1005).
> Why not just let them starve to death?
Because this is the same as confirming that you are communist, which was the big no-no for Adolf Hitlerwho came into power by being anti-commie.
It's illegal to deny holocaust in countries that suffered the most from German occupation.
To fill in the gaps between starvation, disease, and shootings.
pick one mate xDDdDdddDDDDDdddDDdDD
And it takes too much time and can lead to outbreaks of epidemics and so on. A lot of Jews actually starved in ghettos.
This is basic mathematics, you dumb fuck. You can't refute mathematics. How can they be liars? Show me the documents which you're talking about. Who are these (((Holocaust controversies))), btw?
This post literally gave me cancer. I gotta go check myself now.
It's a blog written by people researching the holocaust.
>basic mathematics
And why do you think that only one person can be cremated per hour?
The real question, if Hitler wanted to kill Jews why he didn't kill them all. Makes no sense, man. Can holohoax be some sort of zionist false flag?
Do you even try to cremate person? Shit takes time.
Wait a minute. Hitler wanted the jews? Then why did he sign an agreement with jewish establishment in Palestine to move all the jews there? Looks more like Hitler was pro-zionist to me.
He killed all the ones he could get his hands on.
Not all Jews lived in occupied Europe, and not all nations collaborated.
Literally go in every crematorium and ask them how quickly you can burn a body (WITHOUT preparing, just burning the body to ashes) and see what they'll tell you, and that's with MODERN technology with ovens that can go to way higher degrees than the ones that Nazi Germany had. Unless you're trying to tell me that Nazi Germany had some kind of alien technology that allowed them to burn bodies in under 5 min, and have proof, I'll agree with you. But until then...
Gassing was not the primary means of murdering Jews in the Holocaust though, the vast majority were killed with good old bullets and put into mass graves in Eastern Europe, or died due to unchecked disease and overwork in the camps. Gassing was only for killing the undesirables who couldn't otherwise be used as slaves (children, weak individuals, elderly, sick, etc...)
How about that? We build up a scientific research center, find out six billion ((volunteers)) and check, if we could replicate holocaust myth in practice or not. Should end all of the controversies, once and for all.
But you literally have zero proof of anything that you're saying. "Mass graves" is equivalent to "I don't know wtf I'm talking about so I'll claim that some Jews died in a ditch somewhere in Eastern Europe.
Anne Frank, probably the most famous Jew and one that (((Holocaust))) believers get much of their information one, is confirmed to have died of typhus. Why was she special?
According to German engineers it takes 20 minutes. Now imagine that most corpses were of children and women. Most of them spread very thin. According to Sonderkommando testimonies they usually put more than two bodies (3-4) into one muffle.
And there were also open pits where the bodies were burned. We even have a photographic evidence of them.
>Stormfags are this retarded
Only 1 million Jews died in Auschwitz
Not all Jews were gassed
So you've done that nice calculation work (or maybe took it from a denier website, who knows) only to make yourself out to be an idiot who doesn't know shit about the Holocaust
You know that they rarely burned the bodies to ashes? Bones were often crushed.
Judging by your OP, you don't even know what the narrative is you fucking retard.
>Only 1 million Jews died in Auschwitz
Wait a minute.
> knowing shit about works of fantasy
next you will test my epic monsters handbook knowledge lmao
She wasn't special. You don't know anything about the holocaust. Some Jews also died of typhus or were starved.
25,000 Jews killed and buried in two days in Latvia
30,000 Jews killed and buried in one day in Kiev
Two of many examples of literal massacres of Jews in Eastern Europe, all shot and buried in mass graves.
What the fuck are you even trying to say now? They took the bones out of the ovens and then crushed them?
I don't even... Can't you just people stop being this retarded and fucking admit that there was no (((Holocaust))) and that Jews were enslaved, but not killed. They died from diseases and starvation as most people died during WWII. Nor are the numbers thrown around accurate. It shouldn't make the Jews special.
And now we reached the peak of idiocy again.
>Ignoring facts
as expected of /pol/
Yes. You should know this if you actually studied the holocaust.
>Jews ITT
>The Nazis insisted on cremating each person perfectly as if it were for a funeral
I'm not fixated on the number 6,000,000. Even if it were 3 million, 1 million, 500 thousand or 100 thousand, would it still not be a horrifying act of cruelty?
It seems to me that deniars argue that the numbers were inflated to justify the existence of Israel, but I'm pretty sure as little as 100,000 Jews being gassed, along with millions of others incarcerated, raped and brutalised would be more than enough to justify it.
Don't take me for a zionist because I'm not. Fabricating the existence of 6,000,000 people is frankly overkill when you consider how people freaked the fuck out over less than 10,000 Balkan Muslims being killed in the '90s
>Thinks all 6,000,000 Jewish deaths are attributed to gassings
>Thinks he's smart
How can you ever be sure about numbers? It isn't like you can say that one cremated body is jew and not say for example... chimpanzee.