Were the Native American women really raped en masse by colonials or is it possible that they voluntarily consented to sex with them?
Were the Native American women really raped en masse by colonials or is it possible that they voluntarily consented to...
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Knowing women it's pretty obvious most of the sex was consensual.
They were probably inclined to have sex with them because of the implications.
Native American women are ugly af though
Did white men really stoop to having sex with them?
Were they really that desperate after the ocean voyage?
the women were in the same boat as the European's , they were traded away at will by their fathers
I'm sure some rape did occur as the wars got heated
There is a story about a Diquis (Costa Rica) chief that found his daughter fucking one of the soldiers of a Conquistador. The chief killed the soldier and decapitated him, sent it to Vasquez de Coronado (the conquistador) and then cut his daughter's tits with an obsidian knife.
Women that went voluntarily received Spanish men were brutally punished by her peers and they received no sympathy from anyone, not the Spaniards nor the other tribes. The woman in the history then killed herself by jumping of a cliff.
if you had to choose between waiting for the boat with women to come, homosexing your boat-buddies, or banging Pocahontas, you would make mestizos all day long
its so hard rite now
Depends on who these colonials are.
In Spain's experience in Mexico, sure rapes happened in war. But once that was over, Spain sought to build a working society over there, which was best done with dialogue with the locals, best done via the local nobility. The local nobility was baptized and formed the nucleus of the native colonial elite. Since the vast majority of Spanish presence in the colonies was male, Spanish officers and soldiers frequently married daughters from these families, who then gave birth to all those Mestizo halfbreed elites.
And then you have the Anglos up north who just dumped whole communities of people from England into the Americas, and rarely married natives. So mostly rapes for those guys.
>Native American women are ugly af though
You have terrible taste.
The French had more colonial land than the English for a long time and yet the English never came across racial mixes of whites and natives when they were settling west
What the hell were the French doing the whole time ?
Considering the power imbalance, it was almost certainly not voluntary.
It wasn't really rape just more of a "have sex with me or I'll kill you and your entire village" kind of situation.
So you don't have evidence and are just using conjecture?
Raping them in the ass.
They loved the BIC (big iberian cock)
Yeah man its common knowledge that when dudes conquer a place all the women consent, rape is just unheard of in such circumstances
Its a shame, shit like "The Rape of Nanking" should be more like "The Consent of Nanking"
Coercion is still rape.
Some were consensual. The majority were rapes.
Proofs with citations?
OP didnt
No other OP does
No one here doe
>Hey heres my opinion about this now prove me wrong with citations even though I had none for my outlandish claim
Fuck off
>Native American women are ugly af though
>said the virgin on his third wank of the day watching BLACKED porn
That's still rape. If you have the power and control over them, these people don't have any way to disagree with you.
There are regions here in my country were DNA analysis has been made. It has proven that mtDNA come from native americans and y-chromosomes come from spaniards
It means that many of these people come from male indios being heavily cucked
That pretty much happened to the islands Columbus exploited.
There's accounts of cowboys chasing lone Indian women. In one of them, the lady shoved sand into her vagina beforehand to frustrate the would-be rapists.
Collecting fur for the King, which is what sex-crazed Spaniards and Portuguese should have done.
>What are the Metis
Proof with citations?
>the lady shoved sand into her vagina beforehand to frustrate the would-be rapists.
savage af
This is now a "find your most grotesque whitey rapes and pillages indigenous peoples" thread.
Please post your worst examples.
>implying you wouldn't colonize
Wouldn't this be the same from the Muslim refugee's perspective today with European women?
Nice, just like in hentai
No? If anything it'd be the opposite. Hot Arab women hiding with Europeans while Arab men look for her to stone her for having an affair with an infidel.
Well I guess white men are just openly giving their daughters to refugees so there is less tension there
A good deal of women have always taken conquering Husbands.
It's just part of the different evolutionary pressures placed on men an women.
>evolutionary pressures
>Man about to be conquered
>Has to fight to keep his life, land and wife
>Woman about to be conquered
>Oh, I guess marrying him isn't so bad
fucking their french homo buddies
That's not evolution, nitwit.
Well, the most common thing being the most likely thing.
Would some of the sex have been totally consensual? Yeah.
Would some of it have been questionable consent (no overt threats, but she understood the power imbalance and didn't want to take any chances)? Probably.
And finally, given that we know historically that rape was common in other similar scenarios, can we reasonably assume rape was common in this scenario? Without evidence to the contrary, it's a reasonable thing to assume.
This isn't a criminal trial here. We're looking at trends and making the best speculations we can.
Yes it is. Everything we do is evolution, because we are evolutionarily derived organisms.
Those behaviors have direct antecedents in our ancestors, and they're nonetheless animal behaviors, despite being complex.
Yeah, the women who took conquering husbands lived, and produced offspring. Some of those offspring would inherit the mother's instinct to accept conquerors, and produce more offspring, and so on...
We did them a favor by raping them. We improved thier shitty under developed civilisation and killed off all the ignorants who opposed. And I guess nature killed off all the weak with diseases!
>mfw I will never be able to colonize a country
>mfw I will never have an assortment of concubines
>mfw I will never get to destroy entire cultures for my own benefit
why even live?
>Everything we do is evolution
So every time I pick my nose, that's evolution?
>I will never have an assortment of concubines
Literally no European colonizers had any
Yes, and it'll be evolution when the girl you like fucks someone who's not a nasty ass booger diver and your disgusting genes die out.
>"the genetics of indigenous Mexicans shows that their ancestors were very distinct groups that mixed remarkably little. A study published today in 'Science' found more genetic isolation than expected among these populations."
You're objectively wrong
The short answer is "yeah...kinda-sorta".
If you do that, and you produce offspring, chances are they're going to do it too. If nose picking confers even a small advantage, or at least no disadvantage, then in the long run as long as you reproduce, and your kids reproduce, the behavior is likely to be passed on.
So every time I blink my eyes, that's evolution?
>Isolated tribal groups had very little out-group mating events
Wow, it's almost like the selected from within their own kin-groups.
Who could have foreseen this?!
Exactly. Most slave owners had children with their slaves. There's a reason most Black Americans paternal lines trace back to Europe
Yes, because somewhere down in the ancient past, some synapsid who had eyelids could blink the sand out of his eyes and didn't get eaten by a basal archosauromorph
I don't see how that relates to native Americans and "never get to destroy entire cultures for my own benefit"
Yep some southerners had jungle fever.
The Plains Tribes were actually created by the introduction of horses. Before that, they were fragmented Mississippian remnants.
Also, the Aztecs sucked and weren't even that old. Spain was older than the Aztec Empire.
So every time I scratch myself, that's evolution?
What really qualify as "rape"???
If I can't understand the language how do I know we are just not having some kinky aggressive sex and not rape.
Yes, because your prosimian great grandpa could scratch off parasitic bugs that can act as disease vectors
This. It's like those people who claim German women were raped because they were BLACKED by Black American soldiers or RUSSED by Soviet troops. In reality they opened up for it. German WW2 vets have openly spoken on it.
Yeah but how is ME doing it evolution?
How exactly is me waking up after I sleep evolution?
>"So what? We'll simply spread our legs."
>The Plains Tribes were actually created by the introduction of horses
Yeah cause before that they didn't exist at all and nobody lived in the great plains
>Spain was older than the Aztecs
mesoamerican civilization was thousands of years older than spain
That's why I said Aztec.
If you're counting unrelated cultures, Iberia is just as old as Mesoamerica, if not older.
Because you're contributing to the evolution of your species.
If you pick your nose, you reduce your reproductive fitness.
If you scratch in public, you reduce your reproductive fitness.
If you blink too much, you reduce your reproductive fitness.
If you manage not to die in your sleep, you increase your reproductive fitness
That's how you're contributing to evolution.
But the aztecs were just a continuation of previous nahua Empires.
Before them it was the Toltecs who rose and fell long before Leon y Castilla even existed
Native women were not as prudosh as European women. Spaniards had from 8 to 16 concubines on average. And in places like Paraguay the number rose to 36.
>Spaniards had from 8 to 16 concubines on average. And in places like Paraguay the number rose to 36.
what now
>If you scratch in public
I don't mean like scratching my balls in public m8, I meant like my beard or my head.
If I am just sitting in an empty room and I scratch my nose, is that evolution?
The Toltecs presage the Aztecs as much as Rome prefigures Spain.
We Wuzing means little to me
Leftist excuses, like always.
Holy shit go back to
If I read the Quran, is that evolution?
>is it possible that they voluntarily consented to sex with them
it's also possible that it was hot
There was only 200 years between the fall of the Toltec and the rise of the aztec
The majority of Iberia was ruled by Muslims longer than it took the nahua to create 2 Empires
Might as well be, mudslimes are gonna outbreed Europeans.
>the Aztecs sucked
>These people live almost like those in Spain, and in as much harmony and order as there, and considering that they are barbarous and so far from the knowledge of God and cut off from all civilized nations, it is truly remarkable to see what they have achieved in all things.
- Hernan Cortes Second Letter of Relation to Charles V
>Spain was older than the Aztec Empire
Spain was established in 1492, the Aztec empire preceeded it by 64 years.
>inb4 Oxford is older
yet the Aztecs introduced universal compulsory education before europeans
Yes, it allows you to sleep with multiple younger children, allowing you more offspring.
Lack of proof, as always
>Spain was established in 1492, the Aztec empire preceeded it by 64 years.
I bet he thinks every Christian kingdom in Iberia counts as spain
fur trapping in the Louisiana territories, intermarrying with natives in ""Canada""
So Arabs are more evolved than Europeans...
>These people live almost like those in Spain
I said they sucked, didn't I?
>Spain was established in 1492, the Aztec empire [preceded] it by 64 years
So it was newer than Castile?
>Aztecs introduced universal compulsory education before europeans
What did they teach, how many people to sacrifice to the sun?
Yes. They have higher fertility rates.
In the same way a Bacterium is more evolved than a Eukaryote
Only the Spanish ones :^)
>So it was newer than Castile?
"Predates" means exist or occur at a date earlier than something
That's right.
>Would some of it have been questionable consent (no overt threats, but she understood the power imbalance and didn't want to take any chances)? Probably.
I don't think this is really "questionable" consent, so much as it is negotiated consent, sex-as-transaction, which is historically much more common and acceptable than it is now (and remains common outside of the West). Acting as if understanding a presumed power imbalance renders the consent potentially invalid really only applies to the modern context (and realistically, only in the past 25 or 35 years), and ignores that sex can be and for most of history has been used to negotiate.
For instance, if some of the native women heard that the recently-arrived conquistadors have destroyed and enslaved two nearby villages, and then offer themselves up when the conquistadors show up to ensure that the conquistadors won't destroy and enslave the village, I don't see how that's nonconsensual or anything close to rape, absent very direct and explicit threats of "have sex with us or we massacre the village".
But yeah, there were likely many cases where conquistadors just chased women down and raped them.
Oh yeah, I'm sure the Visigoths sure thought themselves Spaniards, the Portuguese must also think they're also Spanish, and the Basques too.
>What did they teach, how many people to sacrifice to the sun?
how to burn witches :^)
Than what is it?
Spain didn't burn Witches, it burnt Protestants