What are your thoughts on Mosely? I'm really interested of an alt timeline with the black shirts as the party in power in the government.
What are your thoughts on Mosely...
He seemed like the most sensible fascist (i.e. the least batshit insane) out of the bunch.
Biggest LARPer of the 20th century
His speeches are wicked good, and since he is obscure I'm sure you could use him for the modern day
But honestly though I wonder if he would have been isolationist throughout the whole war if he was in power
I don't think he would have sided with hitler he would have been obsessed with the balance of power
Screwed himself over for the sake of running around in silly shirts.
Would've been PM if he hadn't resigned from Labour, he'd have both spotted MacDonald's betrayal before anyone else and had the capital to win instead of Attlee.
Same with Enoch, got too arrogant and tried to do things outside the system
He was a syndicalist who liked bits and pieces of fascism. I don't get why right wingers like him when he had more in common with Stalin than say Pinochet of Franco
meh his plans for the british empire at large were to try and make them more advanced and err civilised for a lack of a better term
i.e. building shit tons of factories and other infrastructure across the empire and then releasing them as allies or some shit and he also wanted to make a pan european superstate including culturally european countries so yeah that's what I can remember about him
What would have Mosley done to my india?
He was for the british empire but he had that ping of futurist crap in him
Gandhi would be toast, but would allow for much more violent movements in India to take power
No. Fascism took the form of each countries culture, Mosley was a perfect model of how Anglo brand of autism would manifest in Fascism, and it was different than say the German National Socialism of Otto Strasser. Both you must note are syndicalist and socialist in nature. Fuck Hitler btw he was a traitor.
Hitler was literally a National Socialist tho
he usually talked more about africa than india but he probs would have doe the same thing to india which is
let the indians govern most of india and have an essentially apartheid chunk where important admin shit gets done and in the rest would build shit tons of free shit and eventually give up the apartheid bit when india was as advanced as europe
There was a pretty good alternate history about him staying with Labour. The author seems to like Mosely a lot. He even made him the Syndicalist Dictator of a Red Britain in one of his other stories.
Personally, I think right-wing/liberal economics are a shitty meme; I just find myself somewhat drawn to fascism because it has some socialist tendencies but isn't muddled in an internationalist "everyone must be liberated for anyone to be" mess like most leftist movements are. The way fascist movements tend to want to oppress and conquer foreigners instead of letting them mind their own business is frustrating, though.
Read "A Greater Britain," which is about Mosley keeping his cool and staying in Parliment, and becoming PM.
The black shirts never really had a chance. The best chance I could see is if, instead of being a huge pussy, Mosley ordered the march forward at Cable Street, and the BUF helped the cops fight the reds. This leads to escalation, and people start to see the BUF as a necessary check against increasingly volatile leftist groups.
You'd probably say the same thing about Mussolini if he hadn't gotten into power
>The way fascist movements tend to want to oppress and conquer foreigners instead of letting them mind their own business is frustrating, though.
Imperialism is inextricably bound with the "proletarian nationalism" exposed by fascism: that the struggle against richer or more dominant nations paralleled the struggle of workers against capitalist. To deny imperialism is to deny the whole point of fascism.
So is there any ideology out there that stands for putting bankers in their place and then ensuring a healthy and productive life for those in the nation without engaging in bumfuck retarded wars of "liberation" or "conquest" with the peoples around you?
I don't think ideologies will ever not become subordinated to the interest of the state but I guess left wing nationalism, social democracy and syndicalism.
That just makes you the smartest kid on the short bus.
New Deal America desu
fascist cock?
Didn't the New Dealers intervene in the European theater in WW2, Korea, and Vietnam, as well as starting the CIA?
>New Deal
>Putting bankers in their place
Fuck off Frank.
The New Deal included that one retarded program where farmers were payed not to tend their entire fields to "stabilize prices", instead of allowing for "over"production to make the cost of food decrease and then subsidizing the farmers if they somehow weren't able to live off of that. That's a pretty memey policy.
Franco and Salazar were rather mild.
Would the saffron flag be waving all throughout India?
A populist but not a demagogue
I mean how the fuck does a lord chastise the middleclass for not having class consciousness and then goes and takes his Jewish wife to see hitler
Franco wasn't a facist tho
Well, never claimed he was a brilliant man - couldn't even win over parliament
Bourgeoisie anglo cuckold
That's because he was a spineless english insectman with a small soul.
this post basically holds everything wrong with Veeky Forums
>/int/ posting
>lack of reasoning, just adjectives
>applying personal morals to history
Didn't he secretly admire Michael Collins or some shit?
Stalin was /our guy/, zionist shill
Keep in mind that mosley was anglo though and thus a jew and a zionist!
Your forget, like so many, that the report button exists.
The english are a nation of shopkeepers and bureaucrats afflicted with provincialism (what they call class and culture) as the only expression of their small souls, this affliction is expressed through their beady, characterless black eyes. It is no coincidence that the industrial revolution, provincialism and arguably capitalism originated there.
>It is no coincidence that the industrial revolution, provincialism and arguably capitalism originated there.
Should be parliamentarism, not provincialism
Wickard v. Filburn was the beginning to the end
To be honest having Wickard v. Filburn was better than not having it but keeping the same constitution. If the government didn't have the power to regulate commerce that wasn't interstate then we'd be even more of a liberal shithole that bows down to bankers and the bourgeoisie than we already are. It would have been better if we just were to revise the restriction to only interstate commerce regulation out of the constitution, but I'd rather have the law be dumb and weird than actively harmful as it would be without WvF.